Saturday, April 30, 2011

Who's the Idiot? Obama or Us?

Who's the Idiot? Obama or Us?

You can hold our “feets” to the fire and not even the Marine “Corpse” would be able to interfere. I know this as well as I know every one of the “57 states” I visited in 2008 and as well as I understand the Middle East, an issue that has “plagued the Middle East for centuries.” Furthermore, I want to make the case for government-run health care since the government-run post office is rife with “inefficiencies” but privately-owned UPS and FedEx are thriving. Now, I don’t speak “Austrian” and I bowl like a “Special Olympics” kid but I can tell when a Cambridge cop acts “stupidly.” “My Muslim faith” teaches us to understand things like that. I may not know the difference between Kansas City and “St. Louis” but I do know “Israel will always be a strong friend of Israel’s.” I’m not like those “bitter people who cling to guns and religion” and hate foreigners even if I do confuse dead people with “ten thousand.” I’m always open to “advise” but not criticism for bowing to a foreign potentate or giving cheap, useless dvd’s to a prime minister or for spending $40,000 on a date with my bride. And, as far as picking tax cheats for my Cabinet, they’re all good people.

All except one of the above idiotic statements, actions, and political appointments have been documented as attributable to America’s scholarly President Barack Hussein Obama. “Feets” is a newbie, cited with audio tape substantiation by Monica Crowley on her Saturday afternoon radio broadcast on WABC-AM, aptly titled “The Monica Crowley Show.”

Described in a 77WABC blurb as, “An intelligent, articulate woman, Crowley is a rare find in the talk radio world,” and that she is. She led off on April 30th with a presidential quotation from Obama’s speech in which he actually said he would expect Americans to “hold our feets to the fire” on the economy . . .

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Disgraceful Gay Bashing!

Disgraceful Gay Bashing!

I recently came across an outrageous article.

Excerpts from “Christians Mock Gays at Shocking Easter Service:” ”Thousands of Christians gathered for an outdoor Easter Sunday service in San Francisco to publicly mock gays and humiliate gay heroes. The flagrant attack, which included skits, obscenities and impersonations satirizing gays and gay stereotypes, sent shockwaves of outrage and disgust throughout the region and across the nation. This report features photo and video documentation of the free public Easter service, which was attended by a majority of Christians in the city, who laughed at and insulted gays and the homosexual community.”

What follows is a series of pictures, one more disgusting than the next.

One was captioned, “Thousands of Christians make fun of gay stereotypes by dressing up as gays in Mission Dolores Park as they watch an anti-gay religious service and performance,” another showed “One of the Christian performers [parading] around nude on stage, in an attempt to make gays look bad,” a third depicted “Another Christian [satirizing] gay behavior by standing on his head and displaying his anus to the crowd.”

None of the above is real although the pictures are all too real as are the captions. They are all disturbing examples of gay bashing, more precisely, bashing by and not bashing of, homosexuals. . .

The End of "The Age of America"

The End of "The Age of America"

We may, or may not, be living through The Age of Aquarius but since astrological ages last on average about 2,150 years it doesn’t matter very much.

More relevant to Americans is the duration of The Age of America which doesn’t refer to our nation’s chronological age but to that period of world history when the United States dominated the world stage. Past tense is apropos since the Age of America is coming to a close.

Liberal commentators, who philosophically if not in actuality resent that dominance, may be applauding the recent forecast issued by the International Monetary Fund that China’s economy will reach and surpass that of the U.S. within five years but most Americans will experience a sense of loss, a feeling of defeat and even grief for the end of greatness at the IMF announcement.

On the other hand, conservative observers, ever-confident in that greatness, are disputing the IMF’s opinion on various bases, most often pointing to the inherent illusory quality of the explosive growth of the Chinese economic model.

For example, Stephen Green in, “Is the ‘Age of America’ Really at an End?” highlights China’s fundamental flaws, its weak yuan and GDP, the continuing poverty of its people, its dearth of close friends in the international community, and its ecological disaster caused in large part by China’s inexorable pursuit of prosperity.

