Wednesday, May 5, 2010

America's Schools in a Freefall into the Third World

America's Schools in a Freefall into the Third World

America’s public schools haven’t merely been falling behind. They’re in a freefall compared to other nations, including “developing” nations such as Slovakia, et al. which, almost literally, don’t have a pot to pee in but yet succeed in educating kids far better than we do.

Thing is, it’s not news simply because it’s been going on for a few generations now and, if anyone noticed, they haven’t said much about it and those who try to say much about it are derided as simpleton reactionaries.

The causes of the misedumacation going on in most schools today aren’t complex. They can easily be pinned on the National Education Association, the NEA, which says on its website that, “We’re Fighting for the Right to a Great Public School” when, in fact, it has been the major force behind diluting curriculum, undermining traditional values, endorsing and promoting liberal thought, and pushing diversity, all at the cost of abandoning the primary role of public schools, to provide a good, fundamental education. . .

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