Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Limbaugh on Race and Gays

Limbaugh on Race and Gays

Rush Limbaugh drew an interesting analogy the other week, to wit: If homosexuals are homosexuals because they are born that way, genetically wired beyond their control or desire to be gay, and racists are racists for the same reason, that they are born racist, should not racism be accepted and condoned if we are expected to accept and condone homosexuality?

There are obvious flaws in that argument including the existence of no verifiable, scientific substantiation of the genetic component in either homosexuality or racism but it’s still a provocative theory.

In a snarky critique of the issue on TheHollywoodGossip.com entitled, “Rush Limbaugh: Pro Segreation [sic], Anti-Gay,” the gay-sympathizing writer ridicules Limbaugh for what are transparently tongue-in-cheek remarks about the recent, bloody school bus assault on a White kid by Black kids in St. Louis: http://bit.ly/3EwpsT.

See “Just Don’t Call Them Racial Hate Crimes” for the full story and video, http://bit.ly/1mPFSo.

The article writer seized on a belated, Belleville, MO. police statement that the school bus attack wasn’t really racially inspired after initially saying the opposite.

A cursory viewing of the video of the assault strongly suggests that it was hardly inspired by a simple dispute over a seat on the bus.

The cops knew . . .

(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)

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