Christmas: Billboards, Atheists, and Public Schools
They’re baaack! No, not the seventeen year locusts but a worse blight, the blight of the anti-Christians which at this time of year takes the form of the annual assault on Christmas. And they are far more destructive than any locusts.
The first nationally-known emergence of the annual event was detected at the New Jersey end of the Lincoln Tunnel.
The obviously well-heeled if not even moderately-healed group, American Atheists, got together some big bucks to erect a billboard on US495 announcing in bold letters that any first grader could read just before Christmas that, “You KNOW It’s a Myth,” and suggesting to first graders and anyone else in the New York vicinity who could read basic English that, “This Season, Celebrate Reason!” in lieu of the Christmas season.
I have to say that the billboard represented very effective advertising for the American Atheists’ point of view. It is especially effective since the wording was supplemented by artwork depicting three camel-riding Wise Men approaching a brilliant star poised above a simple stable featuring a donkey and a lone, female figure:
Masterful work, American Atheists, even if it is indicative of an odd mentality that gets off by destroying childhood innocence and delight.
Was that kneeling female, alone in the night, meant to suggest that her hubby had run off and left her to fend for herself, a scenario with which many New York area kids exiting the Lincoln Tunnel, could relate? Either way, the billboard was masterful–depending on one’s definition of mastery.
Those proud American Atheists may very well persuade some kids who view their billboard to ask their parents, “What does that sign mean?” and maybe convince a few others to start to think that their churches are liars, that their parents have been treating them as little fools for lo these many years, and that the light of truth really does reside in their public schools.
Teachers and administrators in America’s public schools, under the notoriously-godless guidance of the NEA and their local unions, whom they dare not defy, have long been in the vanguard of those who are trying to either eliminate the archaic tradition of Christmas from student lexicons or to reduce the “holiday” to the equivalent of Halloween or Arbor Day.
The witless educators in Heathrow Elementary School in Florida . . .
(Read more at They’re baaack! No, not the seventeen year locusts but a worse blight, the blight of the anti-Christians which at this time of year takes the form of the annual assault on Christmas. And they are far more destructive than any locusts.
The first nationally-known emergence of the annual event was detected at the New Jersey end of the Lincoln Tunnel.
The obviously well-heeled if not even moderately-healed group, American Atheists, got together some big bucks to erect a billboard on US495 announcing in bold letters that any first grader could read just before Christmas that, “You KNOW It’s a Myth,” and suggesting to first graders and anyone else in the New York vicinity who could read basic English that, “This Season, Celebrate Reason!” in lieu of the Christmas season.
I have to say that the billboard represented very effective advertising for the American Atheists’ point of view. It is especially effective since the wording was supplemented by artwork depicting three camel-riding Wise Men approaching a brilliant star poised above a simple stable featuring a donkey and a lone, female figure:
Masterful work, American Atheists, even if it is indicative of an odd mentality that gets off by destroying childhood innocence and delight.
Was that kneeling female, alone in the night, meant to suggest that her hubby had run off and left her to fend for herself, a scenario with which many New York area kids exiting the Lincoln Tunnel, could relate? Either way, the billboard was masterful–depending on one’s definition of mastery.
Those proud American Atheists may very well persuade some kids who view their billboard to ask their parents, “What does that sign mean?” and maybe convince a few others to start to think that their churches are liars, that their parents have been treating them as little fools for lo these many years, and that the light of truth really does reside in their public schools.
Teachers and administrators in America’s public schools, under the notoriously-godless guidance of the NEA and their local unions, whom they dare not defy, have long been in the vanguard of those who are trying to either eliminate the archaic tradition of Christmas from student lexicons or to reduce the “holiday” to the equivalent of Halloween or Arbor Day.
The witless educators in Heathrow Elementary School in Florida . . .
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
The WikiTsunami
The WikiTsunami
There are leaks and there are leaks, there are floods and there are floods, there are tsunamis and there are tsunamis and even though “WikiLeaks” flows from the tongue somewhat more fluidly that “WikiTsunamis,” what happened over the weekend can only be described as a diplomatic tsunami of epic proportions.
The chief difference between that criminal release of purloined documents and a literal tsunami was that the leak has had precedents and the United States knew it was on the way, even if it acted as if it were impotent to prevent or de-fuse it.
Without solely assigning responsibility to the Obama administration for the release of a quarter million mostly classified, some labeled “secret,” United States State Department-embassy cables, it cannot be held totally blameless either.
Sarah Palin Facebooked her thoughts which are right on the mark. She reminds that WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, is not a journalist who should be accorded journalistic privilege. He should have been treated as an anti-American terrorist, which he is, and treated as such.
Rather than preparing for damage control, as is the modus operandi of the Obama administration, after Assange’s earlier leaks, Palin believes our government should have exeerted worldwide pressure and the assistance of NATO, the EU, and other allies to pre-empt WikiLeak’s next attack:
Instead, led by the Ditherer-in chief, America dithered as the WikiTsunami approached and ultimately hit with full force.
WikiLeaks and its founder evidently had no regard for repurcussions of its leakage of those sensitive American documents but someone should have.
It was anything for notoriety and anti-Americanism, eh, Julian, no matter how much damage you do, how much chaos you effect, or how many deaths you cause? I would hope that you will eventually be prosecuted and, with any luck at all, be strung up by your gonads.
In no danger of that latter fate since the New York Times lacks both figurative and literal gonads, especially when it comes to resisting the urge to publish any material detrimental to the better interests of the United States, the Times has issued its rationale for publishing allegedly carefully-redacted excerpts of stolen documents.
That rationale essentially boils down to: We did it because we could. . .
There are leaks and there are leaks, there are floods and there are floods, there are tsunamis and there are tsunamis and even though “WikiLeaks” flows from the tongue somewhat more fluidly that “WikiTsunamis,” what happened over the weekend can only be described as a diplomatic tsunami of epic proportions.
The chief difference between that criminal release of purloined documents and a literal tsunami was that the leak has had precedents and the United States knew it was on the way, even if it acted as if it were impotent to prevent or de-fuse it.
Without solely assigning responsibility to the Obama administration for the release of a quarter million mostly classified, some labeled “secret,” United States State Department-embassy cables, it cannot be held totally blameless either.
Sarah Palin Facebooked her thoughts which are right on the mark. She reminds that WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, is not a journalist who should be accorded journalistic privilege. He should have been treated as an anti-American terrorist, which he is, and treated as such.
Rather than preparing for damage control, as is the modus operandi of the Obama administration, after Assange’s earlier leaks, Palin believes our government should have exeerted worldwide pressure and the assistance of NATO, the EU, and other allies to pre-empt WikiLeak’s next attack:
Instead, led by the Ditherer-in chief, America dithered as the WikiTsunami approached and ultimately hit with full force.
WikiLeaks and its founder evidently had no regard for repurcussions of its leakage of those sensitive American documents but someone should have.
It was anything for notoriety and anti-Americanism, eh, Julian, no matter how much damage you do, how much chaos you effect, or how many deaths you cause? I would hope that you will eventually be prosecuted and, with any luck at all, be strung up by your gonads.
In no danger of that latter fate since the New York Times lacks both figurative and literal gonads, especially when it comes to resisting the urge to publish any material detrimental to the better interests of the United States, the Times has issued its rationale for publishing allegedly carefully-redacted excerpts of stolen documents.
That rationale essentially boils down to: We did it because we could. . .
Red Skelton and the Pledge of Allegiance
Red Skelton and the Pledge of Allegiance
Late comedian Red Skelton’s recitation and explication of “The Pledge of Allegiance” may be an oldie, but it’s still a goodie, no matter how hokie it seems in today’s jaded age, to today’s jaded youth especially.
It’s a simple presentation by a simple man, not simple in any pejorative sense, but simple in the sense of a low-key, basic, gentle man, and a gentleman who, at the same time was a complex, troubled, concerned, and very patriotic man.
His video recitation of the “Pledge” may be seen here:, the complete text here: The latter website urges the reader to, “Now more than ever listen to the meaning of [Skelton's] words.” There are much more to those words than simply the words.
The chief impulse for discussing Richard Bernard “Red” Skelton, one of America’s most beloved comedians of the forties, fifties, and sixties, arose from the reactions of my lawyer son and his speech therapist wife over the Thanksgiving weekend. . .
Late comedian Red Skelton’s recitation and explication of “The Pledge of Allegiance” may be an oldie, but it’s still a goodie, no matter how hokie it seems in today’s jaded age, to today’s jaded youth especially.
It’s a simple presentation by a simple man, not simple in any pejorative sense, but simple in the sense of a low-key, basic, gentle man, and a gentleman who, at the same time was a complex, troubled, concerned, and very patriotic man.
His video recitation of the “Pledge” may be seen here:, the complete text here: The latter website urges the reader to, “Now more than ever listen to the meaning of [Skelton's] words.” There are much more to those words than simply the words.
The chief impulse for discussing Richard Bernard “Red” Skelton, one of America’s most beloved comedians of the forties, fifties, and sixties, arose from the reactions of my lawyer son and his speech therapist wife over the Thanksgiving weekend. . .
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Real Kanye West
The Real Kanye West
Not being a rap aficionado, I hadn’t heard much of Kanye Amari West before he drunkenly leapt onto the stage at last year’s MTV Video Music Awards and grabbed the microphone from Taylor Swift after she won the Best Female Video award. Seems West didn’t agree with that presentation so he made a fool of himself, and embarrassed his black friend, Beyonce, whom he thought deserved the award instead of Swift.
Okay, we’re all entitled to our opinions and were that the only time West had expressed his so forcefully it might be overlooked, not that anything he says or does has any effect on his career.
Not even being sued by Evel Knieval for trademark infringement and vulgarizing Knieval’s name in a video and not even his two arrests in California for vandalism, grand theft, and assault on paparazzi left any career scars.
Nor did West’s deviaton from script at a 2005 Hurricane Katrina benefit concert when he ripped the president by saying, ”George Bush doesn’t care about black people.” . . .
Not being a rap aficionado, I hadn’t heard much of Kanye Amari West before he drunkenly leapt onto the stage at last year’s MTV Video Music Awards and grabbed the microphone from Taylor Swift after she won the Best Female Video award. Seems West didn’t agree with that presentation so he made a fool of himself, and embarrassed his black friend, Beyonce, whom he thought deserved the award instead of Swift.
Okay, we’re all entitled to our opinions and were that the only time West had expressed his so forcefully it might be overlooked, not that anything he says or does has any effect on his career.
Not even being sued by Evel Knieval for trademark infringement and vulgarizing Knieval’s name in a video and not even his two arrests in California for vandalism, grand theft, and assault on paparazzi left any career scars.
Nor did West’s deviaton from script at a 2005 Hurricane Katrina benefit concert when he ripped the president by saying, ”George Bush doesn’t care about black people.” . . .
The Formerly Great State of Texas, Part Two
The Formerly Great State of Texas, Part Two
In terms of sheer revulsion, the actions of some student nitwits attending the taxpayer-supported University of Texas at San Antonio are no match for how some people of the formerly great state of Texas treated the rape of a 16 year old high school student at Silsbee High School.
In that matter, outlined in “The Formerly Great State of Texas, Part One,” said student, identified only as Hillaire, endured not only the pain and humiliation of being raped by fellow student, Rakheem Jamal Bolton and his cohort in crime, Christian Paul Rountree, but then was subjected to rejection by her school and community apparently since she was merely a cheerleader and Rakheem was a valued basketball star.
Adding vile insult to injury, the nimrod school administration at Silsbee threw her off the cheerleading squad because she refused to cheer for her rapist:
The offenses of the taxpayer-supported UT-San Antonio students don’t come close to the horrendous nature of the offenses against the Hillsbee cheerleader. They were more akin to testimony of UT-San Antonio students’ ignorance.
As of last count, almost 50 of those students, including temporary student reinforcements from other Texas schools, are engaged in a hunger strike to intimidate Texas Republican Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison into voting for the deviously-titled Dream Act. The reinforcements will only fast for 24 hours rather than risk losing too many pounds in the extended hunger strike which had lasted 13 days as of November 22nd.
No sense going overboard even in a good cause, right?
Protest leader Lucy Martinez, a somewhat less than lovely sophomore and, not surprisingly, a Mexican and Women’s Studies major at UT-San Antonio and herself an illegal, explained the protest rationale: “There’s 2.1 million of us out there, it’s not like just five or 10 people who decide to go on a hunger strike just to do it. . . You have to eat, you can’t have your kids starving.”
As of now, Sen. Hutchison has told the Dream protestors to stuff it and keep on protesting, if they wish, but she still won’t vote for the farce:
It appears that few if any have cited American immigration law to Ms. Martinez or reminded her that she is an illegal alien in our country or told her she should be jailed and deported rather than taking up space in a taxpayer-subsidized Texan university when she isn’t protesting, or that her illegal alien buddies who have sucked dry the American teat and graduated from our schools and now are waiting tables and changing sheets could instead be in Mexico waiting for their next meal and exchanging rancid enchilladas for stale enchilladas.
That “Dream Act” with which Ms. Martinez is so enamored and committed isn’t an “act” at all since it has not been passed by the United States Congress. It has more aptly been termed the “Nightmare Act” since, if passed, it is nightmarish to all but America’s illegal-alien-loving leftists.
The Nightmare Act, if and when it’s passed by the lame-duck . . .
In terms of sheer revulsion, the actions of some student nitwits attending the taxpayer-supported University of Texas at San Antonio are no match for how some people of the formerly great state of Texas treated the rape of a 16 year old high school student at Silsbee High School.
In that matter, outlined in “The Formerly Great State of Texas, Part One,” said student, identified only as Hillaire, endured not only the pain and humiliation of being raped by fellow student, Rakheem Jamal Bolton and his cohort in crime, Christian Paul Rountree, but then was subjected to rejection by her school and community apparently since she was merely a cheerleader and Rakheem was a valued basketball star.
Adding vile insult to injury, the nimrod school administration at Silsbee threw her off the cheerleading squad because she refused to cheer for her rapist:
The offenses of the taxpayer-supported UT-San Antonio students don’t come close to the horrendous nature of the offenses against the Hillsbee cheerleader. They were more akin to testimony of UT-San Antonio students’ ignorance.
As of last count, almost 50 of those students, including temporary student reinforcements from other Texas schools, are engaged in a hunger strike to intimidate Texas Republican Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison into voting for the deviously-titled Dream Act. The reinforcements will only fast for 24 hours rather than risk losing too many pounds in the extended hunger strike which had lasted 13 days as of November 22nd.
No sense going overboard even in a good cause, right?
Protest leader Lucy Martinez, a somewhat less than lovely sophomore and, not surprisingly, a Mexican and Women’s Studies major at UT-San Antonio and herself an illegal, explained the protest rationale: “There’s 2.1 million of us out there, it’s not like just five or 10 people who decide to go on a hunger strike just to do it. . . You have to eat, you can’t have your kids starving.”
As of now, Sen. Hutchison has told the Dream protestors to stuff it and keep on protesting, if they wish, but she still won’t vote for the farce:
It appears that few if any have cited American immigration law to Ms. Martinez or reminded her that she is an illegal alien in our country or told her she should be jailed and deported rather than taking up space in a taxpayer-subsidized Texan university when she isn’t protesting, or that her illegal alien buddies who have sucked dry the American teat and graduated from our schools and now are waiting tables and changing sheets could instead be in Mexico waiting for their next meal and exchanging rancid enchilladas for stale enchilladas.
That “Dream Act” with which Ms. Martinez is so enamored and committed isn’t an “act” at all since it has not been passed by the United States Congress. It has more aptly been termed the “Nightmare Act” since, if passed, it is nightmarish to all but America’s illegal-alien-loving leftists.
The Nightmare Act, if and when it’s passed by the lame-duck . . .
Saturday, November 27, 2010
The Formerly Great State of Texas, Part One
The Formerly Great State of Texas, Part One
I used to respect, deeply respect and admire, the Lone Star State. Now I’m beginning to wonder if that respect and admiration are still warranted.
Two stories out of Texas give pause and cause wonder as to what in the name of Sam Houston is going on down there!
Pretty, white, 16 year old Texan high school student and cheer leader Hillaire made the news not for being a a pretty, white high school cheer leader but for refusing to cheer for fellow student, black basketball player, Rakheem Jamal Bolton, who had raped her.
Hillaire didn’t rant and rave against Rakheem, as she should have. Her father made no effort to render Rakheem a eunoch and then drag him a bit behind the family pick-up, as he should have. Her East Texas town and Silsbee High School failed to support her, as they should have.
With few others in her corner, except for the 16,270 who signed an online petition on her behalf, Hillaire simply sat down and refused to feign enthusiasm for the sick bastard who had raped her even after Silsbee officials demanded she cheer for Rakheem. After all, Rakheem had been temporarilly cleared of the rape charge and, after all, he was a top defensive player.
For that sit-down, for her intransigence, Hillaire was permanently kicked off the Silsbee High cheerleading team.
Just in case anyone missed the of intricacies of all that, a white Texan teenage girl was raped, her rapist, Rakheem Jamal Bolton, a black basketball player, was permitted to play ball for the school team and the rape victim was ordered to, in effect, pretend it never happened and to cheer her heart out for her rapist.
Of course, there was an extenuating circumstance: Hillaire got drunk at a party. That’s the only extenuation. During the party, shortly after entering a room with two boys, Rakheem, 18, and his good bro, Christian Paul Rountree, 19, she was heard crying, “Stop! Seriously, stop it. No!”
In Texas nowadays it seems white girls can’t just say, “No!” . . .
I used to respect, deeply respect and admire, the Lone Star State. Now I’m beginning to wonder if that respect and admiration are still warranted.
Two stories out of Texas give pause and cause wonder as to what in the name of Sam Houston is going on down there!
Pretty, white, 16 year old Texan high school student and cheer leader Hillaire made the news not for being a a pretty, white high school cheer leader but for refusing to cheer for fellow student, black basketball player, Rakheem Jamal Bolton, who had raped her.
Hillaire didn’t rant and rave against Rakheem, as she should have. Her father made no effort to render Rakheem a eunoch and then drag him a bit behind the family pick-up, as he should have. Her East Texas town and Silsbee High School failed to support her, as they should have.
