Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Pi Beta Phi: "Hell's Angels of a New Generation"

Pi Beta Phi: "Hell's Angels of a New Generation"

HowStuffWorks.com explains sororities: When you hear the word “sorority,” what comes to mind? Pillow fights? Big white mansions? Pearls and sweater sets? While that’s what Hollywood would have you imagine, in reality, it’s not exactly like that. For many, a sorority can be a great way to make lasting friendships, build a smaller community within a university setting, and find opportunities for leadership and service. But people also associate sororities with elitism, racism, alcohol abuse, eating disorders and promiscuity. So, what is life in a sorority really like?

At least for two Pi Beta Phi sorority chapters at Ohio University and at Miami University of Ohio, the Hollywood version of sororities is as foreign as an alcohol-free keg party. Those sisters have been termed the “Hell’s Angels of a new generation,” and that’s an understatement.

As Cyndi Lauper sang 25 years ago, “Girls just wanna have fu-un,” but the girls of Pi Beta Phi have taken their idea of fu-un to a whole new level as demonstrated by recent off campus events. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=1701)

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