Green concedes significant Chinese strengths, notably its $3 trillion foreign currency reserves, (much of which represents ownership of America), and President Deng Xiaoping’s capitalistic invocation to China’s masses to get out there and get rich!

Juxtapose those reserves and that mandate against China’s unprecedented military build-up, against our out-of-control budget . . .

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Obamas' Easter

The Obamas' Easter

Demonstrating to the world one mo’ time that he is not a Muslim but rather a devout Christian, Obama and family joined the flock at the predominantly black Shiloh Baptist Church in Northwest Washington for Easter morning services.

His attendance at Shiloh was something of a surprise since he hadn’t bothered to issue an Easter proclamation. He may have felt he had that base covered in view of the White House prayer breakfast he hosted last Tuesday although he had made certain to issue proclamations in recognition of Earth Day, Hannukah, and every major Muslim religious holiday including Ramadan, Eid-al-Fitr, Hajj, and Eid-al-Adha.

Oh, well, he did permit a White House Easter egg roll which must count for something. Christians have learned to thank God for small blessings from this Christian president.

Unfortunately, the service at Shiloh wasn’t filmed or recorded, unfortunate because Shiloh’s pastor, Wallace Smith, is a racial agitator and it would have been informative to hear his Easter sermon.

Last year he opined, “When you look at what’s going on, it may not be Jim Crow anymore. Now Jim Crow wears blue pinstripes, . . .

Bad News/Good News for Obama

Bad News/Good News for Obama

The president received some bad news and some very good news on Tuesday. The inventor of the single, technological innovation that made Obama what he is today, Herbert J. “Hub” Schlafly, died and Tavis Smiley predicted the 2012 election would be “the most racist” ever.

Schlafly invented the teleprompter over 50 years ago to help soap actors remember their lines but politicians have utilized the device to even greater advantage, to give the illusion they are presenting memorized speeches whereas every word is spelled out for them on their teleprompters. is quick to point out that, “In truth, every President since Dwight D. Eisenhower, excepting Nixon, has used one for major speeches in Congress.” ( However, ABC omits another, more relevant, truth that no president in history has used his trusty teleprompters as extensively for major and minor speeches, to Congress and to virtually anyone else who was listening.

One has to maintain the façade of oratorical eloquence when such a façade is created for one. Barack Hussein Obama owes a deep debt to gratitude to “Hub” Schlafly.

Obama also owes a debt of gratitude to Tavis Smiley, the ethnocentric African-American PBS host who alone gives reason to de-fund PBS. Smiley was all exercised last year over Obama’s failure to exclusively focus on the needs of blacks in America. As Smiley dramatically resolved, “I was compelled to [call for 'a black agenda'] because of this debate” and called together a blue ribbon panel to discuss the matter.

He invited such black luminaries as the racial agitator Reverend Jesse Jackson, the racist Nation of Islam leader, Louis Farrakhan, and radical black professor, Cornel West, among others to join the discussion:

Well, Smiley is back in the news, this time for his prediction, where else but on MSNBC, that we’re headed for a racist election. . .

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The $10.00 Gas Conspiracy

The $10.00 Gas Conspiracy

I’ll bet you thought that getting more oil out of the ground and from under the seas would mean, well, we’d have more oil, more oil on the market, and more translates into a greater supply to meet demand which would mean lower gasoline prices. If you thought that, you’re wrong, gas breath!

Or so says Michael Bromwich, the chief regulator for US offshore drilling, who believes his agency’s snail’s pace of reviewing oil and gas exploration plans has nothing to do with high prices at the pump.

Bromwich elaborated for the dense among us: “Even if we permitted the hell out of everything tomorrow–every pending permit, some permits that haven’t even been filed yet–it would not have a material effect on gas prices. That’s the simple, clear reality:”

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said much the same thing last month. When asked about drilling in the Alaskan National Wildlife Reserve, he replied, “We don’t believe that you need to drill everywhere.” Instead, in Obamaspeak, we drill nowhere since the amount of oil we have has no bearing on the quantity of oil we have. Got that?

