Monday, May 17, 2010

Elena Kagan, Political Softball

Elena Kagan, Political Softball

An old and suggestive Clairol commercial asked the age-old question: “Does she or doesn’t she? Only her hair-dresser knows for sure.”

Ostensibly, Clairol was implying that the beautiful damsel with flowing, glistening tresses in the ad may be using Clairol hair dye to color those locks but no one will ever know.

We also may never know for sure whether Obama’s solicitor general is or is not a closet lesbian yet that question seems to be consuming the blogosphere, if not the mainstream media. Granted she looks and acts like a lesbian and even batted from the left side of the plate during her softball years. If it quacks like a duck, etc. it must be a duck, no?

Point is, so what if Kagan is gay? . . .

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