Friday, May 7, 2010

Whose Country Is This, Anyway?

Whose Country Is This, Anyway?

Whose country is this, anyway?

The passage of the Arizona illegal immigration bill may have been the greatest thing to happen in this country in years. It ignited firestorms on both sides of the issue, firestorms that have been burning more brightly on the anti-American, pro-illegal aliens side but that same light just may be awakening the sleeping giant that is the pro-America side.

In apparent reaction to the liberal fury over the Arizona law, students in the West and Southwest have been causing a nationwide commotion by daring to wear tee shirts emblazoned with the American flag and have been disciplined for doing so.

One California school district realized the error of its ways in suspending students for wearing “incendiary” emblems on their tees, namely representations of American flags, but didn’t see that error until parents protested:

How the American flag could ever be incendiary is beyond me, except when it is burned by America-haters, but District Superintendent Wesley Smith covered for the administrators of Live Oak High School by issuing a statement. It wasn’t an apology for administrative wrongdoing or ignorance but rather a policy clarification. . .

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