Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Gays Beat a Straight at Allstate

Gays Beat a Straight at Allstate

Make no mistake: Homosexuals will never give up their push for what they call their rights even if in the process they trample on the rights of heterosexuals.

Case in point is the matter of free speech involving an employee of the Allstate Insurance Company who dared to publish an article which someone at Allstate considered “anti-gay.”

A manager for 5 years in the company’s Corporate Security Division at its headquarters in Northbrook, Illinois, and a jazz drummer-professional heavyweight boxer-blogger in his spare time, J. Matt Barber’s wife had just given birth to their fourth child when Allstate terminated his employment.

His offense: writing and publishing online the ironically titled, ” ‘Intolerance’ Will Not Be Tolerated,” in which column he masterfully defended–as if any defense is necessary–the institution of marriage as the union between one man and one woman.

That concept, accepted as normal from time immemorial, was enshrined in American law with the passage of DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act under President Clinton in 1996. It will remain our law until President Obama gets around to having it repealed, something he has promised homosexuals he will do.

Barber critcizes the radical idea of “same-sex marriage” as oxymoronic even as it gains popular recognition, under pressures from the gay community. He writes, ”It’s the end result of choosing to define one’s identity based upon with whom, and how one elects to have sex.”

In turn, that belief, predicated on alleged and unproven genetic factors, opens the door to other bizarre personal doctrines. . . .

Read the rest at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=1274)

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