Sunday, May 23, 2010

Cops, Race, and the Law

Cops, Race, and the Law

“A policeman’s lot is not a happy one” wrote Arthur Sullivan of Gilbert and Sullivan fame in The Pirates of Penzance.

And that was a century before Arizona’s new immigration law was signed by Governor Jan Brewer. Life under the new statute is bound to get unhappier for cops, sheriffs, state troopers, and other lawman in the Grand Canyon State after July 29th, 2010, its effective date since the eyes of the country and the world will be focused on their every action.

That scrutiny will be aimed at insuring that the law is implemented as written, that no one will be stopped and searched based simply on the hue of their skin. That would be profiling which is a no-no.

That central provision of SB 1070 is a feature never mentioned by the likes of Al Sharpton who is hell bent on getting the law repealed even before it becomes effective so he and other race mongers can claim a victory along with the publicity they crave.

Fat chance, Reverend Al.

Sharpton and his ilk should look closer to home if they want to complain about racism and point to the New York Police Department and its crime statistics. Those NYPD stats aren’t any more racist than Arizona’s SB 1070 but facts and truth have never been an obstacle to Sharpton before so why start now? . . .

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