With few others in her corner, except for the 16,270 who signed an online petition on her behalf, Hillaire simply sat down and refused to feign enthusiasm for the sick bastard who had raped her even after Silsbee officials demanded she cheer for Rakheem. After all, Rakheem had been temporarilly cleared of the rape charge and, after all, he was a top defensive player.
For that sit-down, for her intransigence, Hillaire was permanently kicked off the Silsbee High cheerleading team.
Just in case anyone missed the of intricacies of all that, a white Texan teenage girl was raped, her rapist, Rakheem Jamal Bolton, a black basketball player, was permitted to play ball for the school team and the rape victim was ordered to, in effect, pretend it never happened and to cheer her heart out for her rapist.
Of course, there was an extenuating circumstance: Hillaire got drunk at a party. That’s the only extenuation. During the party, shortly after entering a room with two boys, Rakheem, 18, and his good bro, Christian Paul Rountree, 19, she was heard crying, “Stop! Seriously, stop it. No!”
In Texas nowadays it seems white girls can’t just say, “No!” . . .
Newsday, the Non-News "Newspaper"
Newsday, the Non-News "Newspaper"
I don’t read a real daily newspaper. I have to read Newsday.
Ever since the old Long Island Press bit the dust and followed the lead of New York City dailies, the Journal-American, the Daily Mirror, the Herald Tribune, et al. and succumbed to corporate mismanagement and exorbitant union demands, all we Long Islanders have left is the pseudo-newspaper, Newsday.
It’s a sad state of affairs, I tell ya!
I had high hopes for that liberal rag after its circulation department was caught with very liberally, illegally, inflating its readership numbers and then after conservative multi-billionaire Charles F. Dolan of Cablevision bought the paper in 2008 for $650 million. Sadly, Charlie chose to let things ride at Newsday where editorial content is barely distinguishable from news articles.
Not that he cares or will even notice but I hope Dolan loses his shirt on this misadventure.
Fortunately, Newsday does provide some redeeming, entertaining features, a few of which have appeared in its “news” pages over the last week.
The New York Times may still purport to print “all the news that’s fit to print,” or all the news that fits, or something like that. Newsday does that motto a few better by printing all the news that meshes with its liberal agenda even if it’s rumor or blatant lies.
Wait! The Times does that as well!
In any event, this past week’s Newsday inane installments included Friday’s article, “Secondhand Smoke’s Deadly Toll,” a piece on the 3,000 who die daily in Africa from malaria.
The secondhand smoke article is based on a report in Great Britain’s medical journal, Lancet in which Scottish “experts” contend that secondhand smoke causes 379,000 deaths from hear disease, 165,000 deaths from lower respiratory disease, 36,900 from asthma, and 21,940 deaths from lung cancer. As an added bonus, Lancet throws in the “fact” that 281,000 women and 265,000 children worldwide die annually due to secondhand smoke.
Some, all, or none of that may be true. . .
I don’t read a real daily newspaper. I have to read Newsday.
Ever since the old Long Island Press bit the dust and followed the lead of New York City dailies, the Journal-American, the Daily Mirror, the Herald Tribune, et al. and succumbed to corporate mismanagement and exorbitant union demands, all we Long Islanders have left is the pseudo-newspaper, Newsday.
It’s a sad state of affairs, I tell ya!
I had high hopes for that liberal rag after its circulation department was caught with very liberally, illegally, inflating its readership numbers and then after conservative multi-billionaire Charles F. Dolan of Cablevision bought the paper in 2008 for $650 million. Sadly, Charlie chose to let things ride at Newsday where editorial content is barely distinguishable from news articles.
Not that he cares or will even notice but I hope Dolan loses his shirt on this misadventure.
Fortunately, Newsday does provide some redeeming, entertaining features, a few of which have appeared in its “news” pages over the last week.
The New York Times may still purport to print “all the news that’s fit to print,” or all the news that fits, or something like that. Newsday does that motto a few better by printing all the news that meshes with its liberal agenda even if it’s rumor or blatant lies.
Wait! The Times does that as well!
In any event, this past week’s Newsday inane installments included Friday’s article, “Secondhand Smoke’s Deadly Toll,” a piece on the 3,000 who die daily in Africa from malaria.
The secondhand smoke article is based on a report in Great Britain’s medical journal, Lancet in which Scottish “experts” contend that secondhand smoke causes 379,000 deaths from hear disease, 165,000 deaths from lower respiratory disease, 36,900 from asthma, and 21,940 deaths from lung cancer. As an added bonus, Lancet throws in the “fact” that 281,000 women and 265,000 children worldwide die annually due to secondhand smoke.
Some, all, or none of that may be true. . .
Friday, November 26, 2010
Our North Korean Allies and Our Marine Corpsemen
Our North Korean Allies and Our Marine Corpsmen
If Obama and his henchmen in the media weren’t so goldarn pathethic, they’d be deliriously hilarious.
One website speculated that our president, who also pretends to be our commander-in-chief, “was thinking of recruiting corpses from the cult movie Night of the Living Dead for the military and had walking zombies on his mind” when he invented a neologism at the last National Prayer Breakfast. Or maybe it was an attack of sheer terror at the thought of the word prayer that inspired him to say “corpseman,” not once but twice in his address, showing it was not a mere slip of the lip? Or maybe it’s just one more lie fabricated by those desparate wascally wepublicans to make the Obamassiah look fallible?
You’ve never heard of that Obama neologism, a term that describes both a coined word and the meaningless word spoken by a psychotic, you say?
One has to wonder why! After all, it was spoken–twice–by Obama in February! Still unconvinced that our brilliant “philosopher president” could say something so stupid–twice–give a look and a listen here:
Caution! Make it a fast look and listen before the Obamians claim it never happened. They also tried to deny that he said, “I’ve now been in 57 states with I think one left to go,” a calculation which gave America 58 states which is also incorrect since he added, “Alaska and Hawaii, I wasn’t allowed to go to.” . . .
If Obama and his henchmen in the media weren’t so goldarn pathethic, they’d be deliriously hilarious.
One website speculated that our president, who also pretends to be our commander-in-chief, “was thinking of recruiting corpses from the cult movie Night of the Living Dead for the military and had walking zombies on his mind” when he invented a neologism at the last National Prayer Breakfast. Or maybe it was an attack of sheer terror at the thought of the word prayer that inspired him to say “corpseman,” not once but twice in his address, showing it was not a mere slip of the lip? Or maybe it’s just one more lie fabricated by those desparate wascally wepublicans to make the Obamassiah look fallible?
You’ve never heard of that Obama neologism, a term that describes both a coined word and the meaningless word spoken by a psychotic, you say?
One has to wonder why! After all, it was spoken–twice–by Obama in February! Still unconvinced that our brilliant “philosopher president” could say something so stupid–twice–give a look and a listen here:
Caution! Make it a fast look and listen before the Obamians claim it never happened. They also tried to deny that he said, “I’ve now been in 57 states with I think one left to go,” a calculation which gave America 58 states which is also incorrect since he added, “Alaska and Hawaii, I wasn’t allowed to go to.” . . .
Dirty Dave and the Sergeant
Dirty Dave and the Sergeant
Dirty Dave Letterman is a contemptible creature. In various posts on this website, I’ve documented the bases for his licentiousness, his twisted, sniping attacks on all things conservative, his partisan, servile worship of all things liberal.
On Thanksgiving Eve, Letterman didn’t come close to achieving a personal redemption from his demons or compensating for his ”comical” misrepresentations over the years but he did accomplish an admirable feat, largely by keeping his mouth shut.
His primary guest that night was 25 year old Hiawatha, Iowa native, Staff Sgt. Salvatore Augustine Giunta, the only living recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor, to whom Letterman devoted virtually his entire show.
Demonstrating their appreciation of Giunta’s service to his country and amazing display of selfless courage, at the end of the interview, Letterman’s studio audience, which usually reserves its applause for celebs, and Democrats, spontaneously rose to their feet and gave Sgt. Giunta an extended ovation the likes of which I had never before witnessed on “The Late Show.”
At least it appeared spontaneous. It’s always possible the director’s “Applause” sign was supplemented Wednesday night by a sign that instructed the audience to ”Jump to Your Feet, Applaud Loudly, Emotionally, Enthusiastically and Lengthily,” but I doubt it.
It’s also always possible that Letterman invited America’s latest hero purely as a ratings boost and that he was merely feigning a sincere, wrapt admiration for Sgt. Giunta and his accomplishment but I doubt even that. . .
Dirty Dave Letterman is a contemptible creature. In various posts on this website, I’ve documented the bases for his licentiousness, his twisted, sniping attacks on all things conservative, his partisan, servile worship of all things liberal.
On Thanksgiving Eve, Letterman didn’t come close to achieving a personal redemption from his demons or compensating for his ”comical” misrepresentations over the years but he did accomplish an admirable feat, largely by keeping his mouth shut.
His primary guest that night was 25 year old Hiawatha, Iowa native, Staff Sgt. Salvatore Augustine Giunta, the only living recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor, to whom Letterman devoted virtually his entire show.
Demonstrating their appreciation of Giunta’s service to his country and amazing display of selfless courage, at the end of the interview, Letterman’s studio audience, which usually reserves its applause for celebs, and Democrats, spontaneously rose to their feet and gave Sgt. Giunta an extended ovation the likes of which I had never before witnessed on “The Late Show.”
At least it appeared spontaneous. It’s always possible the director’s “Applause” sign was supplemented Wednesday night by a sign that instructed the audience to ”Jump to Your Feet, Applaud Loudly, Emotionally, Enthusiastically and Lengthily,” but I doubt it.
It’s also always possible that Letterman invited America’s latest hero purely as a ratings boost and that he was merely feigning a sincere, wrapt admiration for Sgt. Giunta and his accomplishment but I doubt even that. . .
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving 2010!
Happy Thanksgiving 2010!
Since I’m a tad lazy this time of year, as well as at other times of the year, I’ve trotted out the following, with updates, every Thanksgiving time since, well, what we should be giving thanks for on Thursday are immutable and not subject to the vagaries of new family or national worries.
Most of us have a great deal to give thanks for and those living in America who don’t feel they don’t feel thankful right now should reflect on what their national birthright has afforded them:
. We should give thanks that we are alive and, hopefully, healthy. If not healthy, we should give thanks that we live in the greatest nation on the planet in which to be sick. Our medical system is in the throes of upheaval with Obamacare and was far from perfect even before but it sure beats Bangladesh and it beats Britain’s NHS where the very sick are shuffled off to Bampton.
. We should give thanks even if we disagree with the designation of the United States as the greatest nation on the planet since, unlike your freedoms in many other countries, our borders are wide open and you should feel free to hop the next flight to Ethiopia or Somalia or Moldavia and revel in their attractions.
. We should give thanks that we have a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs, and food on our tables. If you are jobless at the moment and can’t provide the best of those amenities this year, give thanks that you can afford some and resolve to work harder in 2011 so that you will afford more next year.
. We should give thanks that we have a political system which allows us to alter our government, as we did on November 2nd, and far more radically on November 4th, 2008, without a revolutionary uprising which in other nations frequently results in death and destruction.
. We should give thanks to God Who made all that possible by guiding our Founders to create a free, independent democratic republic which has served us very well for over 200 years.
Millions on God’s Green Earth can’t give thanks for any of the above.
We all may not be able to have a roof that doesn’t leak . . .
Since I’m a tad lazy this time of year, as well as at other times of the year, I’ve trotted out the following, with updates, every Thanksgiving time since, well, what we should be giving thanks for on Thursday are immutable and not subject to the vagaries of new family or national worries.
Most of us have a great deal to give thanks for and those living in America who don’t feel they don’t feel thankful right now should reflect on what their national birthright has afforded them:
. We should give thanks that we are alive and, hopefully, healthy. If not healthy, we should give thanks that we live in the greatest nation on the planet in which to be sick. Our medical system is in the throes of upheaval with Obamacare and was far from perfect even before but it sure beats Bangladesh and it beats Britain’s NHS where the very sick are shuffled off to Bampton.
. We should give thanks even if we disagree with the designation of the United States as the greatest nation on the planet since, unlike your freedoms in many other countries, our borders are wide open and you should feel free to hop the next flight to Ethiopia or Somalia or Moldavia and revel in their attractions.
. We should give thanks that we have a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs, and food on our tables. If you are jobless at the moment and can’t provide the best of those amenities this year, give thanks that you can afford some and resolve to work harder in 2011 so that you will afford more next year.
. We should give thanks that we have a political system which allows us to alter our government, as we did on November 2nd, and far more radically on November 4th, 2008, without a revolutionary uprising which in other nations frequently results in death and destruction.
. We should give thanks to God Who made all that possible by guiding our Founders to create a free, independent democratic republic which has served us very well for over 200 years.
Millions on God’s Green Earth can’t give thanks for any of the above.
We all may not be able to have a roof that doesn’t leak . . .
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Dems in Denial and Frustration
Dems in Denial and Frustration
Never renowned for graciousness in victory, Democrats are proving they can be downright nasty and ignorant in the wake of widespread defeat and the loss of the House of Representatives three weeks ago.
As their leader’s job approval rating keeps slip, slip, slipping away and now wallows at 39%, according to Zogby, (it was 49% less than two months ago), some of Obama’s party have engaged in the blame game even as they tighten their parachute straps. Others are pouting.
One of the pouters and always the most pathetic and now emerging as the most comical member of the Dem leadership, Rep. Barney Frank of Massachusetts’ 4th CD is bemoaning the loss of his chairmanship of the powerful House Financial services Committee where he has ruled the roost for four years. With Senator Tom Dodd, he effectively did his bit to precipitate the banking collapse although he contends his extended love affair with Fannie Mae exec Herb Moses had absolutely nothing to do with any of that.
Poor Barney, notable and proud Democrat homosexual, was undismayed by being caught with his jockeys down and having an affair with a male prostitute, Stephen L. Gobie, whom he allowed to peddle his services out of his Georgetown basement. He’s dismayed now, however.
He may or not have been aware of the double entendre-loaded quality of his moan that serving under incoming, majority Republicans on the Financial Services Committee will be a “great pain in the ass:”
I’d quess the ever-witty Barney was fully aware of what he was saying and how he said it. After all, what better way to advertise his homosexuality to anyone unaware of how he swings and to gather a recruit or two?
Less amusing was Barack Obama’s explanation of why his Dems were roundly trounced on November 2nd. In essence, our brilliant, “philosopher president,” as he has been called, believes the American people were just too damned stupid to understand and appreciate his message.
The last election, according to Obama, was not a repudiation of him or his socialistic policies but rather is attributable to his failure to communicate his message to those millions of voting dolts. His lackeys at MSNBC seconded that excuse . . .
Never renowned for graciousness in victory, Democrats are proving they can be downright nasty and ignorant in the wake of widespread defeat and the loss of the House of Representatives three weeks ago.
As their leader’s job approval rating keeps slip, slip, slipping away and now wallows at 39%, according to Zogby, (it was 49% less than two months ago), some of Obama’s party have engaged in the blame game even as they tighten their parachute straps. Others are pouting.
One of the pouters and always the most pathetic and now emerging as the most comical member of the Dem leadership, Rep. Barney Frank of Massachusetts’ 4th CD is bemoaning the loss of his chairmanship of the powerful House Financial services Committee where he has ruled the roost for four years. With Senator Tom Dodd, he effectively did his bit to precipitate the banking collapse although he contends his extended love affair with Fannie Mae exec Herb Moses had absolutely nothing to do with any of that.
Poor Barney, notable and proud Democrat homosexual, was undismayed by being caught with his jockeys down and having an affair with a male prostitute, Stephen L. Gobie, whom he allowed to peddle his services out of his Georgetown basement. He’s dismayed now, however.
He may or not have been aware of the double entendre-loaded quality of his moan that serving under incoming, majority Republicans on the Financial Services Committee will be a “great pain in the ass:”
I’d quess the ever-witty Barney was fully aware of what he was saying and how he said it. After all, what better way to advertise his homosexuality to anyone unaware of how he swings and to gather a recruit or two?
Less amusing was Barack Obama’s explanation of why his Dems were roundly trounced on November 2nd. In essence, our brilliant, “philosopher president,” as he has been called, believes the American people were just too damned stupid to understand and appreciate his message.
The last election, according to Obama, was not a repudiation of him or his socialistic policies but rather is attributable to his failure to communicate his message to those millions of voting dolts. His lackeys at MSNBC seconded that excuse . . .
Who Goes First, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or Kim Jong-il?
Who Goes First, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or Kim Jong-il?
The field has come down to two insane despots, Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and North Korea’s Kim Jong-il. The question comes down to which of those two crazies will be first to precipitate a nuclear holocaust, the twice-elected Iranian 54 year old nut or the never-elected 69 year old fruitcake in North Korea?
It’s a bewilderment, I tell you, an absolute bewilderment, even if some would emphasize that the dynamic duo wouldn’t be the first country to nuke another country. The United States has undisputed claim to that first since we dropped ”Little Boy” and ”Fat Man” on, respectively, Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end World War Two.
We also can proudly lay claim to being the only nation in the history of the planet to possses the ability to bring every other nation on the planet to its knees, enslave them if we had such a mind, and have them pay billions in tribute in perpetuity. We chose not to do any of that and instead chose to rebuild a devastated world.
It can only be speculated as to whether the Communist U.S.S.R. or the Communist People’s Republic of China–or today’s Iran or North Korea–would have picked that option, speculated only by the terminally naive.
However, back to our two contemporary loonies, Mahmoud and Kim, either or both of whom would have gleefully reduced the globe to glowing, radioactive dust had they been able 65 years ago and, as they themselves gasped their last glowing, radioactive breaths, still have blamed someone else. . .
The field has come down to two insane despots, Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and North Korea’s Kim Jong-il. The question comes down to which of those two crazies will be first to precipitate a nuclear holocaust, the twice-elected Iranian 54 year old nut or the never-elected 69 year old fruitcake in North Korea?
It’s a bewilderment, I tell you, an absolute bewilderment, even if some would emphasize that the dynamic duo wouldn’t be the first country to nuke another country. The United States has undisputed claim to that first since we dropped ”Little Boy” and ”Fat Man” on, respectively, Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end World War Two.
We also can proudly lay claim to being the only nation in the history of the planet to possses the ability to bring every other nation on the planet to its knees, enslave them if we had such a mind, and have them pay billions in tribute in perpetuity. We chose not to do any of that and instead chose to rebuild a devastated world.
