Monday, May 31, 2010

Post-Racial America?

Post Racial America?

America was told– by some people– that the election of the first bi-racial president, Barack Hussein Obama, signalled a new era in America and in American politics, a brave new post-racialism era. Those people may have been wrong.

Indeed, instead of being a unifying force of race-neutralism, President Obama has been the most divisive figure in American history on race and on virtually everything else.

The signs were there long before Obama beat Hillary Clinton et al. in the Democrat primaries and won that party’s nomination for the presidency in September, 2008.

Current Court Jester, aka Vice President Joe Biden during his vainglorious run for the Democrat top spot let slip a now-famous description of Obama during that campaign when he said of the junior senator from Illinois that his opponent was the “first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” added that “the implication was that the black people who are regularly seen by whites–or at least those who aspire to the highest office in the land–are none of these things,” i.e., neither articulate, bright, clean, or “nice-looking:”

Nevertheless, inexplicably, Obama added Biden to the ticket . . .

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