Thursday, April 5, 2012

Muslims in Our Midst

Muslims in Our Midst

The issue of Muslims in Europe has been widely described as a metaphorical demographic time bomb, an apt figure of speech which, within our lifetimes, could become a literal fact of European life.

At the current rate of Muslim influx, Europe should become an Islamic continent long before America, an altogether fitting scenario since European nations have for decades been blithely and blindly inviting more and more Muslims into their countries and accommodating their traditions, their values, their mosques, and their sharia law.

Italy seems to be the latest European nation to come to the realization that Islam is becoming a pervasive presence, establishing the Italian branch of the planned worldwide Islamic caliphate, and preparing for the return of the 12th Imam who has been in hiding since the 13th century and will emerge to conquer the world.

That’s the bad news for Italy.

Worse news is that the Italians will no doubt follow the leads of the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, France, Sweden, Denmark, and Germany and do nothing substantive to forestall or prevent the Muslim invasion and takeover of their lands.

Like most of Europe, Italy has evolved into a very liberal state and all liberals deeply believe in the principle of live and let live, of permitting everyone to fully exercise their God- or Allah-given freedoms and do as they please.

Europe is enamored of the misguided and discredited PC idea that multiculturalism will solve all its immigration problems by integrating and absorbing Muslims into society even as it’s been proven most Muslim immigrants haven’t the slightest interest in assimilation.

By ignoring that reality, Europeans are allowing foreigners to seize control of their governments and cultures and determine their futures.

In Italy, which still has a relatively low Muslim population of 1.5 million, native Italians seem shocked that “mosques are springing up like mushrooms” as very fertile Muslims reproduce like rabbits and the natives are more interested in the trappings of modernism than traditional marriage and making babies.

When it became apparent . . . (

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