Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Dirty Dave's Bunker Mates

Dirty Dave’s Bunker Mates

In Japan, a guy in David Letterman’s sticky situation would already have offed himself via a traditional harikari.

I mean, hey, the man was forced under duress to go public with the sordid tale of his smarmy sex life with a still-undisclosed number of female staffers over a still-undisclosed time span and new revelations of his affairs are popping up almost daily.

Now it’s been revealed that the randy roué maintained a secret sex den at the Ed Sullivan Theater to which he would repair with any number of female employees, giving a whole new meaning to bonus time on “The Tonight Show.”

One would think America’s feminists, who are rarely reticent about shredding an male employer caught taking advantage of female underlings, would be calling for Dirty Dave’s thinning scalp by now but one would then be wrong.

Allowances must be made when the evil-doer is of the liberal persuasion!

In fact, nary a disparaging word was heard from the usually-loquacious former NOW chieftess and current majordomo of the Feminist Majority Foundation Eleanor Smeal when interviewed by CNS News.

The newly-tolerant, mealy-mouthed Smeal managed to say, “I’m not for sexual harassment, [which is good to know] but obviously a person’s innocent before proven guilty [dependent on the person’s politics?] We don’t know all the facts yet. . . Obviously, positions of power should not be used to harass:”

It’s beyond me what additional “facts” Smeal needs since Letterman has admitted to various sexual liaisons with various members of the opposite sex who happened to be in his employ. Doesn’t that admission constitute prima facie evidence that he sinned in the eyes of a feminist?

I guess not.

Meanwhile, another former Letterman intern has come clean over her relationship with Dirty Dave.

Miss Holly Hester, who spent her share of time in Dave’s secret trysting suite, aptly called “the bunker,” . . .

(Read the rest at

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