Saturday, May 1, 2010

Mexicans in America: Segunda Parte--MEChA

Mexicans in America: Segunda Parte--MEChA

Yesterday’s first installment of this re-published series focused on Aztlan, the mythical place; today’s Part Two deals with the movement called MEChA.

I’ve personally seen illegals in action and I can say that Mexicans, and most other Latinos, are damned hard workers.

Whether they arrived via wading across the Rio Grande or by running across the Sonoran or Chihuahuan Deserts, by being trucked in, or by any other means, their entrance onto our shores was not an easy one, in most cases. From the southwest they then migrated north and east and west and take jobs that Americans, we are told, don’t want, from farm laborers, to factory workers, to restaurant workers, even nannies.

If I were in their positions in their home countries, immersed in poverty and politically corrupt regimes, their families barely eking out existences in fetid cities and on dismal farms, I would probably do the same, that is, illegally enter that rich nation of the gringos, work hard, live meagerly, and ship bundles of American dollars back home to help keep their loved ones alive. . .

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