Friday, October 30, 2009

Obama's Islamic Video

An Obama-Islamic Video

When George W. Bush proclaimed during the 2000 presidential campaign that Jesus Christ was his “favorite philosopher,” he was roundly chastised by America’s left wingers for intruding religion into politics.

Bush would also as a matter of course end his speeches with, “May God continue to bless the United States,” another horrific violation of the leftist-inspired, false issue of separation of church and state.

All Thomas Jefferson meant when he wrote of a “wall of separation” in an 1802 letter was that this nation would and should never have an official state religion. We had escaped the state Church of England by our revolution and weren’t about to re-establish a national religion.

In the interests of full disclosure, I’m not a big fan of our current president, for sundry reasons, as regular visitors to this site would know. I have also questioned his religion.

I caught a lot of flak last year from friend and foe alike for suggesting the man wasn’t all he seemed. We all know appearances can be deceiving and Obama was always careful to present a pleasant facade.

In order to win the presidency, he had to appear non-threatening, a proverbial man of the people, open to all ideas, open to all races and religions.

With the aid and abettance of the MSM, he deftly skirted all negative issues and questionable associations with committed domestic terrorists such as his good buddy Bill Ayers and committed racist America-haters such as his pastor and moral compass, Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Along the way in his campaign of deception and since his election, the gaffe-prone Obama has let slip though his opaque facade some very telling commentary, slipped probably when his trusty teleprompter wasn’t guiding his words. . .

(Read the rest at

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