Thursday, October 1, 2009

Last Late-Term Abortionist Standing

Last Late-Term Abortionist Standing

Except for the gravity of the subject, I would get a kick out of feminist objections to the female of the species objecting to men opposing the practice of abortion.

After all, feminists contend, we have no right, as men, to object to or interfere with a woman’s or a teen’s prerogative to terminate the lives of innocent, living, human bodies and souls growing within their wombs. Men don’t have wombs so how can they understand?

Nevertheless, it’s perfectly acceptable to feminists and other pro-abortionists for male doctors to act as terminators.

Perhaps they figure males are more proficient than females in killing babies?

The age old Hippocratic Oath to do no harm was long ago trashed, by the United States Supreme Court in 1973 with its Roe v. Wade decision which gave doctors the legal right to perform abortions.

Substituted as the new oath, ”Do whatever is needed to keep a pregnant patient content, and then proceed to slice, dice, or burn to death her innocent pre-born child.”

One of the two doctors in America who specialized in aborting the lives of full-term, fully developed fetuses was Dr. Joseph Tiller who was murdered in his church by a maniacal fruitcake,

Taking up the slack is the last doctor standing in the USA who takes pride in executing babies on the verge of birth, Warren Hern, M.D., owner and only practitioner at the Boulder (CO) Abortion Clinic.

Far be it from me to try to comprehend what motivates any individual to commit abortions let alone specialize in aborting full-grown infants in a procedure best known as partial birth abortions. Some are afflicted with congenital “birth defects,” some are not, but to Doctors Hern and Tiller it never mattered. . .

(Read the rest at

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