It can only be speculated as to whether the Communist U.S.S.R. or the Communist People’s Republic of China–or today’s Iran or North Korea–would have picked that option, speculated only by the terminally naive.
However, back to our two contemporary loonies, Mahmoud and Kim, either or both of whom would have gleefully reduced the globe to glowing, radioactive dust had they been able 65 years ago and, as they themselves gasped their last glowing, radioactive breaths, still have blamed someone else. . .
Monday, November 22, 2010
Muslim Contempt for America: Ana Akhannethak!
Muslim Contempt for America: Ana Akhannethak!
Like all vermin who seem to have the capacity to cause new outbreaks just when exterminators and fumigators think they’ve been eradicated, the Ground Zero Mosque vermin have reappeared and now seem intent on effecting not just insult but contempt for the survivors and families of the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks.
The Muslim developers of the Cordoba Project, re-named Park51 after their plans to build a mosque two blocks from Ground Zero encountered massive public protests, have been eerily quiet the last few months, They were clearly in the planning stages for their next attack. They have now announced their application for a $5 million federal grant to assist them in rubbing salt into the still-bleeding wounds Islamic terrorists caused nine years, two months, twelve days ago.
Apparently revelling in terrorist irony, the $5 million public gift to the Muslims would be taken from funds set aside for rebuilding Lower Manhattan as a consequence of the devastation caused by their fellow Muslims. To further emphasize the irony, they anticipate opening their monstrosity on the tenth anniversary of 9/11.
As reported by Johm Avlon of the, “While news of the application has not previously been made public, developer Sharif El-Gamal outlined it in closed-door meetings, according to two individuals he spoke with directly.”
The Beast article, “Mosque Money Shocker" . . .
Like all vermin who seem to have the capacity to cause new outbreaks just when exterminators and fumigators think they’ve been eradicated, the Ground Zero Mosque vermin have reappeared and now seem intent on effecting not just insult but contempt for the survivors and families of the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks.
The Muslim developers of the Cordoba Project, re-named Park51 after their plans to build a mosque two blocks from Ground Zero encountered massive public protests, have been eerily quiet the last few months, They were clearly in the planning stages for their next attack. They have now announced their application for a $5 million federal grant to assist them in rubbing salt into the still-bleeding wounds Islamic terrorists caused nine years, two months, twelve days ago.
Apparently revelling in terrorist irony, the $5 million public gift to the Muslims would be taken from funds set aside for rebuilding Lower Manhattan as a consequence of the devastation caused by their fellow Muslims. To further emphasize the irony, they anticipate opening their monstrosity on the tenth anniversary of 9/11.
As reported by Johm Avlon of the, “While news of the application has not previously been made public, developer Sharif El-Gamal outlined it in closed-door meetings, according to two individuals he spoke with directly.”
The Beast article, “Mosque Money Shocker" . . .
Of Popes and Condoms
Of Popes and Condoms
The so-called worldwide consternation over Pope Benedict XVI’s recent comments about the use of condoms is a veritable tempest in a teapot manufactured as if Benedict, countless popes before him, and the Catholic Church have long waged a vendetta against Trojan Inc. and every other manufacturer of condoms on the planet.
That makes as much sense as believing the Crusades were really all about re-claiming vacation spots in Jerusalem.
The remarks that ignited a “firestorm” by allegedly condoning condoms: “There may be a basis in the case of some individuals, as perhaps when a male prostitute uses a condom, where this can be a first step in the direction of a moralization, a first assumption of responsibility, on the way toward recovering an awareness that not everything is allowed and that one cannot do whatever one wants.”
Benedict’s circuitous comments, made in an extensive, book-length interview with German writer Peter Seewald, do not at all change Church teachings on sex and birth control but rather assert that condoms make health sense for male prostitutes as well as, presumably, male homosexuals whose only chances of becoming parents don’t begin in bedrooms but in courts.
His remarks on condom use by such individuals as “a first step in the direction of a moralization, a first assumption of responsibility” and that prophylactics are “not really the way to deal with the evil of HIV infection. That can really lie only in a humanization of sexuality,”, seem to reflect wishful thinking more than they do serious hopes or expectations for a viable path toward moral redemption.
Practically speaking, gigolos and homosexuals aren’t very likely to become paragons of virtue and morality on the basis of a Catholic pope granting his okay. Indeed, if they needed that permission to protect themselves from disease, they’re too far gone already.
Vatican spokesman Rev. Federico Lombardi clarified any misconceptions, . . .
The so-called worldwide consternation over Pope Benedict XVI’s recent comments about the use of condoms is a veritable tempest in a teapot manufactured as if Benedict, countless popes before him, and the Catholic Church have long waged a vendetta against Trojan Inc. and every other manufacturer of condoms on the planet.
That makes as much sense as believing the Crusades were really all about re-claiming vacation spots in Jerusalem.
The remarks that ignited a “firestorm” by allegedly condoning condoms: “There may be a basis in the case of some individuals, as perhaps when a male prostitute uses a condom, where this can be a first step in the direction of a moralization, a first assumption of responsibility, on the way toward recovering an awareness that not everything is allowed and that one cannot do whatever one wants.”
Benedict’s circuitous comments, made in an extensive, book-length interview with German writer Peter Seewald, do not at all change Church teachings on sex and birth control but rather assert that condoms make health sense for male prostitutes as well as, presumably, male homosexuals whose only chances of becoming parents don’t begin in bedrooms but in courts.
His remarks on condom use by such individuals as “a first step in the direction of a moralization, a first assumption of responsibility” and that prophylactics are “not really the way to deal with the evil of HIV infection. That can really lie only in a humanization of sexuality,”, seem to reflect wishful thinking more than they do serious hopes or expectations for a viable path toward moral redemption.
Practically speaking, gigolos and homosexuals aren’t very likely to become paragons of virtue and morality on the basis of a Catholic pope granting his okay. Indeed, if they needed that permission to protect themselves from disease, they’re too far gone already.
Vatican spokesman Rev. Federico Lombardi clarified any misconceptions, . . .
Inside the Minds of Hillary Clinton and the TSA
Inside the Minds of Hillary Clinton and the TSA
People say that if we allow the threat of terrorism to affect how we live, the terrorists will have already won. Hillary Clinton seems to agree.
As if anyone would dare to touch the person of Hillary Rodham Clinton–or want to–our Secretary of State made it vividly clear on Sunday’s “Deface the Nation” and on “Meet the Depressed,” (sorry, Rush). that no one will get the opportunity. It’s unclear whether she included hubby Bill Clinton in that declaration, not that it would much matter to Bill.
Mouthing platitudes about the unfortunate necessity of invasive pat-downs and naked body scans at airports, the former first lady, ever hopeful of squatting in the same Oval Office as the nation’s first Presidentress where hubby Bubba was, umm, serviced by Monica Lewinsky, was actually implying the need for allegedly-unconstitutional profiling.
Hillary said that we clearly need tighter security but that ways should be found ”to limit the number of people who are going to be put through surveillance” and that she empathized with “how offensive it must be” for some people to undergo the searches. What America needs is “the right balance” in order to “get it better and less intrusive and more precise.”
She then added the non-PC kicker in response to a query as to whether she would submit to a pat-down. ”Not if I could avoid it,” she said, smiling, ”No. I mean, who would?” (
Let’s do a little Hillary-Speak parsing here since, apparently, she doesn’t see the practicality of the purported, creative, very effective but explosive Israeli idea on eliminating airborne terrorist attacks–and the terrorists, themselves :
First of all, limiting ”the number of people who are going to be put through surveillance” could only be accomplished by TSA hands-on employees drawing rational conclusions on whom to pat-down and whose naked bodies to surveil. They would have to distinguish between the swarthy or non-swarthy, between the snarling or non-snarling, between potential suicide bombers and kids, nuns, elders, and just your average travellers out to pay a final visit to grandma before she shuffles off this mortal globe.
That would be a relatively simple task for the TSA but our government forbids it. Profiling is deemed a far worse offense than humiliating the public or, for that matter, blowing the public out of the skies.
Secondly, . . .
(Read more at People say that if we allow the threat of terrorism to affect how we live, the terrorists will have already won. Hillary Clinton seems to agree.
As if anyone would dare to touch the person of Hillary Rodham Clinton–or want to–our Secretary of State made it vividly clear on Sunday’s “Deface the Nation” and on “Meet the Depressed,” (sorry, Rush). that no one will get the opportunity. It’s unclear whether she included hubby Bill Clinton in that declaration, not that it would much matter to Bill.
Mouthing platitudes about the unfortunate necessity of invasive pat-downs and naked body scans at airports, the former first lady, ever hopeful of squatting in the same Oval Office as the nation’s first Presidentress where hubby Bubba was, umm, serviced by Monica Lewinsky, was actually implying the need for allegedly-unconstitutional profiling.
Hillary said that we clearly need tighter security but that ways should be found ”to limit the number of people who are going to be put through surveillance” and that she empathized with “how offensive it must be” for some people to undergo the searches. What America needs is “the right balance” in order to “get it better and less intrusive and more precise.”
She then added the non-PC kicker in response to a query as to whether she would submit to a pat-down. ”Not if I could avoid it,” she said, smiling, ”No. I mean, who would?” (
Let’s do a little Hillary-Speak parsing here since, apparently, she doesn’t see the practicality of the purported, creative, very effective but explosive Israeli idea on eliminating airborne terrorist attacks–and the terrorists, themselves :
First of all, limiting ”the number of people who are going to be put through surveillance” could only be accomplished by TSA hands-on employees drawing rational conclusions on whom to pat-down and whose naked bodies to surveil. They would have to distinguish between the swarthy or non-swarthy, between the snarling or non-snarling, between potential suicide bombers and kids, nuns, elders, and just your average travellers out to pay a final visit to grandma before she shuffles off this mortal globe.
That would be a relatively simple task for the TSA but our government forbids it. Profiling is deemed a far worse offense than humiliating the public or, for that matter, blowing the public out of the skies.
Secondly, . . .
People say that if we allow the threat of terrorism to affect how we live, the terrorists will have already won. Hillary Clinton seems to agree.
As if anyone would dare to touch the person of Hillary Rodham Clinton–or want to–our Secretary of State made it vividly clear on Sunday’s “Deface the Nation” and on “Meet the Depressed,” (sorry, Rush). that no one will get the opportunity. It’s unclear whether she included hubby Bill Clinton in that declaration, not that it would much matter to Bill.
Mouthing platitudes about the unfortunate necessity of invasive pat-downs and naked body scans at airports, the former first lady, ever hopeful of squatting in the same Oval Office as the nation’s first Presidentress where hubby Bubba was, umm, serviced by Monica Lewinsky, was actually implying the need for allegedly-unconstitutional profiling.
Hillary said that we clearly need tighter security but that ways should be found ”to limit the number of people who are going to be put through surveillance” and that she empathized with “how offensive it must be” for some people to undergo the searches. What America needs is “the right balance” in order to “get it better and less intrusive and more precise.”
She then added the non-PC kicker in response to a query as to whether she would submit to a pat-down. ”Not if I could avoid it,” she said, smiling, ”No. I mean, who would?” (
Let’s do a little Hillary-Speak parsing here since, apparently, she doesn’t see the practicality of the purported, creative, very effective but explosive Israeli idea on eliminating airborne terrorist attacks–and the terrorists, themselves :
First of all, limiting ”the number of people who are going to be put through surveillance” could only be accomplished by TSA hands-on employees drawing rational conclusions on whom to pat-down and whose naked bodies to surveil. They would have to distinguish between the swarthy or non-swarthy, between the snarling or non-snarling, between potential suicide bombers and kids, nuns, elders, and just your average travellers out to pay a final visit to grandma before she shuffles off this mortal globe.
That would be a relatively simple task for the TSA but our government forbids it. Profiling is deemed a far worse offense than humiliating the public or, for that matter, blowing the public out of the skies.
Secondly, . . .
(Read more at People say that if we allow the threat of terrorism to affect how we live, the terrorists will have already won. Hillary Clinton seems to agree.
As if anyone would dare to touch the person of Hillary Rodham Clinton–or want to–our Secretary of State made it vividly clear on Sunday’s “Deface the Nation” and on “Meet the Depressed,” (sorry, Rush). that no one will get the opportunity. It’s unclear whether she included hubby Bill Clinton in that declaration, not that it would much matter to Bill.
Mouthing platitudes about the unfortunate necessity of invasive pat-downs and naked body scans at airports, the former first lady, ever hopeful of squatting in the same Oval Office as the nation’s first Presidentress where hubby Bubba was, umm, serviced by Monica Lewinsky, was actually implying the need for allegedly-unconstitutional profiling.
Hillary said that we clearly need tighter security but that ways should be found ”to limit the number of people who are going to be put through surveillance” and that she empathized with “how offensive it must be” for some people to undergo the searches. What America needs is “the right balance” in order to “get it better and less intrusive and more precise.”
She then added the non-PC kicker in response to a query as to whether she would submit to a pat-down. ”Not if I could avoid it,” she said, smiling, ”No. I mean, who would?” (
Let’s do a little Hillary-Speak parsing here since, apparently, she doesn’t see the practicality of the purported, creative, very effective but explosive Israeli idea on eliminating airborne terrorist attacks–and the terrorists, themselves :
First of all, limiting ”the number of people who are going to be put through surveillance” could only be accomplished by TSA hands-on employees drawing rational conclusions on whom to pat-down and whose naked bodies to surveil. They would have to distinguish between the swarthy or non-swarthy, between the snarling or non-snarling, between potential suicide bombers and kids, nuns, elders, and just your average travellers out to pay a final visit to grandma before she shuffles off this mortal globe.
That would be a relatively simple task for the TSA but our government forbids it. Profiling is deemed a far worse offense than humiliating the public or, for that matter, blowing the public out of the skies.
Secondly, . . .
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Michelle Obama, Fashion Plate?
Michelle Obama, Fashion Plate?
I readily and happily admit I’m no fashion maven and readily concede I long thought a “fashion plate” was a complimentary way of referring to a nice piece of dinnerware.
I also admit that I once published an opinion,, that hailing America’s First Lady Michelle Obama as one of 2009′s “100 Hottest Women,” according to Maxim, was grossly mistaken at best, bizarre at worst. Even if she didn’t make Maxim’s hotness cut in 2010, on reconsideration, I guess that’s yet another example of beauty–and hotness–existing in the minds and perceptions of beholders.
However, I draw the line at Vogue’s recent designation of Michelle Obama as among the world’s 10 ”best dressed” women. Looking all gussied up de-planing in Mexico City, she placed third behind Blake Lively and Marion Cotillard and just before Jessica Biel and Alexa Chung:
If males can be catty, I guess that’s catty, as well as rude and mean-spirited, commenting on a woman’s appearance, but in the case of the pretentious Michelle Obama, it’s merited.
As an article on adds to its headline on that best dressed news, “No, Seriously.” However, Vogue is apparently as serious as was Maxim in 2009.
I mean, seriously, really, Michelle Obama as “best dressed?” Best dressed for where? . . .
I readily and happily admit I’m no fashion maven and readily concede I long thought a “fashion plate” was a complimentary way of referring to a nice piece of dinnerware.
I also admit that I once published an opinion,, that hailing America’s First Lady Michelle Obama as one of 2009′s “100 Hottest Women,” according to Maxim, was grossly mistaken at best, bizarre at worst. Even if she didn’t make Maxim’s hotness cut in 2010, on reconsideration, I guess that’s yet another example of beauty–and hotness–existing in the minds and perceptions of beholders.
However, I draw the line at Vogue’s recent designation of Michelle Obama as among the world’s 10 ”best dressed” women. Looking all gussied up de-planing in Mexico City, she placed third behind Blake Lively and Marion Cotillard and just before Jessica Biel and Alexa Chung:
If males can be catty, I guess that’s catty, as well as rude and mean-spirited, commenting on a woman’s appearance, but in the case of the pretentious Michelle Obama, it’s merited.
As an article on adds to its headline on that best dressed news, “No, Seriously.” However, Vogue is apparently as serious as was Maxim in 2009.
I mean, seriously, really, Michelle Obama as “best dressed?” Best dressed for where? . . .
Saturday, November 20, 2010
What To Do With an Annoying Neighbor
What To Do With an Annoying Neighbor
What do you do with an annoying neighbor? Ignore them, of course, insofar as you can.
But, what do you do with a neighbor who isn’t just annoying but who climbs over your fence? Well, ignore them the first time and after that speak sternly to them.
Yeah, fine, but what do you do if they persistently climb over your fence and poison your dog, steal your garden tools, threaten your family, and generally wreak havoc in the neighborhood? Well, short of shooting them on the spot, you could call the cops and you might consider visiting the neighbor and laying down the law.
Republican Texas Governor Rick Perry has one of those havoc-wreaking neighbors. We all do. The neighbor is Mexico where the government has demonstrated that not only can it not control its criminal elements but actually encourages its citizens to continue trespassing on our turf but provides maps, sustenance, and tips for those millions of invaders on how to evade capture by those gringos to its north.
Governor Perry wants to pay neighboring Mexico a visit–via the United States’ militar, although he couches his suggestion in politician-ese, saying on MSNBC, “I think we have to use every aspect of law enforcement that we have, including the military. I think you have the same situation as you had in Colombia.”
Then comes the politician-ese, “Obviously, Mexico has to approve any type of assistance that we can give them” and offers his rationale: “But the fact of the matter is, these are people who are highly motivated with money. They are vicious. They are armed to the teeth. I want to see them defeated. And any means that we can to run these people off our border and to save Americans’ lives we need to be engaged in.”
What do you do with an annoying neighbor? Ignore them, of course, insofar as you can.
But, what do you do with a neighbor who isn’t just annoying but who climbs over your fence? Well, ignore them the first time and after that speak sternly to them.
Yeah, fine, but what do you do if they persistently climb over your fence and poison your dog, steal your garden tools, threaten your family, and generally wreak havoc in the neighborhood? Well, short of shooting them on the spot, you could call the cops and you might consider visiting the neighbor and laying down the law.
Republican Texas Governor Rick Perry has one of those havoc-wreaking neighbors. We all do. The neighbor is Mexico where the government has demonstrated that not only can it not control its criminal elements but actually encourages its citizens to continue trespassing on our turf but provides maps, sustenance, and tips for those millions of invaders on how to evade capture by those gringos to its north.
