Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Oil, America's Lifeblood

Oil, America's Lifeblood

As British Petroleum’s Deepwater Horizon continues to gush millions of gallons of crude oil into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, the temptation to ban deep sea drilling for oil now and forevermore is growing.

None of BP’s fixes for this catastrophe have had any appreciable effect on stopping it, oil slicks seem everywhere, tar balls have hit the pristine beaches of Key West and may head up the Atlantic seacoast. The spill promises to exceed the ecological impact of the Exxon Valdez in 1989 and possibly exceed the gross volume of all oil spills in history.

It seems like an environmental Armageddon and Greenpeace, other environmental whacko groups, and green politicians must be mobilizing for an all-out effort to pre-empt any future, similar disasters by agitating for a cessation of all off-shore drilling just as they have campaigned against on-shore drilling.

The chief problem with that approach . . .

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