Monday, May 31, 2010

Sebellius on Stealth Obamacare

Sebellius on Stealth Obamacare

Before the passage of Obamacare, the president and his lackeys were busy denying the rumors of death panels and all the other features of the bill that people were saying would lead to government dictating medical benefits and rationing of health care to America’s sick and elderly.

Since no one actually read what National Review referred to as the “2,562 tree-killing pages” of the Obamacare monstrosity, I guess it’s not surprising to discover that those denials were a pack of lies.

Among others, deposed Senator Arlen Specter and Montana Senator Jon Tester swore that,”If there’s language in there that says the government’s going to make my health care decisions, we’ll get it out. I don’t believe that:”

Of course, simply reading the bill would have cleared up any “ifs” but no one bothered to do that.

Now, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebellius has cleared that matter up with the announcement that not only will rationing be a feature of Obamacare when it is fully implemented in 2014 but that “Dr. Donald Berwick, an advocate of health-care rationing nominated by President Barack Obama to run Medicare and Medicaid, is ‘absolutely the right leader at this time’ to run the government’s largest health-care entitlement programs.”

Dubbed “Obama’s rationing man” by The American Spectator, . . .

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