Tuesday, May 4, 2010

NHS Updates

NHS Updates

The UK’s National Health Service, the NHS, a model for and a forerunner of Obamacare, continues to fail and disappoint the British people just as Obamacare will fail and disappoint the American people once it is fully implemented in 2014:

“But the place is full of blokes!” “Sorry, dearie, it’s all we have to offer.”

Thirteen years after Britain’s Labour Party promised that mixed sex wards in NHS hospitals would be abolished, patients were forced to spend some 20,000 nights in mixed sex accommodations last year, many hospitals used only thin partitions to separate the sexes, and dozens used a curtain.

In 2009, there were 18,685 breaches of the rules and the number is growing rapidly.

In addition, 20% of NHS patients are forced to share washrooms and toilets with patients of the opposite sex and many are confined to hospitals which still feature “Victorian style” facilities, that is, men and women aren’t even kept in separate bays or have the benefits of flimsy separations for privacy.

It’s highly improbable that Queen Victoria had to share such undignified arrangements. If she had, she would certainly not be amused.

Meanwhile the conservatives and labourites quibble over which party is responsible for this offense to propriety in very proper England. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=1662)

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