Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dem Damned Lies, Deceptions, and Dolts

Dem Damned Lies, Deceptions, and Dolts

This mess of Democrats in control of our government has come near to perfecting the fine art of political obfuscation and nervy prevarication.

Whether it’s the president who now says that, “Gee, when I said that my Obamacare proposals never incorporated funding for aborting the pre-born, I didn’t really mean that Obamacare wouldn’t incorporate such funding,” or other deceptions, it’s transparent that this ilk has gone to the top of the Prevarication Charts.

Seriously, now, they are absolutely superb at twisting the truth, that is unless, ala Bill Clinton, everyone else is lying but they are telling the god’s-honest truth.

For example, “Rep. Bart Stupak (D.-Mich.) told that President Barack Obama told him in a telephone conversation that when he said in his Sept. 9 speech to a joint session of Congress that ‘under our plan no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions’ he was not talking about the actual bill drafted in the House but about the president’s own health care plan—which has never been written.”


“I don’t know if it is a game of semantics or what,” Stupak said of Obama’s nationally-televised declaration to Congress that the health-care plan will not allow federal funding of abortion:”

Rep. Stupak, it’s not semantics. It’s baldfaced lying, a political technique developed into an art form by Barack Obama and his acolytes and predicated on the assumption that the American people are dolts.

All Stupak wants is a floor vote on an amendment prohibiting abortion funding in Obamacare, a transparent, democratic procedure to determine specifically where House members stand. Speaker-wannabe Steny Hoyer has now tried to placate Stupak with more mealy-mouthed, vague promises of compromise:

Then along comes the Queen of Deceptive Prevarication, House Speaker Nancy Patricia D’Alesssandro Pelosi, who feigned ignorance–or was it feigned?– . . .

(Read the rest at

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