Actually, the simple, clear reality is that the Obama administration since even before there was an Obama administration has wanted high energy prices to effect his brave, new green world. In January 2008, candidate Obama said that, “Electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket” and his future Secretary of Energy, Steven Chu, said, “Somehow, we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

We’re getting there, fast. . .

When Islamic and Christian Worlds Collide

When Islamic and Christian Worlds Collide

A good, general blogging rule of thumb is that when two sides of a controversial issue criticize you, it’s fairly certain an article was reasonable and objective.

I’ve had more than my share of brickbats and worse hurled my way by the Jewish community for commentary on such issues as the 1967 USS Liberty “incident” and, more recently, for articles on Judge Richard Goldstone’s U.N. Report on Israel’s actions in the Gaza War of 2008-2009. Therefore, I consider it a compliment when a Muslim sympathizer also attacks my objectivity.

A reader of my article, “Islam, the U.N., and 9/11,”, responded to my re-posting of that piece on and “ithinkrevolution” was positively vitriolic. His screenname says a great deal about “ithinkrevolution’s” mindset and his comments says a great deal about his biases and skewed interpretation of history.

I wasn’t perturbed by his condescension, (“Before you make such a comment though you should read a bit more”) and his defense of the United Nations, (“The UN is not authorized to investigate such a matter”), as much as by “ithinkrevolution’s” free and breezy willingness to engage in Islamic revisionism.

The premises of “Islam, the U.N., and 9/11″ were the stultification of the United Nations, which has been evidenced so often it barely needs repetition, but primarily the effects of that uselessness and ineptitude on the U.N.’s ability to condemn Islamic terrorism or even to define terrorism almost 10 years after September 11th, 2001. The 57 members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the OIC, compounded by the sympathies and fear of other U.N. member states have seen to that.

“Ithinkrevolution” took issue with that contention but was particularly incensed over a critique of Islam’s violence and went on a roll: ”And as far as your ‘Islamic nations are historically accustomed to mass murder, religious mayhem, unimaginable bloody atrocities’, I hope your [sic] not a Christian who has the balls [sic] to make such a statement.” [Editor's note, I am and I do.] The history of Christianity is much more bloody and horrible than Islam is. The deaths in the Middle East since the creation of Israel. [sic] Until the Allies rolled in and forced tens of thousands of people out of homes their people| had lived in for nearly 2000 years. [sic]“

As rebuttal, I would point to the facts that Islam was born in violence replete with murders and bloody massacres, grew into invasions and pillaging, and reached its Golden Age through inflicting systematic devastation on the regions and nations it conquered. And, yes, it’s true that Christian armies in the Crusades . . .

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Mystery that Is Barack Hussein Obama

The Mystery that Is Barack Hussein Obama

Thanks to possible Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump questioning Barack Hussein Obama’s place of birth, so-called “Birthers” have gotten a new lease on life but they and Trump are probably barking up the wrong conspiracy tree and ignoring other mystery trees in Obama’s life.

Most people love a good mystery but not when it surrounds a president of the United States and there are more mysteries involving America’s 44th chief executive than Agatha Christie ever conjured up. Well, almost, and Hawaii’s sole Republican state senator has raised a new one.

State Sen. Sam Slom, who knew the Obama family well, believes Obama was “probably” born in the U.S.A. but has doubts as to who his father was.

As Slom said in a radio interview with Aaron Klein on WABC 770 AM, ”My particular point of view–and why I haven’t identified myself as a ‘birther,’ per se–is that [Obama] probably was born [in Hawaii] and that the real issue is not the birth certificate, but what’s on the birth certificate. It could have to do with what his name is on the birth certificate, who is actually listed as his father, the citizenship of the father. . .

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Black on White Crime: Part Two

Black on White Crime: Part Two

In an April 23rd article, “Black on White Crime on Video,”, I related last Friday’s story of a horrific beating inflicted on a defenseless, white victim by a pair of black girls at a Rosedale, Maryland McDonalds. The context of the article was the near-epidemic incidence of blacks in America assaulting white people.

