Tuesday, May 25, 2010

BP, the OPA, the CWA, the EPA, the USCG, and the Gulf of Mexico

BP, the OPA, the CWA, the EPA, the USCG and the Gulf of Mexico

Question: How many Obamian bureaucrats does it take to plug a gushing oil well?

Answer: None, since they won’t try.

By now most people have heard of Interior Secretary Ken Salazar’s graphic comment reminiscent of the Third Reich that the Obama administration “will keep its boot on the throat” of British Petroleum until it plugs the hole 5000 feet down in the Gulf of Mexico and stops the oil gusher.

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs thought so highly of that threat that he repeated it the next day, adding “while we [Obama and his administration] do all that is humanly possible to deal with this issue.” See glib Gibbs dance around the issue here: http://tiny.cc/qu3lp

As Mark Levin pointed out Monday evening, the administration’s approach to this whole disastrous mess is all ass-backwards. It is not the province of BP to conduct the capping of the well nor is it British Petroleum’s responsibility to direct the operations of minimizing the spread of the oil slick and the clean-up: http://tiny.cc/0bbeo . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=1700)

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