Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What Do We Do About Israel?

What Do We Do About Israel? Part One

Hubris-laden Israelis and resident American Jews would react with extreme indignation at the import of the title question of this article and take umbrage that the question would even be asked.

Too bad.

The reality is that Israel represents a severe economic burden on the United States during a time when we hardly need such a burden.

Another truth is that, if not for American financial and military support, the State of Israel would long ago have ceased to exist.

The grand total of direct American aid to Israel is $114,000,000,000, not including vast consequential costs and indirect aid which one expert calculates at the very tidy sum of $3 trillion: http://bit.ly/21a1Lc.

Over 60 years, that works out to an average total of $50 billion per annum in direct or indirect assistance.

And what have we gotten in return? Not much, unless we factor in an almost constant conflict in the MidEast which we have subsidized for 6 decades and which now threatens to drag us into that maelstrom.

So, again, what do we do about Israel?

That was a rhetorical query until recently and the answer was also not much, the reason being that Israel wouldn’t allow us to do very much.

One would think that such a client state would have had more respect, if not allegiance, to its primary protector on the planet. Yet, that has been far from the case.

Our options: Do we continue to mindlessly back Israel, which bills itself as the only democracy and America’s only ally in the region or do we re-evaluate where our true national interests lie?

It’s at this point that the uber-powerful Israeli lobby/Zionist lobby/Jewish lobby would normally step to the plate.

See a 5 minute video on one of thousands of explosive articles, reports, and blogsites on the undue influence of that multifaceted lobby on U.S. foreign policy: http://bit.ly/1X0uJW.

As with any criticism of that influence, that article was condemned as viciously anti-Semitic, . . .

(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)

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