I was called to task for referring to the victim as a female although I had pointed out that, “In later, unconfirmed reports, the victim was said to be a transgendered male/female which, if anything, would get the MSM on the case. Equality Maryland, a transgender advocacy group, said the victim is a transgender and called for an investigation into the case as a hate crime.”

One critic, “Thad Tidestalker,” who evidently didn’t carefully read the re-posted piece on, wrote, “Um….they were beating the woman up because she is a transgende­r, not because she was white. Apples and oranges. Try again.”

There’s no need to try again since the central thesis of the article is still valid, although I would admit that apples are different fruits from oranges. Indeed, the white victim was a transgendered male, now female, and he/she has now spoken out against his/her attackers and has called the assault a hate crime.

Chrissy Lee, (formerly Christopher Lee), Polis says he/she entered the fast food restaurant to use the bathroom, presumably the ladies’ room, and on leaving was accosted by one of the black girls who spit in his/her face, accused Polis of trying to talk to “her man,” and then the pummeling began with no effort by laughing, black McDonalds’ employees to intervene.

Polis says, “I knew they were taping me; I told the guy to stop. They all just sat there and watched.” The video of the attack, filmed by a McDonalds’ employee . . .

Abortion on the QT and on College Campus

Abortion on the QT and on College Campus

The state of Massachusetts, always on the cusp of societal change for the worst, is now in the teenage sex and abortion advice business and shilling for Planned Parenthood. Some of the advice offered by the state-sponsored website,, includes presenting abortion as a piece of cake and advising teens on how to get one on the sneak.

A teens “sex hotline” is also available.

The Bay State’s Department of Public Health has been funding to the tune of $100,000 a year since 2008 and has finally been called on it by an anti-abortion group, the Massachusetts Citizens for Life. That organization’s VP for educational affairs, Linda Thayer, says, “The commonwealth is using taxpayer money to tell kids how to get a secret abortion, and that’s wrong.”

No kidding.

The site, produced by the AIDS Action Committee. contends abortion is “more common than you might think” as well as “safe and effective, though some people may experience temporary discomfort.” It minimizes the risks while adding, “The reality of getting an abortion is much easier than it seems here” and oversimplifies the procedure as, “when the contents of the womb (uterus) are removed,” sort of like an abscessed tooth.

“Maria’s” most insidious advice to teens goes beyond what even Planned Parenthood, publicly, advises. Maria counsels kids, “It may be really hard for you to imagine talking to either your parents or a judge about getting an abortion, but there are people who can help you through it.” Then “Maria,” who doesn’t really exist, advises there are ways to get around state law and shuffles them off to PP.

Lest anyone thinks this is a pro-abortion scam, Maria also gives her advice in Massachusetts high schools. As Charles Skidmore, principal of Arlington High School, says, “I’m assuming because it’s from the Department of Public Health, it’s balanced information. . .

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter: The Reason for the Season

Easter: The Reason for the Season

. . . Few people will dwell on Easter’s deeper meanings and philosophical nuances this weekend as they celebrate what has become, like Christmas, more a holiday than a holy day. So, enjoy your finery, your bunnies, eggs, jellybeans, chocolate, or even those PC spring spheres. However, as with Christmas, it would be good to remember that there’s a reason for the season.


The Last of Earth Day, 2011

The Last of Earth Day, 2011

By the mercy of God, Earth Day, 2011 is over.

If we had listened to my old schoolmate, George Carlin, it would have been over years ago. The planet is billions of years old and nothing humans have done or can do to it will ever change anything. After surviving billions of years, Earth doesn’t give a damn what we do. It adapts.