Governor Perry wants to pay neighboring Mexico a visit–via the United States’ militar, although he couches his suggestion in politician-ese, saying on MSNBC, “I think we have to use every aspect of law enforcement that we have, including the military. I think you have the same situation as you had in Colombia.”
Then comes the politician-ese, “Obviously, Mexico has to approve any type of assistance that we can give them” and offers his rationale: “But the fact of the matter is, these are people who are highly motivated with money. They are vicious. They are armed to the teeth. I want to see them defeated. And any means that we can to run these people off our border and to save Americans’ lives we need to be engaged in.”
Anti-Palin Venom and Vitriol at HufPo
Anti-Palin Venom and Vitriol at HufPo
The venom verily oozes from the vitriolic keyboard of the Huffington Post’s Geoffrey Dunn, billed by HufPo as an ”award-winning journalist, filmmaker and historian” whose awards for the life of me I haven’t been able to locate, who commented with something less than glowing praise on Sarah Palin’s forthcoming new book, America By Heart.
Dunn suggests the “quitter governor” maligns both the president and his bride in the book.
Dunn is especially incensed over the following passage, this “cheap shot,” about the Obama’s: “Certainly his wife expressed this view when she said during the 2008 campaign that she had never felt proud of her country until her husband started winning elections. In retrospect, I guess this shouldn’t surprise us, since both of them spent almost two decades in the pews of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church listening to his rants against America and white people.”
The view in question is Palin’s contention that President Barack Hussein Obama, (Dunn notably omits Barry’s middle name), “seems to believe” that “America–at least America as it currently exists–is a fundamentally unjust and unequal country.”
Now where could the quitter governor possibly have construed that?
Dunn, author of the yet-to-be-published, The Lies of Sarah Palin: The Untold Story Behind Her Relentless Quest for Power, which, no doubt will tell that untold story, seems perturbed by truth and is intent on historical revisionism. . .
(Read more at The venom verily oozes from the vitriolic keyboard of the Huffington Post’s Geoffrey Dunn, billed by HufPo as an ”award-winning journalist, filmmaker and historian” whose awards for the life of me I haven’t been able to locate, who commented with something less than glowing praise on Sarah Palin’s forthcoming new book, America By Heart.
Dunn suggests the “quitter governor” maligns both the president and his bride in the book.
Dunn is especially incensed over the following passage, this “cheap shot,” about the Obama’s: “Certainly his wife expressed this view when she said during the 2008 campaign that she had never felt proud of her country until her husband started winning elections. In retrospect, I guess this shouldn’t surprise us, since both of them spent almost two decades in the pews of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church listening to his rants against America and white people.”
The view in question is Palin’s contention that President Barack Hussein Obama, (Dunn notably omits Barry’s middle name), “seems to believe” that “America–at least America as it currently exists–is a fundamentally unjust and unequal country.”
Now where could the quitter governor possibly have construed that?
Dunn, author of the yet-to-be-published, The Lies of Sarah Palin: The Untold Story Behind Her Relentless Quest for Power, which, no doubt will tell that untold story, seems perturbed by truth and is intent on historical revisionism. . .
The venom verily oozes from the vitriolic keyboard of the Huffington Post’s Geoffrey Dunn, billed by HufPo as an ”award-winning journalist, filmmaker and historian” whose awards for the life of me I haven’t been able to locate, who commented with something less than glowing praise on Sarah Palin’s forthcoming new book, America By Heart.
Dunn suggests the “quitter governor” maligns both the president and his bride in the book.
Dunn is especially incensed over the following passage, this “cheap shot,” about the Obama’s: “Certainly his wife expressed this view when she said during the 2008 campaign that she had never felt proud of her country until her husband started winning elections. In retrospect, I guess this shouldn’t surprise us, since both of them spent almost two decades in the pews of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church listening to his rants against America and white people.”
The view in question is Palin’s contention that President Barack Hussein Obama, (Dunn notably omits Barry’s middle name), “seems to believe” that “America–at least America as it currently exists–is a fundamentally unjust and unequal country.”
Now where could the quitter governor possibly have construed that?
Dunn, author of the yet-to-be-published, The Lies of Sarah Palin: The Untold Story Behind Her Relentless Quest for Power, which, no doubt will tell that untold story, seems perturbed by truth and is intent on historical revisionism. . .
(Read more at The venom verily oozes from the vitriolic keyboard of the Huffington Post’s Geoffrey Dunn, billed by HufPo as an ”award-winning journalist, filmmaker and historian” whose awards for the life of me I haven’t been able to locate, who commented with something less than glowing praise on Sarah Palin’s forthcoming new book, America By Heart.
Dunn suggests the “quitter governor” maligns both the president and his bride in the book.
Dunn is especially incensed over the following passage, this “cheap shot,” about the Obama’s: “Certainly his wife expressed this view when she said during the 2008 campaign that she had never felt proud of her country until her husband started winning elections. In retrospect, I guess this shouldn’t surprise us, since both of them spent almost two decades in the pews of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church listening to his rants against America and white people.”
The view in question is Palin’s contention that President Barack Hussein Obama, (Dunn notably omits Barry’s middle name), “seems to believe” that “America–at least America as it currently exists–is a fundamentally unjust and unequal country.”
Now where could the quitter governor possibly have construed that?
Dunn, author of the yet-to-be-published, The Lies of Sarah Palin: The Untold Story Behind Her Relentless Quest for Power, which, no doubt will tell that untold story, seems perturbed by truth and is intent on historical revisionism. . .
The Death of Virginity
The Death of Virginity
Anyone recall the last British royal wedding? Not the extravagant 1981 spectacle itself but the humiliation visited upon the barely 20year old fellow royal and presumptive future Princess of Wales, Diana Frances née Spencer, prior to the nuptials in St. Paul’s Cathedral?
The palace royals insisted Diana be inspected, examined–Americans would say, checked out–to insure she was a true, hymenally-intact, unspoiled, unstained, bona-fide virgin before they would allow her into the rarified, royal inner circle and into the marital bed of the presumptive, future King of England, the 31 year old Bonnie Prince Charlie, the Prince of Wales, whose other titles would fill up half this page and whose previous sexual liaisons mattered not a whit.
Diana passed the virgin test and the royal couple was united, a unity that was soon disunified by a prince who apparently only wanted a princess to procreate heirs but who, in his heart of hearts had long longed for a slightly-older, horse-faced woman named Camilla Parker Bowles, the Duchess of Cornwall.
The jolly Prince Charlie’s recorded chief desire in life was to serve as Camilla’s tampon.
Any chance of an Oedipal complex on top of your other complexes there, Charlie?
In any event, to her ultimate regret and after latching on to multiple, post-divorce, . . .
Anyone recall the last British royal wedding? Not the extravagant 1981 spectacle itself but the humiliation visited upon the barely 20year old fellow royal and presumptive future Princess of Wales, Diana Frances née Spencer, prior to the nuptials in St. Paul’s Cathedral?
The palace royals insisted Diana be inspected, examined–Americans would say, checked out–to insure she was a true, hymenally-intact, unspoiled, unstained, bona-fide virgin before they would allow her into the rarified, royal inner circle and into the marital bed of the presumptive, future King of England, the 31 year old Bonnie Prince Charlie, the Prince of Wales, whose other titles would fill up half this page and whose previous sexual liaisons mattered not a whit.
Diana passed the virgin test and the royal couple was united, a unity that was soon disunified by a prince who apparently only wanted a princess to procreate heirs but who, in his heart of hearts had long longed for a slightly-older, horse-faced woman named Camilla Parker Bowles, the Duchess of Cornwall.
The jolly Prince Charlie’s recorded chief desire in life was to serve as Camilla’s tampon.
Any chance of an Oedipal complex on top of your other complexes there, Charlie?
In any event, to her ultimate regret and after latching on to multiple, post-divorce, . . .
Friday, November 19, 2010
Good-Bye Pat-Downs, Hello Boom-Booms?
Good-Bye Pat-Downs, Hello Boom-Booms?
. . . You’re in the airport terminal and you hear a muffled explosion. Shortly thereafter an announcement comes over the PA system: “Attention standby passengers–we now have a seat available on flight number XXXX. Shalom!”
There are a few obvious flaws in that new approach to terror in the skies and elsewhere, chief among which is the issue of containing the explosion to the bomb-carrier.
Also to be considered would be the certainty of the ACLU and other terrorist-loving groups filing complaints and lawsuits seeking to overturn the system to give terrorists a fighting chance to kill a bunch of innocents. After all, at that juncture in their travel, they would still be ground-bound and to effectively profile them by singling out underwear or armpit or crotch bombers is un-Constitutional, no?
Finally, the whole plan is impractical. . .
. . . You’re in the airport terminal and you hear a muffled explosion. Shortly thereafter an announcement comes over the PA system: “Attention standby passengers–we now have a seat available on flight number XXXX. Shalom!”
There are a few obvious flaws in that new approach to terror in the skies and elsewhere, chief among which is the issue of containing the explosion to the bomb-carrier.
Also to be considered would be the certainty of the ACLU and other terrorist-loving groups filing complaints and lawsuits seeking to overturn the system to give terrorists a fighting chance to kill a bunch of innocents. After all, at that juncture in their travel, they would still be ground-bound and to effectively profile them by singling out underwear or armpit or crotch bombers is un-Constitutional, no?
Finally, the whole plan is impractical. . .
The Prevailing Disparity Between the Number of Horse's Asses and the Number of Horses
The Prevailing Disparity Between the Number of Horse's Asses and the Number of Horses
When there’s a top, there’s always a bottom. When there’s a beginning, there’s always an ending. When there’s a horse, there’s always one horse head and one horse derriere–except that sometimes there are more horse’s asses than there are horses, an odd but all too frequent confluence of improbabilities which seems more prevalent today than usually.
One instance proving the existence of such an improbability is occurring out in Apple Valley, Minnesota where Alicia and Peter Arnold are seeking input via an online poll of the world at large, from strangers and fellow kooks, on whether the couple should keep their 17-week pre-born baby or whether they should terminate its life.
Alicia explained the Twin City suburbanites’ motivation: “We wanted to give people a chance to voice their opinions in a real situation where it makes a difference.” Still recovering from her third miscarriage, she added,”I wanted to wait longer because I was losing weight and living a healthier lifestyle. I wasn’t sure what to do.”
The obvious solution for the Arnold dilemma was to ask a million or so strangers “what to do.”
When there’s a top, there’s always a bottom. When there’s a beginning, there’s always an ending. When there’s a horse, there’s always one horse head and one horse derriere–except that sometimes there are more horse’s asses than there are horses, an odd but all too frequent confluence of improbabilities which seems more prevalent today than usually.
One instance proving the existence of such an improbability is occurring out in Apple Valley, Minnesota where Alicia and Peter Arnold are seeking input via an online poll of the world at large, from strangers and fellow kooks, on whether the couple should keep their 17-week pre-born baby or whether they should terminate its life.
Alicia explained the Twin City suburbanites’ motivation: “We wanted to give people a chance to voice their opinions in a real situation where it makes a difference.” Still recovering from her third miscarriage, she added,”I wanted to wait longer because I was losing weight and living a healthier lifestyle. I wasn’t sure what to do.”
The obvious solution for the Arnold dilemma was to ask a million or so strangers “what to do.”
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The LGBTU and Graeme Taylor
The LGBTU and Graeme Taylor
I learned a new acronym today. Well, I had heard it a while back but then it had a different context. Now “LGBTU” stands for the familiar Lesbians Gays Bi-sexuals Transgenders plus “U” for Unsure. The “U” used to represent “Union,” as in an LGBT Union or organization, but Unsure seems to be the more popular meaning today, referring to those unsure as to the nature of their sexuality.
A valid question in response to all that, if one is not of the “gay” persuasion, would be, Who cares? However, if one is not a lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, or transgendered individual or, especially, the parent of a young adult, that “U” for “unsure” is very significant.
It seems a simple, thinly-veiled recruitment tool for homosexuals to draw into their lifestyle some teenaged boy who was just dumped by the love of his life and now, usually very temporarily, thinks all girls are meanies or that teen girl who found out her beau cheated on her and now believes, also very temporarily, that all males are unrepentant rotters.
Far fetched? Maybe yes and maybe no.
All this came to mind as a result of a story out of Michigan concerning an incident in the classroom of Mr. Jay McDowell, a male, economics teacher at Howell High School in Howell, MI. It involves the rights of free speech and free expression as well as the issues of rights under the First Amendment, bullying, and homosexuality in America’s schools.
If not for that last issue–if it’s not considered bullying to refer to homosexuality as an issue–the story probably wouldn’t have garnered the national attention that it has. . .
I learned a new acronym today. Well, I had heard it a while back but then it had a different context. Now “LGBTU” stands for the familiar Lesbians Gays Bi-sexuals Transgenders plus “U” for Unsure. The “U” used to represent “Union,” as in an LGBT Union or organization, but Unsure seems to be the more popular meaning today, referring to those unsure as to the nature of their sexuality.
A valid question in response to all that, if one is not of the “gay” persuasion, would be, Who cares? However, if one is not a lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, or transgendered individual or, especially, the parent of a young adult, that “U” for “unsure” is very significant.
It seems a simple, thinly-veiled recruitment tool for homosexuals to draw into their lifestyle some teenaged boy who was just dumped by the love of his life and now, usually very temporarily, thinks all girls are meanies or that teen girl who found out her beau cheated on her and now believes, also very temporarily, that all males are unrepentant rotters.
Far fetched? Maybe yes and maybe no.
All this came to mind as a result of a story out of Michigan concerning an incident in the classroom of Mr. Jay McDowell, a male, economics teacher at Howell High School in Howell, MI. It involves the rights of free speech and free expression as well as the issues of rights under the First Amendment, bullying, and homosexuality in America’s schools.
If not for that last issue–if it’s not considered bullying to refer to homosexuality as an issue–the story probably wouldn’t have garnered the national attention that it has. . .
Fox News, MSNBC, and the Delusions of Jay Rockefeller
Fox News, MSNBC, and the Delusions of Jay Rockefeller
John Davison “Jay” Rockefeller IV, more commonly known as Senator Jay Rockefeller, has given further testimony to the need for a mandatory congressional retirement age or, at the minimum, congressional term limits.
The 73 year old liberal Democrat, former governor and current senior senator from West Virginia, has demonstrated once again that either his advancing age or flashbacks from a misbegotten youth spent indulging in magic mushrooms, or both, have addled his aristocratic brain.
How else to explain his bizarre statement during a senate subcommitte hearing: “There’s a little bug inside of me which wants to get the FCC to say to FOX and to MSNBC: ‘Out. Off. End. Goodbye.’ It would be a big favor to political discourse; our ability to do our work here in Congress, and to the American people, to be able to talk with each other and have some faith in their government and more importantly, in their future. It would be a big favor to political discourse . . . and to the American people”?
Is that the sound of dictatorship in the background?
First of all, mentioning FOX and MSNBC in the same sentence clearly shows a woeful ignorance–or is it those shrooms, again?–of the nature of those two cable television news networks, the one, FOX, which presents a wide disparity of balanced news and commentary, the other, MSNBC, which presents an exclusively imbalanced, leftist viewpoint which has become an embarrassment even to its parent company, NBC.
Granted, though balanced with such liberal personalities as Juan Williams, Bob Beckel, Kirsten Powers, Susan Estrich, Pat Caddell, and Alan Colmes before he hooked his own show, and Harold Ford, Jr. before he headed for MSNBC, FOX does have a conservative slant in that the network features news the liberal stations such as MNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC–and MSNBC–prefer to quash in fear that the viewing public learns the truth.
Secondly, consider what Rockefeller is actually saying . . .
John Davison “Jay” Rockefeller IV, more commonly known as Senator Jay Rockefeller, has given further testimony to the need for a mandatory congressional retirement age or, at the minimum, congressional term limits.
The 73 year old liberal Democrat, former governor and current senior senator from West Virginia, has demonstrated once again that either his advancing age or flashbacks from a misbegotten youth spent indulging in magic mushrooms, or both, have addled his aristocratic brain.
How else to explain his bizarre statement during a senate subcommitte hearing: “There’s a little bug inside of me which wants to get the FCC to say to FOX and to MSNBC: ‘Out. Off. End. Goodbye.’ It would be a big favor to political discourse; our ability to do our work here in Congress, and to the American people, to be able to talk with each other and have some faith in their government and more importantly, in their future. It would be a big favor to political discourse . . . and to the American people”?
Is that the sound of dictatorship in the background?
First of all, mentioning FOX and MSNBC in the same sentence clearly shows a woeful ignorance–or is it those shrooms, again?–of the nature of those two cable television news networks, the one, FOX, which presents a wide disparity of balanced news and commentary, the other, MSNBC, which presents an exclusively imbalanced, leftist viewpoint which has become an embarrassment even to its parent company, NBC.
Granted, though balanced with such liberal personalities as Juan Williams, Bob Beckel, Kirsten Powers, Susan Estrich, Pat Caddell, and Alan Colmes before he hooked his own show, and Harold Ford, Jr. before he headed for MSNBC, FOX does have a conservative slant in that the network features news the liberal stations such as MNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC–and MSNBC–prefer to quash in fear that the viewing public learns the truth.
Secondly, consider what Rockefeller is actually saying . . .
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Obama's "Different Belief System"
Obama's "Different Belief System"
In a lengthy interview, Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes dropped a big bomb on President Obama saying, without clarification, “He just has a different belief system than most Americans.” That’s a truism known to conservatives for years.
That line came after he said, again without elucidating “He just got kicked from Mumbai to South Korea, and he came home and attacked Republicans for it” which, I guess, Ailes didn’t feel warranted further explanation. Even the MSM is in agreement that the president’s recent $200 million a day junket to Asia was a diplomatic dud and, as for blaming the GOP, that’s been Obama’s modus operandi since Day One, along with the administration’s penchant of hinting that any and all criticism of Obama is racially motivated.
It’s going to be more challenging to blame Republicans and racism for his new childrens’ picture book, Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters, dedicated to Malia and Sasha. The Washington Post opines that the book, with a drawing of the First Daughters and the First Dog, Bo, on the cover, might be exploiting Malia and Sasha, although all profits will be given to military charities:
Aside from the logical question of how a sitting president finds time to write a book, even a childrens’ book, Of Thee I Sing, which borrows that portion of its title from a 1931 musical, political satire and Pulitzer Prize winner by George and Ira Gershwin, supports Ailes’ contention that Obama marches to the tune of a “different belief system than most Americans.” . . .
