Friday, October 23, 2009

Climate Change Foolery

Climate Change Foolery

The End Is Near! If you’re not too busy on or about December 8th, make a note that on that fateful day climate change will wreak its final vengeance on the world’s polluters–and on everyone else.

At least that’s the view of the increasingly-odd British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

Well, not exactly.

According to the BBC, Brown did say on October 19th in London that “negotiators had 50 days to save the world from global warming and break the ‘impasse’ ” or face “catastrophic” floods, heat waves, and droughts for which there is “no Plan B:”

So, that’s all, folks! Either the world gets its act together when nations gather in December in Copenhagen to try to scrap the Kyoto Protocol, or there is no hope, no future, no planet to speak of as of December 8th.

Sort of.

He did temper his remarks by adding that, ”within the lifetime of our children and grandchildren the intense temperatures of 2003 could become the average temperature experienced throughout much of Europe.”

By the time our grandchildren are affected, much of Europe will be Islamic so maybe we should seek answers in the Qu’ran?

Absent from Brown’s hot, bleak forecast was any allusion to looking behind that curtain and discovering the charlatan who cites one miserable European summer and ignores all the true science that points to global cooling over the past decade.

Mr. Brown, faithfully carrying on Obama’s Panic Philosophy despite being repeatedly rebuffed and insulted by the American president and with his Labour Party headed for a jolly good trouncing in the next election, seems a desparate bloke who would admit to Brit atrocities in Ireland if it would garner a few votes.

The man needs a feather in his tweed cap even if it means scaring the living bejesus out of Britons.

Also on the climate change front, New York Times’ environmental reporter, Andrew Rivkin, has come up with yet another muddled, liberal idea.

Why not, Rivkind suggests, make children the equivalent of smokestacks . . .

(read the rest at

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