As Carlin says, “Twenty-five species that were here today will be gone tomorrow. . . There’s nothing wrong with the planet. The people are f*cked!. . . And we have the conceit that we’re a threat . . . some plastic bags and aluminum cans are gonna make a difference? . . . The planet isn’t going anywhere! . . . Ask those people at Pompeii how the planet is doing? . . . It’s a self-correcting system . . . ”
(See the Carlin 7 minute video and

Friday, April 22, 2011

Black on White Crime: The Video

Black on White Crime: The Video

They rarely make the front pages nor the lead story on the evening television news, if they are mentioned in most newspapers papers or on TV at all. However, the absence of publicity serves only to illustrate the mass media’s reluctance to report on black on white crime and not to mitigate the frequency and the violence of such racist crimes.

Whether motivated by the prevailing aura of political correctness or by some other sinister motives, that MSM failure doesn’t alter the truth that incidents of blacks assaulting, maiming, killing whites in America is approaching epidemic proportions. Of late, fast food restaurants seem to be the preferred venues for the attacks.

The latest example occurred at a McDonalds in Rosedale, a suburb of Baltimore on April 18th. A video of the extended assault, filmed by a black employee who posted it on YouTube Friday, is unsettling for various reasons. Not only is the defenseless, 22 year old, white victim seen being mercilessly pummeled by two black females, ages 14 and 18, but black McDonalds employees pass by and do little to stop the wild attack or to offer assistance.

With screeches emanating from her assailants, the white girl is repeatedly punched and kicked in the head by the black girls, then dragged by the hair toward the front door and the parking lot until they are told the police had been called and an older white woman intercedes.

At that point, they get in a few last minute kicks and leave the white girl writhing on the floor apparently suffering from a seizure. The videographer is heard saying, “She’s bleeding, yo. Her mouth bleeding, her mouth bleeding! She’s having a [expletive] seizure, yo! She’s having a seizure right now, she needs help right now! Ya’al better get the [expletive] out of here now!”
. . .
(Read more and see the video at

Islam, the U.N., and 9/11

Islam, the U.N., and 9/11

Islamic nations are historically accustomed to mass murder, religious mayhem, unimaginable bloody atrocities. That’s the only explanation and not a defense for the fact the last, best hope for a peaceful world, the United Nations, has failed not only to condemn the unprovoked terrorist, sneak attack on America almost ten years ago but to even arrive at a definition of terrorism.

The U.N. is quite capable of declaring an international Earth Day or to pass toothless resolutions against Saddam Hussein and Israeli aggression but to define or take action against the worldwide Islamic war against the West? That doesn’t pass muster or qualify for official condemnation or even meaningless sanctions.

The reason? Aside from the United Nation’s established corruption, proven ineptitude, and ingrained stultification, the primary reason the U.N. can’t get around to condemning September 11th, 2001 as the acts of terrorists or get to the subject of defining terrorism is the resistance of the OIC, the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

The OIC, a collection of 57 Islamic states–a number which happens to coincide with the number of American states our president says he visited during the 2008 campaign–refuses to approve . . .

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Wussification of America

The Wussification of America

One expects hypocrisy from liberals, it’s their stock in trade. Charlie Rangel epitomizes it but he’s hardly alone. When they legislate their hypocrisy, it’s offensive. When that legislation is intended to further nannify, wussify, American kids, it becomes grossly offensive.

Cases in point come to us from those bastions of liberal hypocrisy, New York City and New York State.

Three hundred thirty five pound Democrat Leroy Comrie is a rather rotund New York City councilman from St. Albans, Queens County. The super-sized Comrie loves his Slurpees and is especially fond of Big Macs and fries although he despises the idea of Mickey D’s Happy Meals for kids because they include toys.

Apparently trying to endear himself to Michelle Obama and her campaign against fat kids, the 51 year old Comrie admits, “I’m a fast-food aficionado. My typical lunch is getting something from Popeye’s or McDonald’s,” which is not to suggest he wants kids to do the same. Accordingly and keeping with Democrat affinity for a nanny state and firm belief that people can’t think for themselves, he has introduced a measure in the City Council that would force restaurants ”to yank toys from any kids meal with more than 500 calories . . . [which] he says will steer children to healthier options and help them avoid his fate:”

That’s all fine and good, Mr. Comrie, but . . .

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Transparent Secrecy in D.C.