In a lengthy interview, Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes dropped a big bomb on President Obama saying, without clarification, “He just has a different belief system than most Americans.” That’s a truism known to conservatives for years.
That line came after he said, again without elucidating “He just got kicked from Mumbai to South Korea, and he came home and attacked Republicans for it” which, I guess, Ailes didn’t feel warranted further explanation. Even the MSM is in agreement that the president’s recent $200 million a day junket to Asia was a diplomatic dud and, as for blaming the GOP, that’s been Obama’s modus operandi since Day One, along with the administration’s penchant of hinting that any and all criticism of Obama is racially motivated.
It’s going to be more challenging to blame Republicans and racism for his new childrens’ picture book, Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters, dedicated to Malia and Sasha. The Washington Post opines that the book, with a drawing of the First Daughters and the First Dog, Bo, on the cover, might be exploiting Malia and Sasha, although all profits will be given to military charities:
Aside from the logical question of how a sitting president finds time to write a book, even a childrens’ book, Of Thee I Sing, which borrows that portion of its title from a 1931 musical, political satire and Pulitzer Prize winner by George and Ira Gershwin, supports Ailes’ contention that Obama marches to the tune of a “different belief system than most Americans.” . . .
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Meet Chris Christie, Dem Nightmare
Meet Chris Christie, Dem Nightmare
Forty eight year old Christopher James “Chris” Christie is the leftist Democrat Party’s worst nightmare since Sarah Louise Palin.
The 55th governor of New Jersey and the 11th governor of the state of Alaska have a great deal in common and therein lies the scabrous rub for Democrats: They’re both deep-dyed conservatives, both committed to their families and to the pre-born, and both are in the liberal crosshairs for the same reason, the left is scared excrement-less of them.
However, libs will find it considerably more challenging to take down Christie than it was for them to smear, slander, and ridicule Palin. Even their late night undesignated hatchet man, David Letterman, who still hardly misses a show without attacking Governor Palin–or former President G.W. Bush–in some way has yet to take on Governor Christie.
Lately, it’s been incessant ridicule of TLC’s highly-successful “Sarah Palin’s Alaska,” which Letterman repetitively insists he won’t watch, just as he had repetitively said he wouldn’t read her best-selling book, Going Rogue, just as he now repeatedly says he won’t read Bush’s Decision Points.
Who really cares what you watch or don’t watch or read or don’t read, Dave, except for your sycophantic audience who are so enamored of your repetitive wit that they don’t realize how repetitious you and your writers are?
Chris Christie, whose very name and Roman Catholic religion rankles the left, is a whole other story for Letterman and his cronies, though. They can’t touch him or suggest he’s a dim bulb since he’s already proven that untrue and they won’t use that tactic even if he says he can see D.C. from his back porch in Mendham Township, N.J. . .
Forty eight year old Christopher James “Chris” Christie is the leftist Democrat Party’s worst nightmare since Sarah Louise Palin.
The 55th governor of New Jersey and the 11th governor of the state of Alaska have a great deal in common and therein lies the scabrous rub for Democrats: They’re both deep-dyed conservatives, both committed to their families and to the pre-born, and both are in the liberal crosshairs for the same reason, the left is scared excrement-less of them.
However, libs will find it considerably more challenging to take down Christie than it was for them to smear, slander, and ridicule Palin. Even their late night undesignated hatchet man, David Letterman, who still hardly misses a show without attacking Governor Palin–or former President G.W. Bush–in some way has yet to take on Governor Christie.
Lately, it’s been incessant ridicule of TLC’s highly-successful “Sarah Palin’s Alaska,” which Letterman repetitively insists he won’t watch, just as he had repetitively said he wouldn’t read her best-selling book, Going Rogue, just as he now repeatedly says he won’t read Bush’s Decision Points.
Who really cares what you watch or don’t watch or read or don’t read, Dave, except for your sycophantic audience who are so enamored of your repetitive wit that they don’t realize how repetitious you and your writers are?
Chris Christie, whose very name and Roman Catholic religion rankles the left, is a whole other story for Letterman and his cronies, though. They can’t touch him or suggest he’s a dim bulb since he’s already proven that untrue and they won’t use that tactic even if he says he can see D.C. from his back porch in Mendham Township, N.J. . .
Lisa Henry Bowen's Calculated Plan for Black Reparations
Lisa Henry Bowen's Calculated Plan for Black Reparations
“There was a time, in THIS AMERICA, when a white woman could get away with slapping black children around. There was a time, in THIS AMERICA, when a black woman had no choice, but to accept her children being slapped, whipped, rapped [sic, we think], abused, molested and psychologically tortured by this white supremacist society. . . There WAS a time. I AIN’T THAT BLACK MOTHER, THIS AIN’T THAT TIME!!!!!! THIS AIN’T THAT AMERICA!!!!!!!!”
Sorry for all those CAPS and EXCLAMATIONS! but that is the verbatim, unedited, unexpurgated conclusion of a rather intemperate 40-page semi-coherent letter sent by a certain Lisa Henry Bowen to the school superintendent of the Kansas City, MO school district, with carbon copies to much of the known universe including President Obama, VP Biden, United States senators, and various other officials, because her fourth-grade, angelic son, Curtis, was allegedly slapped by a teacher.
Ms. Bowen also threw in an again unedited and verbatim invitation to virtually everyone on the planet to,”KISS MY ENTIRE BLACK ASS!!!!!! I HAVEN’T BEGUN TO GO FAR ENOUGH!!!!!!!”
Oh, yeah, the eminently-classy mother is also seeking reparations which some narrowminded, racist cynics would suggest are the principal aim of Ms. Bowen.
All predicated on the slap that shook America, Ms. Bowen has established a website to publicize Curtis’ abuse and her complaints, copyrighted her and Curtis’ name, declared him her “intellectual property,” demanded district reforms and the revocation of the alleged slapper’s teaching license, demanded “the full payment of her mortgage, a new car, home remodeling, free psychological, dental, and medical care for the next nine years,” and demanded a position as an independent consultant to the KC school district to be extended at the rate of $15,000 a month, nine month minimum.
Lest there be any confusion as to the degree of Curtis’ family’s sense of major hurt and abject sense of horror at little Curtis’ abuse, Ms. Bowen enclosed “a homemade bill for a quarter of a million dollars. The $250K bill is issued to five educational entities, so she’s really demanding more than $1 million.”
Oh, and she will make personal appearances, . . .
“There was a time, in THIS AMERICA, when a white woman could get away with slapping black children around. There was a time, in THIS AMERICA, when a black woman had no choice, but to accept her children being slapped, whipped, rapped [sic, we think], abused, molested and psychologically tortured by this white supremacist society. . . There WAS a time. I AIN’T THAT BLACK MOTHER, THIS AIN’T THAT TIME!!!!!! THIS AIN’T THAT AMERICA!!!!!!!!”
Sorry for all those CAPS and EXCLAMATIONS! but that is the verbatim, unedited, unexpurgated conclusion of a rather intemperate 40-page semi-coherent letter sent by a certain Lisa Henry Bowen to the school superintendent of the Kansas City, MO school district, with carbon copies to much of the known universe including President Obama, VP Biden, United States senators, and various other officials, because her fourth-grade, angelic son, Curtis, was allegedly slapped by a teacher.
Ms. Bowen also threw in an again unedited and verbatim invitation to virtually everyone on the planet to,”KISS MY ENTIRE BLACK ASS!!!!!! I HAVEN’T BEGUN TO GO FAR ENOUGH!!!!!!!”
Oh, yeah, the eminently-classy mother is also seeking reparations which some narrowminded, racist cynics would suggest are the principal aim of Ms. Bowen.
All predicated on the slap that shook America, Ms. Bowen has established a website to publicize Curtis’ abuse and her complaints, copyrighted her and Curtis’ name, declared him her “intellectual property,” demanded district reforms and the revocation of the alleged slapper’s teaching license, demanded “the full payment of her mortgage, a new car, home remodeling, free psychological, dental, and medical care for the next nine years,” and demanded a position as an independent consultant to the KC school district to be extended at the rate of $15,000 a month, nine month minimum.
Lest there be any confusion as to the degree of Curtis’ family’s sense of major hurt and abject sense of horror at little Curtis’ abuse, Ms. Bowen enclosed “a homemade bill for a quarter of a million dollars. The $250K bill is issued to five educational entities, so she’s really demanding more than $1 million.”
Oh, and she will make personal appearances, . . .
Monday, November 15, 2010
Catholics and Devils
Catholics and Devils
Yahoo recently posted a Reuter’s article titled, “Exorcists wanted: apply to Catholic Church,” which began with the lead, ”Overwhelmed with requests for exorcists, U.S. Roman Catholic bishops are holding a special training workshop in Baltimore this weekend to teach clerics the esoteric rite, the Catholic News Service reported.”
Exorcisms? An overwhelming demand? What’s next, overwhelming requests for clerics to cast out evil politicians? Well, no, the Catholic Church believes that casting out evil politicians is and always will be the prerogative of voters, at least in America. Elsewhere, it may be the prerogative of the politicians who manipulate elections.
Point is, exorcisms, the ritualistic process of ”ἐξορκισμός, exorkismos–binding by oath, the practice of evicting demons or other spiritual entities from a person or place which they are believed to have possessed,” is alive and well, if not a favorite belief of most people, Catholics and otherwise, today.
The whole idea of exorisms and exorists is just, well, not popular.
Nevertheless, American Catholic clerics who refuse to concede that all is not exactly sweetness and light and jollity in America and that some nasty devils really exist are looking for people–males only!–who will commit to exorcising those devils.
Americans are woefully lacking in such exorcist-qualified men and ”each diocese deserves its own,” according to Bishop Thomas Paprocki. . .
Yahoo recently posted a Reuter’s article titled, “Exorcists wanted: apply to Catholic Church,” which began with the lead, ”Overwhelmed with requests for exorcists, U.S. Roman Catholic bishops are holding a special training workshop in Baltimore this weekend to teach clerics the esoteric rite, the Catholic News Service reported.”
Exorcisms? An overwhelming demand? What’s next, overwhelming requests for clerics to cast out evil politicians? Well, no, the Catholic Church believes that casting out evil politicians is and always will be the prerogative of voters, at least in America. Elsewhere, it may be the prerogative of the politicians who manipulate elections.
Point is, exorcisms, the ritualistic process of ”ἐξορκισμός, exorkismos–binding by oath, the practice of evicting demons or other spiritual entities from a person or place which they are believed to have possessed,” is alive and well, if not a favorite belief of most people, Catholics and otherwise, today.
The whole idea of exorisms and exorists is just, well, not popular.
Nevertheless, American Catholic clerics who refuse to concede that all is not exactly sweetness and light and jollity in America and that some nasty devils really exist are looking for people–males only!–who will commit to exorcising those devils.
Americans are woefully lacking in such exorcist-qualified men and ”each diocese deserves its own,” according to Bishop Thomas Paprocki. . .
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Amazon's Rationale on Pedophilia
Amazon's Rationale on Pedophilia
Let’s see now. If I wrote a serious book on how to murder your wife, on how to construct and plant pipe bombs, on how to hijack commercial aircraft, on how to assassinate President Obama, on how to burglarize for fun and profit, would market it?
Sure thing, that is until thousands of outraged citizens objected and suggested their website be boycotted just as the Christmas shopping season was beginning and its profit margin would be severely compromised.
Those good folks at saw fit to peddle as a digital book a self-published tome on how to properly, (and legally?), enjoy the hell out of molesting children, The Pedophile’s Guide to Love and Pleasure: A Child-Lover’s Code of Conduct by Phillip Greaves.
Initially refusing to pull the book from its listings, they offered this lame rationale: “Amazon does not support or promote hatred or criminal acts, however, we do support the right of every individual to make their own purchasing decisions.”
That was until they realized Amazon’s bottom line would take a hit. Then, literally within hours of that defense of free speech and reading and without further comment or reference to the inundation of protest emails, the e-book was removed from its inventory. Apparently, individual purchasing decisions weren’t all that important, after all.
However, pedophiles should not despair . . .
Let’s see now. If I wrote a serious book on how to murder your wife, on how to construct and plant pipe bombs, on how to hijack commercial aircraft, on how to assassinate President Obama, on how to burglarize for fun and profit, would market it?
Sure thing, that is until thousands of outraged citizens objected and suggested their website be boycotted just as the Christmas shopping season was beginning and its profit margin would be severely compromised.
Those good folks at saw fit to peddle as a digital book a self-published tome on how to properly, (and legally?), enjoy the hell out of molesting children, The Pedophile’s Guide to Love and Pleasure: A Child-Lover’s Code of Conduct by Phillip Greaves.
Initially refusing to pull the book from its listings, they offered this lame rationale: “Amazon does not support or promote hatred or criminal acts, however, we do support the right of every individual to make their own purchasing decisions.”
That was until they realized Amazon’s bottom line would take a hit. Then, literally within hours of that defense of free speech and reading and without further comment or reference to the inundation of protest emails, the e-book was removed from its inventory. Apparently, individual purchasing decisions weren’t all that important, after all.
However, pedophiles should not despair . . .
Tidbits of Good News
Tidbits of Good News
November has seen its usual share of bad news, from the elections which were very bad news for Democrats, to the president’s disastrous and fruitless diplomatic overtures in Asia, to his obscenely expensive per-diem waste of $200 million of taxpayers’ scant resources for his Asian junket, to his shameless failure to commemorate the tragic Fort Hood terrorist massacre.
However, there’s also some good news to report which helps balance the bad even if it doesn’t make it go away.
First and foremost, from the black community comes word that a societal bane for decades might be coming to an end and that a good portion of the national deficit in the form of welfare payments and other government giveaways–wealth re-distribution, or sharing the wealth, as candidate Obama called it–may soon be gone if, that is, “Operation Black Storm” gets its way.
Robert Broadus of “Operation Black Storm,” a coalition that promotes conservative African American congressional candidates, claims the Democratic Party has done a “wonderful job” marketing itself to minority groups, but members of the black community do not need government hand-outs and must learn to stand on their own.”
Broadus added that the Democrat Party has long and successfully played ”the identity politics angle,” . . .
November has seen its usual share of bad news, from the elections which were very bad news for Democrats, to the president’s disastrous and fruitless diplomatic overtures in Asia, to his obscenely expensive per-diem waste of $200 million of taxpayers’ scant resources for his Asian junket, to his shameless failure to commemorate the tragic Fort Hood terrorist massacre.
However, there’s also some good news to report which helps balance the bad even if it doesn’t make it go away.
First and foremost, from the black community comes word that a societal bane for decades might be coming to an end and that a good portion of the national deficit in the form of welfare payments and other government giveaways–wealth re-distribution, or sharing the wealth, as candidate Obama called it–may soon be gone if, that is, “Operation Black Storm” gets its way.
Robert Broadus of “Operation Black Storm,” a coalition that promotes conservative African American congressional candidates, claims the Democratic Party has done a “wonderful job” marketing itself to minority groups, but members of the black community do not need government hand-outs and must learn to stand on their own.”
Broadus added that the Democrat Party has long and successfully played ”the identity politics angle,” . . .
Saturday, November 13, 2010
The Brainlessness of Jon Stewart and Rachel Maddow
The Brainlessness of Jon Stewart and Rachel Maddow
“Show me a young Conservative and I’ll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old Liberal and I’ll show you someone with no brains.“
That sage observation credited to Winston Churchill holds more truth today in American political circles than it did when he originally uttered it and when its originators, Francois Guisot and, later, Georges Clemenceau, wrote it.
Young, conservative thinkers tend to be perceived as lacking compassion because they strive to have people think and act for themselves rather than relying on government and others to think and act for them. Old liberals, on the other hand, are so trapped in their rigid ideology that they are often perceived as incapable of functioning independently of that ideology.
I’ve been a liberal, back in the days of JFK when liberals, though deluded, were still on the American side and back before I grew up. The experience of evolving into a conservative is closely related to St. Paul’s thought in the First Epistle to the Corinthians: “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child. But, when I became a man, I put away the things of a child.”
Liberals are both childish in their naïveté and brain-dead in their failure to recognize humanity’s true capacity and vision. Perhaps best epitomizing those qualities are two ultra-liberal television personalities, Jon Stewart and Rachel Maddow.
Comedy Central’s Stewart paid a visit to MSNBC’s Maddow on Thursday night, what had to be tantamount to a homecoming for Stewart, one Jewish lib paying call on another on different but similar liberal turf.
Asked if he thought his “Daily Show” functions only as entertainment, Stewart responded, “I feel more of a kinship to Jerry Seinfeld, than I do to what you guys do or to what, you know, CNN does or what NBC does.” He meant that he sees what he does as political and social satire rather than serious news, far more in the mold of the Smothers Brothers and Bill Maher than of Maddow, CNN, NBC and the other MSM.
That was a revelation to Maddow . . .
“Show me a young Conservative and I’ll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old Liberal and I’ll show you someone with no brains.“
That sage observation credited to Winston Churchill holds more truth today in American political circles than it did when he originally uttered it and when its originators, Francois Guisot and, later, Georges Clemenceau, wrote it.
Young, conservative thinkers tend to be perceived as lacking compassion because they strive to have people think and act for themselves rather than relying on government and others to think and act for them. Old liberals, on the other hand, are so trapped in their rigid ideology that they are often perceived as incapable of functioning independently of that ideology.
I’ve been a liberal, back in the days of JFK when liberals, though deluded, were still on the American side and back before I grew up. The experience of evolving into a conservative is closely related to St. Paul’s thought in the First Epistle to the Corinthians: “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child. But, when I became a man, I put away the things of a child.”
Liberals are both childish in their naïveté and brain-dead in their failure to recognize humanity’s true capacity and vision. Perhaps best epitomizing those qualities are two ultra-liberal television personalities, Jon Stewart and Rachel Maddow.
Comedy Central’s Stewart paid a visit to MSNBC’s Maddow on Thursday night, what had to be tantamount to a homecoming for Stewart, one Jewish lib paying call on another on different but similar liberal turf.
