Monday, October 5, 2009

Will Letterman's Worldwide Pants Stay Down Around His Ankles?

Dirty Dave Letterman, he of the quick quip to ridicule Sarah Palin in revenge for being exposed as a latent pedophile, has also been exposed as a lecher:

Poor Dirty Dave.

It was bad enough that Mrs. Palin outed him but now that his extortionist, CBS producer Robert “Joe” Halderman, has been identified as his blackmailer, the smear on CBS must be lengthening, no?

Well, no.

Halderman had threatened to reveal that the newly-married Dave, who has a 5 year old son by his long-time mistress, Regina, was wont to, let’s say, do various female staff members and had a boxful of evidence to prove it.

In his on-air fess-up, Dirty Dave gave few details of the extortion plot except to say flatly that he has been screwing various staff members, which titillated his audience, and that the extortionist wanted two million of Dave’s bucks.

Subsequently, CBS announced that not some but all of its hero’s assignations occurred prior to his taking wedding vows. And Les Moonves surely wouldn’t lie about such things.

It has also been revealed that one of his bedmates was none other than Dirty Dave’s former perky intern, Stephanie Birkett:

Braggadochio? A ton. Contrition? None.

In years past, Letterman had often used Birkett, who is almost young enough to be his granddaughter, during various on-location sketches until he discovered a more gratifying use for Stephanie as his on-premises mistress.

You have to realize that nowadays libs like Dirty Dave can get away with virtually anything, from lecherously impugning Palin’s daughters to utilizing his position as boss of his production company, Worldwide Pants, to bed subordinates. . .
(Read the rest at

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