Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mothering, Fathering, and Little Girls Gone Wild

Mothering, Fathering, and Little Girls Gone Wild

It would appear that the mothers, and fathers, of that group of 7-9 year old girls who let their daughters perform provocatively onstage never read Helen Steiner Rice’s gushy poem about what a mother is or should be.

In case the reader hasn’t seen the gyrations of the prepubescent girls dressed as Vegas showgirls, clips and commentary by a concerned mom may be witnessed here:

“Witnessed” is an appropriate word for the dance exhibition the very talented little girls put on for a World of Dance competition sponsored by Paul Mitchell beauty products since the clips could almost be introduced in a court case of child abuse against the parents as Exhibit One.

The parents of the kids and the promoter of the contest seem as oblivious of the suggestive nature of the dance moves as they are of the provocative costumes which feature lingerie more fitting for baby hookers than for 8 year old children.

One parent, a mother, made a point of saying, “It’s not like the girls wear those costumes to school” as if that were a defense of the skimpy get-ups the girls’ pimpy costumers put them into. . .

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