Saturday, October 31, 2009

Say It Ain't So, Joe Biden!

Say It Ain’t So, Joe Biden!

There’s been an ugly rumor floating around Washington for a while now, namely that Vice President Joe Biden is a drunk.

Not to make light of the serious disease that is alcoholism but, if true, it would explain quite a bit about his antics and gaffes during last year’s campaign and since he assumed the vice presidency in January.

Of course his boss, Barack Obama, is D.C.’s resident Gaffe King. That’s not a result of being tipsy but because he’s just Obama.

He is so reliant on his crutch, Mr. Teleprompter, that without it he tends to say stupid things such as claiming he had campaigned “in all 57 states” and being unable to speculate on the moment of conception because it “was above my pay grade.”

Post-election his most famous, and insensitive, goof was ridiculing Special Olympians on Leno.

Not that any of the gaffe twins’ numerous examples of foot-in-mouth disease get any significant play in the mass media, except for the Leno remark which was made on national television.

If covered at all, their flubs and screw ups are soon buried, never to see the light of publicity again, whereas George Bush’s numerous misspeaks still are prime fodder.

Biden is no slacker in the blooper department, either.

Don’t expect to see them on NBC, CNN, et al., but two videos featuring good ol’ Joe have come to light which give credence to his having an issue with “the drink,” as his Irish ancestors would say.

They offer explanation for his often rambling dissertations, solecisms, flubs, and outright improprieties.

The first Biden video, . . .

(Read the rest and see the videos at

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