Asked if he thought his “Daily Show” functions only as entertainment, Stewart responded, “I feel more of a kinship to Jerry Seinfeld, than I do to what you guys do or to what, you know, CNN does or what NBC does.” He meant that he sees what he does as political and social satire rather than serious news, far more in the mold of the Smothers Brothers and Bill Maher than of Maddow, CNN, NBC and the other MSM.
That was a revelation to Maddow . . .
AOL Nitwits
AOL Nitwits
According to AOL, he’s a “financier and democracy advocate” who “has funded projects to support freedom of expression, democracy, public health and human rights around the world,” who is “famous for donating to liberal causes.”
Sounds like a pretty reputable and generous liberal guy, no? Who could badmouth such a terrific individual but some twisted conservative with a vicious, mindlessness out to smear all liberal advocates of free expression, democratic ideals, the health of the public, and the rights of human beings?
And who is the most twisted sick conservative out there–after Rush Limbaugh–but that weepy Glenn Beck?
And who is that eminently admirable and upright lib being slandered and slammed by Beck now? None other than George Soros, born György Schwartz, the eminently admirable one who is on record as saying, among other equally admirable things as, “The war on terror cannot be won,” the U.S. “is the main obstacle to a stable and just world,” American troops are “perpetrators” and “oppressors” and this winner, “The war on drugs is doing more harm to our society than drug abuse itself.”
And those are just György Schwartz’s/George Soros’ reflections on America. Examples of his other bizarre thoughts and dubious exploits are legion. . .
According to AOL, he’s a “financier and democracy advocate” who “has funded projects to support freedom of expression, democracy, public health and human rights around the world,” who is “famous for donating to liberal causes.”
Sounds like a pretty reputable and generous liberal guy, no? Who could badmouth such a terrific individual but some twisted conservative with a vicious, mindlessness out to smear all liberal advocates of free expression, democratic ideals, the health of the public, and the rights of human beings?
And who is the most twisted sick conservative out there–after Rush Limbaugh–but that weepy Glenn Beck?
And who is that eminently admirable and upright lib being slandered and slammed by Beck now? None other than George Soros, born György Schwartz, the eminently admirable one who is on record as saying, among other equally admirable things as, “The war on terror cannot be won,” the U.S. “is the main obstacle to a stable and just world,” American troops are “perpetrators” and “oppressors” and this winner, “The war on drugs is doing more harm to our society than drug abuse itself.”
And those are just György Schwartz’s/George Soros’ reflections on America. Examples of his other bizarre thoughts and dubious exploits are legion. . .
Friday, November 12, 2010
Gay Educator Watch
Gay Educator Watch
There was something about Mary in the 1998 eponymous film which Ted the doofus ultimately resolved long after his disastrous prom date. There’s something about teachers today, dating back long before 1998, that isn’t even close to resolution.
To say we live in a morally-loose world today would be a gross understatement. To say that what was once a major bastion of rectitude, the teaching profession, is still that bastion would be an absurdity that would make many students and teachers today all but hysterical with a sly laughter suppressed only by the former standards of teacher-student decorum.
America’s schools haven’t, yet, become modern examples of mini-Sodoms and Gomorrahs and this in no way suggests the current phenomenon is universal but the situation seems to have become dire, so dire that now features a special section on a “Weird Teacher Watch.”
And the weirdness isn’t confined to the classroom teacher. Administrators also want their share of the action.
Case in point is 37 year old Charles D. Hurst, former vice-principal of the Pennbrook Middle School in the Philadelphia suburb of Montgomery County. . .
There was something about Mary in the 1998 eponymous film which Ted the doofus ultimately resolved long after his disastrous prom date. There’s something about teachers today, dating back long before 1998, that isn’t even close to resolution.
To say we live in a morally-loose world today would be a gross understatement. To say that what was once a major bastion of rectitude, the teaching profession, is still that bastion would be an absurdity that would make many students and teachers today all but hysterical with a sly laughter suppressed only by the former standards of teacher-student decorum.
America’s schools haven’t, yet, become modern examples of mini-Sodoms and Gomorrahs and this in no way suggests the current phenomenon is universal but the situation seems to have become dire, so dire that now features a special section on a “Weird Teacher Watch.”
And the weirdness isn’t confined to the classroom teacher. Administrators also want their share of the action.
Case in point is 37 year old Charles D. Hurst, former vice-principal of the Pennbrook Middle School in the Philadelphia suburb of Montgomery County. . .
Mr. Tingly's Fat Joke
Mr. Tingly's Fat Joke
“Your mama so fat I took a picture of her last Christmas and it’s still printing.” “He is so fat, he shows up on radar.” “I know a lady that is so fat she has to wake up in sections.”
Guffaw, guffaw, guffaw.
Fat jokes, skinny jokes, gay jokes, black jokes. They’re all riotous–unless you’re fat, skinny, gay or black. They’re also not politically correct, especially today, especially with the P.C. elite such as MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, which is why his cracking a fat joke about Chris Christie, Governor of New Jersey, is so repugnant and hypocritical.
The same man who felt a tingle running up his leg–twice–when in the company of candidate Barack Hussein Obama was chatting with MSNBC’s admitted socialist and, no doubt, another P.C. advocate, Chris O’Donnell on Matthews’ “Hardball.”
The 2 P.C. top honchos were discussing the late Democrat Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Mr. Tingles noted how Moynihan never attacked opponents on a personal basis and how he always stuck to the issues. O’Donnell chimed in and said Moynihan had vision and contrasted him with the visionless Christie, who also happens to be an arch-conservative. The socialist O’Donnell thought Moynihan would be “horrified” at Christie’s cancelling Jersey’s participation in the new multi-billion dollar tunnel boondoggle between New Jersey and New York.
The visionless Governor Christie is struggling with the results of decades of visionary Jersey Dems’ profligacy which have resulted . . .
“Your mama so fat I took a picture of her last Christmas and it’s still printing.” “He is so fat, he shows up on radar.” “I know a lady that is so fat she has to wake up in sections.”
Guffaw, guffaw, guffaw.
Fat jokes, skinny jokes, gay jokes, black jokes. They’re all riotous–unless you’re fat, skinny, gay or black. They’re also not politically correct, especially today, especially with the P.C. elite such as MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, which is why his cracking a fat joke about Chris Christie, Governor of New Jersey, is so repugnant and hypocritical.
The same man who felt a tingle running up his leg–twice–when in the company of candidate Barack Hussein Obama was chatting with MSNBC’s admitted socialist and, no doubt, another P.C. advocate, Chris O’Donnell on Matthews’ “Hardball.”
The 2 P.C. top honchos were discussing the late Democrat Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Mr. Tingles noted how Moynihan never attacked opponents on a personal basis and how he always stuck to the issues. O’Donnell chimed in and said Moynihan had vision and contrasted him with the visionless Christie, who also happens to be an arch-conservative. The socialist O’Donnell thought Moynihan would be “horrified” at Christie’s cancelling Jersey’s participation in the new multi-billion dollar tunnel boondoggle between New Jersey and New York.
The visionless Governor Christie is struggling with the results of decades of visionary Jersey Dems’ profligacy which have resulted . . .
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Very Interesting, But Stupid?
Very Interesting, But Stupid?
“Look, up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s Superman!”
“It’s a solid propellant missile. You can tell from the efflux [smoke],” says Doug Richardson, missile expert and editor of Jane’s Missiles and Rockets.
“It’s all in the angle,” say various other experts.
“It’s just the contrail [condensation or vapor trail] of a commercial airliner,” say the military, the FAA, and NORAD.
“I saw a big plume coming up, rising from looked like beyond the horizon and it continued to grow. It was unique. It was moving. It was growing in the sky,” says KCBS cameraman, Gil Leyvas who zoomed in for 10 minutes or so on the “Mystery Missile” he saw on Monday over Los Angeles. It looked as if it were incoming.
In case you missed it, see the cause of Leyvas’ excitement here:
We can readily discount the bird and Superman theories, the other interpretations not so readily. A serious question also arises from the mysterious delay by the military, the FAA, and NORAD, which expend billions of dollars every year watching our skies, over identifying the source of the Mystery Missile. It initially bewildered the military.
According to the UK’s Guardian, Pentagon spokesman Col. Dave Lapan admitted, ”Nobody within the department of defence that we have reached out to has been able to explain what this contrail is, where it came from. So far, we’ve come up empty with any explanation:”
The next day brought the Voila! moment and the mystery was solved . . .
“Look, up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s Superman!”
“It’s a solid propellant missile. You can tell from the efflux [smoke],” says Doug Richardson, missile expert and editor of Jane’s Missiles and Rockets.
“It’s all in the angle,” say various other experts.
“It’s just the contrail [condensation or vapor trail] of a commercial airliner,” say the military, the FAA, and NORAD.
“I saw a big plume coming up, rising from looked like beyond the horizon and it continued to grow. It was unique. It was moving. It was growing in the sky,” says KCBS cameraman, Gil Leyvas who zoomed in for 10 minutes or so on the “Mystery Missile” he saw on Monday over Los Angeles. It looked as if it were incoming.
In case you missed it, see the cause of Leyvas’ excitement here:
We can readily discount the bird and Superman theories, the other interpretations not so readily. A serious question also arises from the mysterious delay by the military, the FAA, and NORAD, which expend billions of dollars every year watching our skies, over identifying the source of the Mystery Missile. It initially bewildered the military.
According to the UK’s Guardian, Pentagon spokesman Col. Dave Lapan admitted, ”Nobody within the department of defence that we have reached out to has been able to explain what this contrail is, where it came from. So far, we’ve come up empty with any explanation:”
The next day brought the Voila! moment and the mystery was solved . . .
gil leyvas,
mystery missiles,
America's Veterans
America's Veterans
When you next look at your kids, thank a vet. When you next go shopping, thank a vet. When you next go to church, thank a vet. When you next draw a breath, thank a vet.
It’s far too easy to forget the men and women who made all that looking, shopping, church-going–and breathing– and the hundreds of other things we do daily, possible.
They are America’s veterans, the people who fought, and sometimes died, in America’s wars and who are too often forgotten in our day-to-day lives. They are the men and women who served the people of America. They are the other people, those who risked their lives so that we could shop, worship, and, yes, breathe. . .
When you next look at your kids, thank a vet. When you next go shopping, thank a vet. When you next go to church, thank a vet. When you next draw a breath, thank a vet.
It’s far too easy to forget the men and women who made all that looking, shopping, church-going–and breathing– and the hundreds of other things we do daily, possible.
They are America’s veterans, the people who fought, and sometimes died, in America’s wars and who are too often forgotten in our day-to-day lives. They are the men and women who served the people of America. They are the other people, those who risked their lives so that we could shop, worship, and, yes, breathe. . .
UPDATE on Airport "Fondling, Groping, and Squeezing"
UPDATE on Airport "Fondling, Groping, and Squeezing"
Apparently, my recent article, “Paid Government Perversions, Compliments of Your TSA,” (November 5, 2010,, which detailed (alleged!) outrageous Transportation Security Agency violations of personal space and bodies at American airports, was totally erroneous.
Apparently, also, the statements of “Michelle” (last name omitted to preserve what’s left of her dignity) were a bundle of lies.
When she attested on the Alex Jones radio show that a male officer “cupped” her breasts, ran his open palms up and down her legs and her “private area” at the Denver airport and that the TSA insisted on “patting down” her 2 daughters, age 20 months and 8 years, she fabricated the whole thing!
I profoundly and profusely apologize for posting such slanders against the fine men and women of the TSA. I now know they were lies and slanders because the TSA says such indignities, which amount to sexual assaults and pedophilia, never happened, aren’t happening, and could never happen under its watch.
Furthermore, according to the TSA, any fears of radiation from airport naked body scanners are totally unfounded, so I therefore also apologize for posting any misleading information on that issue.
The TSA’s own “Blogger Bob” was asked, “Why are you [not] posting about TSA’s ongoing sexual assault on travelers who don’t wish to be irradiated by untested machines run by poorly trained screening clerks?” Blogger Bob responded, “There is no fondling, squeezing, groping, or any sort of sexual assault taking place at airports. You have a professional workforce carrying out procedures they were trained to perform to keep aviation security safe:”
That link also provides a vivid demonstration of TSA’s non-fondling, non-squeezing, non-groping pat-down procedures.
Government and government flunkies never lie so there, that’s settled.
Except that it’s anything but settled. . .
Apparently, my recent article, “Paid Government Perversions, Compliments of Your TSA,” (November 5, 2010,, which detailed (alleged!) outrageous Transportation Security Agency violations of personal space and bodies at American airports, was totally erroneous.
Apparently, also, the statements of “Michelle” (last name omitted to preserve what’s left of her dignity) were a bundle of lies.
When she attested on the Alex Jones radio show that a male officer “cupped” her breasts, ran his open palms up and down her legs and her “private area” at the Denver airport and that the TSA insisted on “patting down” her 2 daughters, age 20 months and 8 years, she fabricated the whole thing!
I profoundly and profusely apologize for posting such slanders against the fine men and women of the TSA. I now know they were lies and slanders because the TSA says such indignities, which amount to sexual assaults and pedophilia, never happened, aren’t happening, and could never happen under its watch.
Furthermore, according to the TSA, any fears of radiation from airport naked body scanners are totally unfounded, so I therefore also apologize for posting any misleading information on that issue.
The TSA’s own “Blogger Bob” was asked, “Why are you [not] posting about TSA’s ongoing sexual assault on travelers who don’t wish to be irradiated by untested machines run by poorly trained screening clerks?” Blogger Bob responded, “There is no fondling, squeezing, groping, or any sort of sexual assault taking place at airports. You have a professional workforce carrying out procedures they were trained to perform to keep aviation security safe:”
That link also provides a vivid demonstration of TSA’s non-fondling, non-squeezing, non-groping pat-down procedures.
Government and government flunkies never lie so there, that’s settled.
Except that it’s anything but settled. . .
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Black Babies
Black Babies
To hear Whoopi Goldberg and others on “The View” last year reacting to Ann Coulter’s presentation of copious facts and details that substantiate Coulter’s researched contention that 72% of black babies in America are being born to single, unwed mothers is to wonder whether Ol’ Whoop is operating in an alternate universe.
“The View’s” braindead studio audience erupted into applause whenever Whoopi mouthed equally-braindead responses such as, “Umm, not great research since we’ve seen this research discounted time and time again,” while never citing any sources for that discounting.
Goldberg took exception to Coulter’s assumed denigration of single mothers in part because Whoopi is one, as well as a proud, multiple-aborter of a number of her pre-born babies, although she didn’t bring that up. I’m tempted to say those aborted babies were better off in Whoopi’s case, but I won’t.
Coulter ripped not single mothers but the “exalting” of single motherhood by the MSM and Hollywood while allowing single fatherhood and the fathers who fathered all those born and aborted progeny to escape responsibility.
Under cross-examination by Goldberg, Coulter admitted she was neither married nor had she borne children–facts Whoopi knew as well as she knew, maybe, how many babies she had aborted–but Whoops concluded from that that Coulter didn’t know what she was talking about. . .
To hear Whoopi Goldberg and others on “The View” last year reacting to Ann Coulter’s presentation of copious facts and details that substantiate Coulter’s researched contention that 72% of black babies in America are being born to single, unwed mothers is to wonder whether Ol’ Whoop is operating in an alternate universe.
“The View’s” braindead studio audience erupted into applause whenever Whoopi mouthed equally-braindead responses such as, “Umm, not great research since we’ve seen this research discounted time and time again,” while never citing any sources for that discounting.
Goldberg took exception to Coulter’s assumed denigration of single mothers in part because Whoopi is one, as well as a proud, multiple-aborter of a number of her pre-born babies, although she didn’t bring that up. I’m tempted to say those aborted babies were better off in Whoopi’s case, but I won’t.
Coulter ripped not single mothers but the “exalting” of single motherhood by the MSM and Hollywood while allowing single fatherhood and the fathers who fathered all those born and aborted progeny to escape responsibility.
Under cross-examination by Goldberg, Coulter admitted she was neither married nor had she borne children–facts Whoopi knew as well as she knew, maybe, how many babies she had aborted–but Whoops concluded from that that Coulter didn’t know what she was talking about. . .
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Barry Obama, "The Boy Who Ran Like a Duck"
Barry Obama, "The Boy Who Ran Like a Duck"
Being a city boy originally, I don’t know much about how ducks run (a rapid waddle?) but most Indonesians probably do.
President Barack Hussein Obama lived some of his formative years in Muslim Indonesia and attended a school popular with “the ruling class” in Jakarta after attending a Catholic school in which many students didn’t own shoes until third grade. He moved on to a Muslim public school Menteng which “still draws the children of the elite.”
Some of the locals recall him as a chubster and as “the boy who runs like a duck” duiring those years in Jakarta, 1967-1971, when he was about 6-10 years of age.
That should not be construed as a negative reflection on our president. It couldn’t be since it appears in an article in the New York Times titled, “Obama Visits a Nation that Knew Him As Barry.” . . .
Being a city boy originally, I don’t know much about how ducks run (a rapid waddle?) but most Indonesians probably do.
President Barack Hussein Obama lived some of his formative years in Muslim Indonesia and attended a school popular with “the ruling class” in Jakarta after attending a Catholic school in which many students didn’t own shoes until third grade. He moved on to a Muslim public school Menteng which “still draws the children of the elite.”
Some of the locals recall him as a chubster and as “the boy who runs like a duck” duiring those years in Jakarta, 1967-1971, when he was about 6-10 years of age.
That should not be construed as a negative reflection on our president. It couldn’t be since it appears in an article in the New York Times titled, “Obama Visits a Nation that Knew Him As Barry.” . . .
UPDATES: Pilots Declining, Telephone Peeing, Presidents Dancing, Somalis Prostituting, etc
UPDATES: Pilots Declining, Telephone Peeing, Presidents Dancing, Somalis Prostituting,Professors Gorging, and Obama Bad-Mouthing
Harry S Truman profoundly said,“There is nothing new in the world except the history you do not know.” I’m not exactly sure of what the 33rd president meant by that since there are any number of things, events, developments, updates in the world that strike me as pretty new and I know them.
I think. featured a slew of them on Monday, most of which have previously been discussed here and all of which are definitely “new,” some of which baffle me, some of which I don’t care a flying fig about. . .
