Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hispanic Enemies in Our Midst

Hispanic Enemies in Our Midst

Toward the end of a 5 minute rant, a Hispanic speaker at a rally for La Raza reveals the philosophical underpinnings of the La Raza movement when he says, “Our enemy is capitalism, imperialism.”

If that sounds like a line from a speech by Cuba’s Fidel Castro or by Venezuela’s Communist despot, Hugo Chavez, it very well could be. However, this speech was not being delivered on the streets of Havana or Caracas but on the leafy campus of UCLA and the Hispanic teacher is preaching revolution.

See and hear the entire 5 minute tirade against America here:

La Raza is Spanish for the Race or the People, the Chicano, Mexican, and mestizo people who inhabit much of America’s Southwest and West and are scattered throughout the rest of the country, and numbering some 40 million, according to the speaker. He considers them all forces of “the northern front” in a war to re-conquer all of the “stolen” lands of the mythical Aztlan.

Human Events refers to La Raza and its subsidiary organization MEChA as . . .

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