Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Obamabortion Administration

The Obamabortion Administration

Remember Bill Clinton?

Who doesn’t?

I’m sure we all remember Clinton’s presidency but do we all recall his chief defense against that “vast right wing conspiracy” that Hillary charged unfairly bedeviled poor Bill. Her man was telling the absolute truth and his dozens of detractors were lying.

They were lying about Gennifer Flowers, about all those people who knew and worked with him and turned up dead, and, of course, were lying about his involvement with his intern, Monica Lewinsky, in the Oral Orifice.

Learning well from their predecessor, the Obamaians have adopted the same tactics from the get-go and especially lately on Obamacare, the public option/state option/cooperative option/ etc. etc.

They have somewhat refined the technique by politely dismissing the naysayers on Obamacare’s inclusion of abortion as simply being wrong.

Here we have a president who has a proven and extensive track record of endorsing abortion, even voting in favor of partial birth infanticides, and we are expected to believe that his signature legislation, his legacy legislation, of nationalized, socialized health care would not incorporate abortion “care?”

It would be more logical to believe Obama is a practicing Christian.

So, when the United Sates Conference of Catholic Bishops announced it would never support any of the Obamacare bills now being considered since all include federally-funded abortions, “the White House for the second time in a week said the bishops are wrong to assert that the bill permits funding of abortion.” . . .

(Read the rest of this story at )

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