Harry S Truman profoundly said,“There is nothing new in the world except the history you do not know.” I’m not exactly sure of what the 33rd president meant by that since there are any number of things, events, developments, updates in the world that strike me as pretty new and I know them.
I think. featured a slew of them on Monday, most of which have previously been discussed here and all of which are definitely “new,” some of which baffle me, some of which I don’t care a flying fig about. . .
Monday, November 8, 2010
Of Uteri and Privacy
Of Uteri and Privacy
Leftist pro-abortionists, an admitted redundancy, are all verklempt over last Tuesday’s election results.
It seems that along with the coming influx of fiscal conservatives in the new Republican House of Representatives in January, America will be blessed with far too many of that “ilk” who are social conservatives as well, meaning that most take deep personal, moral, and national offense at the liberal sacrament of abortion, the all-too-popular practice of murdering the pre-born.
Lori Ziganto addresses that issue in her article, “Pro-Aborts Screech Stay Out Of My Uterus! Unless They Want To Brag About Abortions On Twitter” which appears on Monday’s pages of
Ms. Ziganto focuses on the Constitution’s alleged provision for a woman’s “right to privacy,” a right non-existent in our Constitution which was discovered and incorporated into that document by the United States Supreme Court in 1973 with its decision on Roe v. Wade.
There was, of course, precedent for that incorporation, that re-writing of the Constitution, in another SCOTUS decision in 1857 when Chief Justice Roger B. Taney’s court determined that Dred Scott and all African Americans “had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit. He was bought and sold and treated as an ordinary article of merchandise and traffic, whenever profit could be made by it.”
In brief, SCOTUS had made grievous errors in the past and therefore was entitled to make another one in 1973 and so-called feminists rejoiced in their new-found right to privacy.
Apparently, 37 years later, they feel so strongly in their right to privacy that many of them are now proudly advertising their abortions by twittering on . .
Leftist pro-abortionists, an admitted redundancy, are all verklempt over last Tuesday’s election results.
It seems that along with the coming influx of fiscal conservatives in the new Republican House of Representatives in January, America will be blessed with far too many of that “ilk” who are social conservatives as well, meaning that most take deep personal, moral, and national offense at the liberal sacrament of abortion, the all-too-popular practice of murdering the pre-born.
Lori Ziganto addresses that issue in her article, “Pro-Aborts Screech Stay Out Of My Uterus! Unless They Want To Brag About Abortions On Twitter” which appears on Monday’s pages of
Ms. Ziganto focuses on the Constitution’s alleged provision for a woman’s “right to privacy,” a right non-existent in our Constitution which was discovered and incorporated into that document by the United States Supreme Court in 1973 with its decision on Roe v. Wade.
There was, of course, precedent for that incorporation, that re-writing of the Constitution, in another SCOTUS decision in 1857 when Chief Justice Roger B. Taney’s court determined that Dred Scott and all African Americans “had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit. He was bought and sold and treated as an ordinary article of merchandise and traffic, whenever profit could be made by it.”
In brief, SCOTUS had made grievous errors in the past and therefore was entitled to make another one in 1973 and so-called feminists rejoiced in their new-found right to privacy.
Apparently, 37 years later, they feel so strongly in their right to privacy that many of them are now proudly advertising their abortions by twittering on . .
Millions, Billions, Trillions? Oh, My!
Millions, Billions, Trillions? Oh, My!
What comes next after trillions? Quadrillions? Humungozillions?
Does it matter?
Good old Everett Dirksen, Republican senator and minority leader from Illinois in the 1960′s, is most remembered and credited today for his semi-tongue-in-cheek reflection that, “A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you’re talking real money.”
That cynical reference to the uninhibited spending of LBJ’s Democrats during the “Great Society,” which proved to be not so great and which in fact devolved into an economic disaster, is today fiscally as antiquated as high-button shoes have been for a century. In 2010, Dirksen would probably scratch his hoary, grey head and gasp, “Trillions?”
That’s the number politicians speak of today as if it’s simply the logical, economic extension of millions and Dirksen’s billions. On Friday, the Wall Street Journal published an article under Real Time Economics titled, “Number of the Week: 10.2 Trillion in Global Borrowing” which, in gross understatement, concluded, ”It’s easy to see that the risk of serious financial trouble is growing:”
Excuse me? “Serious financial trouble?” Ya think?
Is that in any way translatable for the ignorant masses, us hoi polloi, as meaning, “We’re in deep sh*t?” That the WSJ is well aware of that deep sh*t . . .
What comes next after trillions? Quadrillions? Humungozillions?
Does it matter?
Good old Everett Dirksen, Republican senator and minority leader from Illinois in the 1960′s, is most remembered and credited today for his semi-tongue-in-cheek reflection that, “A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you’re talking real money.”
That cynical reference to the uninhibited spending of LBJ’s Democrats during the “Great Society,” which proved to be not so great and which in fact devolved into an economic disaster, is today fiscally as antiquated as high-button shoes have been for a century. In 2010, Dirksen would probably scratch his hoary, grey head and gasp, “Trillions?”
That’s the number politicians speak of today as if it’s simply the logical, economic extension of millions and Dirksen’s billions. On Friday, the Wall Street Journal published an article under Real Time Economics titled, “Number of the Week: 10.2 Trillion in Global Borrowing” which, in gross understatement, concluded, ”It’s easy to see that the risk of serious financial trouble is growing:”
Excuse me? “Serious financial trouble?” Ya think?
Is that in any way translatable for the ignorant masses, us hoi polloi, as meaning, “We’re in deep sh*t?” That the WSJ is well aware of that deep sh*t . . .
Sunday, November 7, 2010
America's Callous P.C. President
America's Callous P.C. President
Two noteworthy anniversaries occur in November, one observed by our vacationing president, one totally ignored by our vacationing president.
It’s odd, actually, since the regrettable anniversaries are linked: Both involve Islamic terrorist attacks, the first occurring on our own soil, the one Obama totally ignored, the second occurring thousands of miles away, the one he observed.
Speaking soon after his arrival in Mumbai, India, at the same hotel, the luxurious Taj Mahal hotel that was one site of Islamic terrorism two years ago, Obama somberly noted that the perpetrators of the Mumbai terror attacks must be brought to justice. One hundred and seventy people were murdered and 308 wounded in the Taj and in other locations in the Indian capital over the course of 3 days, November 26-29.
He offered ultra-politically correct, sincere solace to the relatives of the victims of what Indians refer to as “26/11,” as if that Islamic atrocity even remotely compared to America’s Islamic atrocity on 9/11.
To the relatives of the Mumbai terror attacks victims, Obama offered these words of consolation: ”We will never forget the awful images of the November 26 attacks, the flames from Taj Hotel that lit up skies on those four days of November, 2008.” He vowed, ”We today, U.S. and India are working together, more closely than ever to deepen counterterrorism (cooperation), to keep our people safe:”
Very touching, very presidential, very P.C.
As for the other attack, at Fort Hood on November 5th, 2009, the president and his administration have been preternaturally, unaccountably silent for almost a year, acting almost as if the murder of 14 innocents, including a pre-born baby, and the wounding of 30 others at the Texas Army base had never happened or, worse, didn’t matter.
It can’t really be said that he has forgotten that massacre, also at the hands of an Islamic murderer, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, since Obama has virtually ignored it, even during his pre-recorded Saturday radio address on November 5th, 2010 . . .
Two noteworthy anniversaries occur in November, one observed by our vacationing president, one totally ignored by our vacationing president.
It’s odd, actually, since the regrettable anniversaries are linked: Both involve Islamic terrorist attacks, the first occurring on our own soil, the one Obama totally ignored, the second occurring thousands of miles away, the one he observed.
Speaking soon after his arrival in Mumbai, India, at the same hotel, the luxurious Taj Mahal hotel that was one site of Islamic terrorism two years ago, Obama somberly noted that the perpetrators of the Mumbai terror attacks must be brought to justice. One hundred and seventy people were murdered and 308 wounded in the Taj and in other locations in the Indian capital over the course of 3 days, November 26-29.
He offered ultra-politically correct, sincere solace to the relatives of the victims of what Indians refer to as “26/11,” as if that Islamic atrocity even remotely compared to America’s Islamic atrocity on 9/11.
To the relatives of the Mumbai terror attacks victims, Obama offered these words of consolation: ”We will never forget the awful images of the November 26 attacks, the flames from Taj Hotel that lit up skies on those four days of November, 2008.” He vowed, ”We today, U.S. and India are working together, more closely than ever to deepen counterterrorism (cooperation), to keep our people safe:”
Very touching, very presidential, very P.C.
As for the other attack, at Fort Hood on November 5th, 2009, the president and his administration have been preternaturally, unaccountably silent for almost a year, acting almost as if the murder of 14 innocents, including a pre-born baby, and the wounding of 30 others at the Texas Army base had never happened or, worse, didn’t matter.
It can’t really be said that he has forgotten that massacre, also at the hands of an Islamic murderer, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, since Obama has virtually ignored it, even during his pre-recorded Saturday radio address on November 5th, 2010 . . .
Toys for Tots and Toddlers
Toys for Tots and Toddlers
It’s easy this time of year to get overly involved with shopping, buying, and spending. Those inclinations aren’t unique to Americans or to Christians or to twenty-first centurians.
Two hundred years ago, William Wordsworth railed against acquisitiveness in his poem, “The World Is Too Much with Us,” when he wrote, “The world is too much with us; late and soon,/ Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers;/ Little we see in Nature that is ours;/ We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!”
Leaving aside wasted powers and sordid boons, many Americans still do get and spend too much even in these recessionary times. Recession or no, credit cards or no, promises and commitments to cut back or no, during the Christmas-holiday season most of us tend to over-do, over-spend, over-indebt ourselves to Visa, Master Card, to whatever.
None of that is a good thing any more than it was back in the nineteenth century when Wordsworth was railing against “getting and spending” in a different context.
Americans’ context in A.D. 2010 is, as always, our friends, family, and, yes, ourselves, which is all very normal.
Equally “normal” during this upcoming festive season is to “share the wealth,” not that mandated sharing envisioned by our president but a true, grass roots sharing in which we, first, insure that family will be provided for but not over-indulged and then, if there is any surplus in the bank account, share with the less prosperous, particularly with the kids in America who may have drawn the wrong life card and who face a bleak festive season.
One terrific way to share the bounty, to give what we can afford or a little more than we can afford to make a child’s Christmas morning less bleak, is to cough up a few bucks or a toy to the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation. Their website,, gives toy drop-off sites as well as monetary donation sites.
It’s easy to say, “Merry Christmas” to people. It’s only a little more difficult to help make a Christmas a little bit merrier to some kid.
Isn’t it worth the effort?
It’s easy this time of year to get overly involved with shopping, buying, and spending. Those inclinations aren’t unique to Americans or to Christians or to twenty-first centurians.
Two hundred years ago, William Wordsworth railed against acquisitiveness in his poem, “The World Is Too Much with Us,” when he wrote, “The world is too much with us; late and soon,/ Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers;/ Little we see in Nature that is ours;/ We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!”
Leaving aside wasted powers and sordid boons, many Americans still do get and spend too much even in these recessionary times. Recession or no, credit cards or no, promises and commitments to cut back or no, during the Christmas-holiday season most of us tend to over-do, over-spend, over-indebt ourselves to Visa, Master Card, to whatever.
None of that is a good thing any more than it was back in the nineteenth century when Wordsworth was railing against “getting and spending” in a different context.
Americans’ context in A.D. 2010 is, as always, our friends, family, and, yes, ourselves, which is all very normal.
Equally “normal” during this upcoming festive season is to “share the wealth,” not that mandated sharing envisioned by our president but a true, grass roots sharing in which we, first, insure that family will be provided for but not over-indulged and then, if there is any surplus in the bank account, share with the less prosperous, particularly with the kids in America who may have drawn the wrong life card and who face a bleak festive season.
One terrific way to share the bounty, to give what we can afford or a little more than we can afford to make a child’s Christmas morning less bleak, is to cough up a few bucks or a toy to the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation. Their website,, gives toy drop-off sites as well as monetary donation sites.
It’s easy to say, “Merry Christmas” to people. It’s only a little more difficult to help make a Christmas a little bit merrier to some kid.
Isn’t it worth the effort?
The Plame Truth vs, "Fair Game"
The Plame Truth vs. "Fair Game"
Valerie Elise Plame Wilson, the multi-lingual, twice-married Penn State grad and holder of 2 graduate degrees, long-time CIA NOC, (non-official cover, deep-cover officer), central figure in the 2003-2005 Washington ”Plamegate” controversy, can now add “movie consultant” to her already chock-full résumé.
She and husband, former abmbassador Joseph P. (Joe) Wilson IV, consulted on director Doug Liman’s new movie, Fair Game, featuring Naomi Watts as Valerie and Sean Penn as Joe. Fair Game is Hollywood’s latest attempt to re-write history.
I know nothing of the political leanings of Naomi but the presence of Penn in the cast is a dead giveaway that this is another in the long line of Oliver Stone-type films that are based on Hollywood revisionism: If you don’t like history then just change it.
If wife Valerie was the central figure in Plamegate, hubby Joe Wilson, thrice-wed career civil servant, diplomat and ambassador for four years to inconsequential African states with a flair for the dramatic–he once wore a noose around his neck in defiance of Saddam Hussein–was the catalyst.
Without going into depth on Plamegate, suffice to say it was far more a political stunt meant to undermine President George W. Bush’s presidency and the American invasion of Iraq than a scandal.
Briefly: . . .
Valerie Elise Plame Wilson, the multi-lingual, twice-married Penn State grad and holder of 2 graduate degrees, long-time CIA NOC, (non-official cover, deep-cover officer), central figure in the 2003-2005 Washington ”Plamegate” controversy, can now add “movie consultant” to her already chock-full résumé.
She and husband, former abmbassador Joseph P. (Joe) Wilson IV, consulted on director Doug Liman’s new movie, Fair Game, featuring Naomi Watts as Valerie and Sean Penn as Joe. Fair Game is Hollywood’s latest attempt to re-write history.
I know nothing of the political leanings of Naomi but the presence of Penn in the cast is a dead giveaway that this is another in the long line of Oliver Stone-type films that are based on Hollywood revisionism: If you don’t like history then just change it.
If wife Valerie was the central figure in Plamegate, hubby Joe Wilson, thrice-wed career civil servant, diplomat and ambassador for four years to inconsequential African states with a flair for the dramatic–he once wore a noose around his neck in defiance of Saddam Hussein–was the catalyst.
Without going into depth on Plamegate, suffice to say it was far more a political stunt meant to undermine President George W. Bush’s presidency and the American invasion of Iraq than a scandal.
Briefly: . . .
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Oakland Erupts Again!
Oakland Erupts Again!
. . . BART officer Johannes Mehserle, alone on his job at that crowded station, shot and killed Oscar Grant and was virtually exonerated on Friday by a jury of his peers. He was sentenced to 2 years in prison for “an accidental shooting” and could be out in a matter of months.
Grant’s family strongly disagreed, alleging racism for a sentence they considered too lenient: “Wanda Johnson, the mother of Oscar Grant, shouted, ‘Oh my!’ when Superior Court Judge Robert Perry issued the two-year sentence. She burst out of the courtroom saying, ‘He got nothing! He got nothing!’ “ Grant’s uncle, Bobby Cephus Johnson, seconded that sentiment, saying, “I do believe it’s a racist criminal justice system.”
Neither he nor Grant’s mother explained the basis for their feelings but Grant’s uncle added that the family remained calm even as others cranked up the riot machine. “I have no power over what people feel their matter of expression should be,” he said. (
When word of the sentence, passed down in Los Angeles, reached Oakland, protestors took to the streets, smashing windows and windshields and destroying fences, repeating the pillaging that had occurred back in 2009 when the shooting happened and again last July after the verdict was announced. In the latter riots, 800 protestors participated including some the police called known “anarchists” from outside the Oakland area.
As of now, the third upheaval . . .
. . . BART officer Johannes Mehserle, alone on his job at that crowded station, shot and killed Oscar Grant and was virtually exonerated on Friday by a jury of his peers. He was sentenced to 2 years in prison for “an accidental shooting” and could be out in a matter of months.
Grant’s family strongly disagreed, alleging racism for a sentence they considered too lenient: “Wanda Johnson, the mother of Oscar Grant, shouted, ‘Oh my!’ when Superior Court Judge Robert Perry issued the two-year sentence. She burst out of the courtroom saying, ‘He got nothing! He got nothing!’ “ Grant’s uncle, Bobby Cephus Johnson, seconded that sentiment, saying, “I do believe it’s a racist criminal justice system.”
Neither he nor Grant’s mother explained the basis for their feelings but Grant’s uncle added that the family remained calm even as others cranked up the riot machine. “I have no power over what people feel their matter of expression should be,” he said. (
When word of the sentence, passed down in Los Angeles, reached Oakland, protestors took to the streets, smashing windows and windshields and destroying fences, repeating the pillaging that had occurred back in 2009 when the shooting happened and again last July after the verdict was announced. In the latter riots, 800 protestors participated including some the police called known “anarchists” from outside the Oakland area.
As of now, the third upheaval . . .
MSNBC, Ethics, and Keith Olbermann?
MSNBC, Ethics, and Keith Olbermann?
It takes a hell of a lot for MSNBC, the cable news station of NBC established in partnership with Microsoft, to suspend someone for violating its ethics policy. It’s a challenge to try to determine whether MSNBC, dubbed PMSNBC by Rush Limbaugh, has any ethics at all considering its programming and commentators.
As the left’s response to Fox News, MSNBC has been beyond lame. As the left’s entry into the ethics sweepstakes, MSNBC finished as an also-ran.
However, someone has been suspended, indefinitely and without pay, for violating that vague policy. None other than Keith Olbermann, former sports maven and now former political pundit in MSNBC’s 8 pm slot, the man who proved that one host was able to sink a cable network almost single-handedly, has, possibly, been handed his pink slip.
Actually, that’s hyperbolic since Olbermann had a lot of help in that regard from such people as the raving, leftist lesbian, Rachel Maddow. As of today, though, Rachel is still in and Keith’s “Countdown with Keith Olbermann” is being counted out. It remains to be seen if Maddow survives longer than MSNBC. . .
