Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Opaqueness of Obamacare Transparency

The Opaqueness of Obamacare Transparency
A favorite buzz word of Barack Hussein Obama’s campaign for the presidency, aside from his vague invocation of “change,” was “transparency.”

Transparency may not be as vague a concept as change but it has become the biggest prevarication of Obama’s presidency especially when it comes to the abomination of Obamacare.

For the edification of this administration, in a political context, “transparent” is defined by Merriam-Webster as ”free from pretense or deceit : frank b : easily detected or seen through : obvious c : readily understood d : characterized by visibility or accessibility of information.”

Nowhere in that definition is any allusion to subterfuge and opaqueness which have supplanted any semblance of the transparent in the executive and congressional machinations surrounding the effort to change how Americans receive medical treatment.

Good grief, Barry! I really hope you and your cohorts don’t actually believe the mass of Americans are so stupid that they can’t see through your carefully-crafted deceptions.

Most Americans are not mind-numbed ACORN-ers who slavishly tow the socialistic, Obama-line and suck up the propaganda out of Washington these days. Nor are we about to be suckered into believing Obamacare includes anything approximating Americans’ concerns for their health interests.

So much is pouring out of D.C. of late, little of which is encouraging, that, by design, it’s difficult to keep up with it all.

That technique could be called, “Toss all kinds of BS against the wall and hope some of it sticks,” or, “Hit ‘em with a disinformation overload and hope they give up in frustration.”

Sorry, Obamians! Again, the vast majority of us are not members of ACORN. In other words, we think.

To keep real Americans abreast of the latest developments in the effort to seduce us into buying into Obamacare, here’s a quick summary of the latest news from the health front:

Baucus Bill Will Make Medical Deductions Out of Reach for Millions: . . .

(Read the rest at

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