It takes a hell of a lot for MSNBC, the cable news station of NBC established in partnership with Microsoft, to suspend someone for violating its ethics policy. It’s a challenge to try to determine whether MSNBC, dubbed PMSNBC by Rush Limbaugh, has any ethics at all considering its programming and commentators.
As the left’s response to Fox News, MSNBC has been beyond lame. As the left’s entry into the ethics sweepstakes, MSNBC finished as an also-ran.
However, someone has been suspended, indefinitely and without pay, for violating that vague policy. None other than Keith Olbermann, former sports maven and now former political pundit in MSNBC’s 8 pm slot, the man who proved that one host was able to sink a cable network almost single-handedly, has, possibly, been handed his pink slip.
Actually, that’s hyperbolic since Olbermann had a lot of help in that regard from such people as the raving, leftist lesbian, Rachel Maddow. As of today, though, Rachel is still in and Keith’s “Countdown with Keith Olbermann” is being counted out. It remains to be seen if Maddow survives longer than MSNBC. . .
Friday, November 5, 2010
Paid Government Perversions, Compliments of Your TSA
Paid Government Perversions, Compliments of Your TSA
For 9 years, Americans have been preached at by government-types telling us that whatever we do after 9/11 we can’t succumb to the temptation to lower ourselves to the level of the enemy, that America should always take the high road, that we have to show ourselves to be better than they are.
Aside from the fact that following that advice would be a sure-fire route to losing our war against Islam, in the homeland we’re acting worse than they are. At least Islam and Al-qaeda don’t officially condone the molestation of women and children. We do.
Witness this video involving an interview of a young woman travelling from Denver to Austin with her 2 daughters, aged 20 months and 8 years. Michelle “opted out” of a full-body scan, a choice that seemed to excite security personnel and she soon learned the reason why: In brief, she and her daughters–even the baby–were physically, rudely, and roughly molested, fondled, and it was all very legal. The Transportation Security Agency calls it a “pat-down.”
Michelle had opted not to subject herself to the radiation from what the TSA at first called “whole-body imagers” but now calls “advanced imaging technology” units and some call strip-searches. The alternative was no better, even worse by some standards. . .
For 9 years, Americans have been preached at by government-types telling us that whatever we do after 9/11 we can’t succumb to the temptation to lower ourselves to the level of the enemy, that America should always take the high road, that we have to show ourselves to be better than they are.
Aside from the fact that following that advice would be a sure-fire route to losing our war against Islam, in the homeland we’re acting worse than they are. At least Islam and Al-qaeda don’t officially condone the molestation of women and children. We do.
Witness this video involving an interview of a young woman travelling from Denver to Austin with her 2 daughters, aged 20 months and 8 years. Michelle “opted out” of a full-body scan, a choice that seemed to excite security personnel and she soon learned the reason why: In brief, she and her daughters–even the baby–were physically, rudely, and roughly molested, fondled, and it was all very legal. The Transportation Security Agency calls it a “pat-down.”
Michelle had opted not to subject herself to the radiation from what the TSA at first called “whole-body imagers” but now calls “advanced imaging technology” units and some call strip-searches. The alternative was no better, even worse by some standards. . .
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Whatever Happened to the Golden State?
Whatever Happened to the Golden State?
One of Hollywood’s better thrillers in the 1960′s was “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?” In the sixties, despite that flick, the state of California could still lay claim to a relative degree of sanity.
Even into the mid-seventies, the Golden State elected and re-elected Ronald Reagan as its governor so it obviously was then functionally sane. Something happened in and to California after that, however and, long before 2010, California began devolving into a laid-back cesspool.
It still has plenty of nice weather but Mother Nature tends to that. Balmy weather in a broke and broken state, however, doesn’t cut it, unless you’re a nouveau hippy pothead in which case nothing much bothers you.
As for the rest of Californians, who sometimes seem straight and normal when they reject gay marriage, as they did in 2008, and reject pot for all, as they did on Election Day, 2010, they just don’t seem able to see those woods with all those damned trees and all that foul pot smoke casting a haze over the view.
California and Californians have changed significantly over the last 3 decades principally in demographics. . .
One of Hollywood’s better thrillers in the 1960′s was “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?” In the sixties, despite that flick, the state of California could still lay claim to a relative degree of sanity.
Even into the mid-seventies, the Golden State elected and re-elected Ronald Reagan as its governor so it obviously was then functionally sane. Something happened in and to California after that, however and, long before 2010, California began devolving into a laid-back cesspool.
It still has plenty of nice weather but Mother Nature tends to that. Balmy weather in a broke and broken state, however, doesn’t cut it, unless you’re a nouveau hippy pothead in which case nothing much bothers you.
As for the rest of Californians, who sometimes seem straight and normal when they reject gay marriage, as they did in 2008, and reject pot for all, as they did on Election Day, 2010, they just don’t seem able to see those woods with all those damned trees and all that foul pot smoke casting a haze over the view.
California and Californians have changed significantly over the last 3 decades principally in demographics. . .
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Obama's $600,000,000. Passage to India
Obama's $600,000,000 Passage to India
Only four years ago, New York Magazine was touting the implausibility of seeing New York City on a pittance of $10. a day.
Short of eating rat and Central Park squirrel meat and wearing out at least 2 pair of shoes, that figure was an unlikely pipe dream.
Two hundred million dollars a day, whether in New York or Mumbai, (formerly Bombay), would be a whole different story. That’s the amount our gadabout president plans to spend on his passage to India which starts this week.
That would be about 8,872,013,244.8 rupees.
Now, one wouldn’t expect the nation’s commander-in-chief to eat rat for the 3 or so days he will be conferring and vacationing and consulting and vacationing and meeting and vacationing in the Republic of India, sometimes known as Hindustan. Nor would anyone expect him and his entourage to stay at the Indian equivalent of a Red Roof Inn or travel around in Tata Indigos. Nor would we expect him to travel solo.
However, considering the economic straits America is in, even after “Recovery Summer,” not to mention the “shellacking” Obama and his Democrats took on Election Day, are 3,000 travel quests, (including Michelle, Sasha, and Malia, plus 200 White House staff and 150 journalists), 40 planes, 30 sniffer dogs, 6 armored vehicles including the Cadillac Barackmobile, and 3 Marine One choppers really necessary?
The plot thickens: . . .
Only four years ago, New York Magazine was touting the implausibility of seeing New York City on a pittance of $10. a day.
Short of eating rat and Central Park squirrel meat and wearing out at least 2 pair of shoes, that figure was an unlikely pipe dream.
Two hundred million dollars a day, whether in New York or Mumbai, (formerly Bombay), would be a whole different story. That’s the amount our gadabout president plans to spend on his passage to India which starts this week.
That would be about 8,872,013,244.8 rupees.
Now, one wouldn’t expect the nation’s commander-in-chief to eat rat for the 3 or so days he will be conferring and vacationing and consulting and vacationing and meeting and vacationing in the Republic of India, sometimes known as Hindustan. Nor would anyone expect him and his entourage to stay at the Indian equivalent of a Red Roof Inn or travel around in Tata Indigos. Nor would we expect him to travel solo.
However, considering the economic straits America is in, even after “Recovery Summer,” not to mention the “shellacking” Obama and his Democrats took on Election Day, are 3,000 travel quests, (including Michelle, Sasha, and Malia, plus 200 White House staff and 150 journalists), 40 planes, 30 sniffer dogs, 6 armored vehicles including the Cadillac Barackmobile, and 3 Marine One choppers really necessary?
The plot thickens: . . .
Update on the New Black Panther Party
Update on the New Black Panther Party
I thought it was curious that the lone New Black Panther Party member who showed up outside a North Philadelphia polling place on Election Day didn’t cause any trouble.
His very presence, standing where he shouln’t have been standing, proudly displaying his NBPP badge and distributing Democrat propaganda in violation of electioneering laws, may have been intimidating but at least there were no billy clubs in sight, no quasi-military uniforms, no overt intimidation of white voters like the New Black Panthers engaged in two years ago.
Since posting my article yesterday, “They’re Baaack!,” (, that Philly Panther has been identified as none other than Jerry Jackson, one of the defendants in the voter intimidation case thrown out by Obama’s Attorney General. Apparently, he had been dispatched to do his Panther thing on the east coast while others of his ilk went elesewhere.
It turns out the Panthers had simply diverted some of their forces, following Horace Greeley’s suggestion to ”Go west, young man!” and headed to Houston in the great state of Texas and ignoring Texas’ unofficial state motto, “Don’t Tread on Me!” They tread and didn’t tread lightly on Election Day in Houston.
According to an article by J. Christian Adams, the highly-respected Department of Justice attorney who exposed the rampant black racism at the DoJ last summer, members of the NBPP committed “outrageous violations of Texas voting law” yesterday. . .
I thought it was curious that the lone New Black Panther Party member who showed up outside a North Philadelphia polling place on Election Day didn’t cause any trouble.
His very presence, standing where he shouln’t have been standing, proudly displaying his NBPP badge and distributing Democrat propaganda in violation of electioneering laws, may have been intimidating but at least there were no billy clubs in sight, no quasi-military uniforms, no overt intimidation of white voters like the New Black Panthers engaged in two years ago.
Since posting my article yesterday, “They’re Baaack!,” (, that Philly Panther has been identified as none other than Jerry Jackson, one of the defendants in the voter intimidation case thrown out by Obama’s Attorney General. Apparently, he had been dispatched to do his Panther thing on the east coast while others of his ilk went elesewhere.
It turns out the Panthers had simply diverted some of their forces, following Horace Greeley’s suggestion to ”Go west, young man!” and headed to Houston in the great state of Texas and ignoring Texas’ unofficial state motto, “Don’t Tread on Me!” They tread and didn’t tread lightly on Election Day in Houston.
According to an article by J. Christian Adams, the highly-respected Department of Justice attorney who exposed the rampant black racism at the DoJ last summer, members of the NBPP committed “outrageous violations of Texas voting law” yesterday. . .
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The New Black Panther Party Is Back!
The New Black Panther Party is Back!
It’s not surprising that the New Black Panther Party would show up on Election Day in Philadelphia.
Armed with billy clubs, they may have been caught engaging in intimidation of white voters in 2008, a violation of federal law, but the Obama administration in the person of Attorney General Eric Holder dropped the case and let them off scot-free as soon as he had the opportunity so why wouldn’t the NBPP try it again?
Fox News had exposed the intimidation two years ago when one NBPP member announced he was sick of white supremacy” and another made the memorable and ominous declaration, “This is what it’s like with a black man [Barack Hussein Obama] in charge.” On Election Day, Fox found another Panther outside a North Philly polling center.
Billy club-less and absent any charges of white voter intimidation at the time Fox was on the scene, the man was ”wearing a pin that indicated his party affiliation, along with a black hat, sunglasses and leather coat.” Whether he was acting within his legal rights to be stationed there is a whole other question.
He was less than forthcoming with the Fox reporters who tried to interview him: . . .
It’s not surprising that the New Black Panther Party would show up on Election Day in Philadelphia.
Armed with billy clubs, they may have been caught engaging in intimidation of white voters in 2008, a violation of federal law, but the Obama administration in the person of Attorney General Eric Holder dropped the case and let them off scot-free as soon as he had the opportunity so why wouldn’t the NBPP try it again?
Fox News had exposed the intimidation two years ago when one NBPP member announced he was sick of white supremacy” and another made the memorable and ominous declaration, “This is what it’s like with a black man [Barack Hussein Obama] in charge.” On Election Day, Fox found another Panther outside a North Philly polling center.
Billy club-less and absent any charges of white voter intimidation at the time Fox was on the scene, the man was ”wearing a pin that indicated his party affiliation, along with a black hat, sunglasses and leather coat.” Whether he was acting within his legal rights to be stationed there is a whole other question.
He was less than forthcoming with the Fox reporters who tried to interview him: . . .
Monday, November 1, 2010
"Corrupt Bastards" and Other Desparate Democrats
"Corrupt Bastards" and Other Desparate Democrats
In a much different context, Tennessee Williams wrote in The Glass Menagerie that “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desparation,” which may or not be true.
However, it is very true that masses of Democrats, both Dem pols and the unholy mass of MSM Democrats, are currently leading desparate lives as they fret with good reason over the probable loss of the House of Representatives and possible loss of the Senate. It is also true that desparation leads to desparate acts and, thanks to “early voting” we have already witnessed many of those acts with many more to come before the obese lady sings on Election Day.
The leftist organization, ACORN, which raised voter fraud to the level of a virtual art form, may technically be gone but ACORNers are alive and well and practicing their art as are George Soros’ and the New Black Panther Party which is ready and more than willing to again intimidate white voters with billy clubs.
In case that wouldn’t be sufficient to sway the election, the liberal television media has been getting more intimately involved with promoting voter discouragement and disaffection.
With the besieged Republican, Tea Party candidate in Delaware, Christine O’Donnell, that effort took the form of networks alleging they weren’t given sufficient notice to air her paid, television spot. When she turned to public access channel, Delaware Channel 28, as a last resort, that station, umm, forgot to air the 30 minute tape.
Tim Qualls, executive producer at the channel contended the O’Donnell “people” didn’t meet his deadline. He also said he was a Republican who had planned to vote for O’Donnell but changed his mind after “the tape situation:”
Right, a Republican would change his mind on which candidate was better for the state of Delaware based on a “tape situation.” And pigs can not only fly but can sing the “Violetta Aria” in La Traviata far better than Maria Callas ever could.
Is it any wonder people are fed up and refuse to take it anymore?
One person beyond fed-up is former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. She lost her cool on the Fox News Channel on Sunday in a furious reaction to another instance of clear Dem-lib desparation. She called the perpetrators of that atrocity, reporters at CBS Alaska affiliate KTVA, ”corrupt bastards.” (Read more at
In a much different context, Tennessee Williams wrote in The Glass Menagerie that “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desparation,” which may or not be true.
However, it is very true that masses of Democrats, both Dem pols and the unholy mass of MSM Democrats, are currently leading desparate lives as they fret with good reason over the probable loss of the House of Representatives and possible loss of the Senate. It is also true that desparation leads to desparate acts and, thanks to “early voting” we have already witnessed many of those acts with many more to come before the obese lady sings on Election Day.
The leftist organization, ACORN, which raised voter fraud to the level of a virtual art form, may technically be gone but ACORNers are alive and well and practicing their art as are George Soros’ and the New Black Panther Party which is ready and more than willing to again intimidate white voters with billy clubs.
In case that wouldn’t be sufficient to sway the election, the liberal television media has been getting more intimately involved with promoting voter discouragement and disaffection.
With the besieged Republican, Tea Party candidate in Delaware, Christine O’Donnell, that effort took the form of networks alleging they weren’t given sufficient notice to air her paid, television spot. When she turned to public access channel, Delaware Channel 28, as a last resort, that station, umm, forgot to air the 30 minute tape.
Tim Qualls, executive producer at the channel contended the O’Donnell “people” didn’t meet his deadline. He also said he was a Republican who had planned to vote for O’Donnell but changed his mind after “the tape situation:”
Right, a Republican would change his mind on which candidate was better for the state of Delaware based on a “tape situation.” And pigs can not only fly but can sing the “Violetta Aria” in La Traviata far better than Maria Callas ever could.
Is it any wonder people are fed up and refuse to take it anymore?
One person beyond fed-up is former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. She lost her cool on the Fox News Channel on Sunday in a furious reaction to another instance of clear Dem-lib desparation. She called the perpetrators of that atrocity, reporters at CBS Alaska affiliate KTVA, ”corrupt bastards.” (Read more at
Election Reflections
Election Reflections
The bride and I were sitting around watching Greta on Sunday night on the Fox News Channel which was a bit of a novelty.
Our sitting around watching Greta Van Susteren at 10 p.m. EST wasn’t all that much of a novelty since we sometimes do check in to see what she has to say although I usually opt for a “CSI” or a “Law and Order” episode. The novelty involved the fact that she was on-air, on-cable, on a weekend since she’s usually a Mon-Fri commentator.
So, too, were FNC’s gorgeous, blond personalities Jenna Lee and Megyn Kelly putting in overtime this past weekend, young ladies whose only reporting fault is that they tend to make many male viewers less interested in what they’re saying than in who’s saying it.
But, I digress, and I didn’t even mention Shannon Bream!
It seems there were quite a few other FNC-ers who were doing the O.T. bit two days before the midterm election and I suspect the staff at CNN, MSNBC, and other liberal cable channels, where the pulchritude doesn’t come close to Fox, were doing likewise.
But, I digress again.
I do often watch CNBC for stock and financial updates and CNN, not for news but to see what the enemy is up to.
So, what’s the point of all this jabbering about beautiful women by a senior dude, jabbering I defend to the bride with the time-honored understanding that when guys stop looking they’re dead? The point is, as any American not in an ICU ward or in a drug- or alcohol-induced stupor should know, that November 2nd is easily the most significant day to occur for Americans in at least two years.
More precisely, Election Day may just be the most important day in Americans’ lives, in America’s life, in a century . . .
The bride and I were sitting around watching Greta on Sunday night on the Fox News Channel which was a bit of a novelty.
Our sitting around watching Greta Van Susteren at 10 p.m. EST wasn’t all that much of a novelty since we sometimes do check in to see what she has to say although I usually opt for a “CSI” or a “Law and Order” episode. The novelty involved the fact that she was on-air, on-cable, on a weekend since she’s usually a Mon-Fri commentator.
So, too, were FNC’s gorgeous, blond personalities Jenna Lee and Megyn Kelly putting in overtime this past weekend, young ladies whose only reporting fault is that they tend to make many male viewers less interested in what they’re saying than in who’s saying it.
But, I digress, and I didn’t even mention Shannon Bream!
It seems there were quite a few other FNC-ers who were doing the O.T. bit two days before the midterm election and I suspect the staff at CNN, MSNBC, and other liberal cable channels, where the pulchritude doesn’t come close to Fox, were doing likewise.
But, I digress again.
I do often watch CNBC for stock and financial updates and CNN, not for news but to see what the enemy is up to.
So, what’s the point of all this jabbering about beautiful women by a senior dude, jabbering I defend to the bride with the time-honored understanding that when guys stop looking they’re dead? The point is, as any American not in an ICU ward or in a drug- or alcohol-induced stupor should know, that November 2nd is easily the most significant day to occur for Americans in at least two years.
More precisely, Election Day may just be the most important day in Americans’ lives, in America’s life, in a century . . .
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