Transparent Secrecy in D.C.

The president may be committed to an “unprecedented level of openness in Government” but it is unprecedented only because few administrations have been so opaque.

The expectation of transparency created by President Barack Hussein Obama has morphed into a veil of secrecy which threatens to make the Obama administration the most clandestine government in America’s history made even more secretive by media acolytes which aid and abet the administration’s shrouded activities.

It seems that virtually everything of consequence Obama does is cloaked in mystery and hidden from the public eye or restricted to carefully-selected witnesses such as his immigration reform summit. Inexplicably, Al Sharpton was invited to that confab. Even more inexplicably, governors of every border state were not.

Last month, Obama added an almost-comical touch to his secretiveness by accepting a transparency award behind closed White House doors. This week, Press Secretary Jay Carney added to the comedy but telling reporter Jay Kinsolving at a news briefing, “I’m not going to take your questions.” Kinsolving had planned to ask about Obama’s openness.

Aside from the entertainment value of those incidents, the administration’s lack of transparency is unsettling to say the least.

From the outset of the Obama administration, it seems Democrats led by the president have acted overtly and covertly to conceal the inner workings and information available to the federal government, that “national asset,” from the scrutiny of the public eye. . .

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Grand Presidential Snit

A Grand Presidential Snit

President Barack Hussein Obama isn’t comfortable with the unknown. Having to speak off the cuff, or without his trusty teleprompters, or to reporters, reporterettes, television interviewers not in his back pocket cause the man to commit more gaffes than usual and probably give him agita.

He’s said to be positively eloquent when his handlers prepare a rousing, teleprompter- assisted speech and when he sits down with people like Clintonite George Stephanopoulos pitching him some softball, non-confrontational questions, he’s at the top of his game. Otherwise, not so much.

Dallas WFAA-TV senior political reporter Brad Watson didn’t see his 7-minute presidential interview in the White House as especially confrontational or aggressive but others did. He did correct the president on a factual error, just as Stephanopoulos did a few years ago when Obama referred to his Muslim faith, and repeated a query on favoritism, but for the most part it was respectful questioning. . .

Earth Day Approacheth!

Earth Day Approacheth!

Earth Day, the day on which liberals, greenies, environmentalists, tree huggers, species lovers, and conservationists worldwide celebrate the glories of Mother Earth and Mother Nature and sneer at those of us who consider many of them fruitcakes, will be observed this Friday, April 22nd.

I hope it rains.

It’s not that I don’t recycle, conserve, do what I can, within reason, to preserve the environment. However, as with most things liberals do, Earth-Day-ists go overboard.

They protect the snail darter, an inconsequential 9 cm fish, by attempting to prevent the construction of a dam that would benefit tens of thousands, of people, not fish. They embed chunks of steel in trees which results in lumberjacks losing an eye or an arm. They advocate against killing baby seals and whales with no thought as to the thousands who earn their livelihood with seal fur and whale blubber. They cripple industry in the Gulf of Mexico by pushing for an end to deep-sea drilling. They cherish wetlands over habitable dry land. They prevent oil drilling and the construction of oil refineries to keep America dependent on foreign oil. They protest against global warming ignoring substantive evidence that it’s all a sham.

The list goes on and on of Earth-Day types demonstrating an empathic concern for nature and all things natural with little regard for people. The truth is that fish are still very plentiful, trees are a renewable resource, people can’t live in wetlands, we need oil to survive and thrive, and, though I think baby seals are cute, they’re animals and mommy and daddy seals will make more.

There is cause for conservation, but within reasonable limits and after acknowledgement that any and all conservation efforts should serve the planet’s foremost residents, not bugs, or worms, or fish, or trees, or seals, but Homo sapiens.

The good news is that Earth Day, after its heyday, is going the way of Arbor Day, Groundhog Day, and United Nations Day, occasions recognized mainly by the Nature Conservancy, the town of Punxatawny, and U.N. leeches. . .

Monday, April 18, 2011

School Daze

School Daze

Reading, writing, and arithmetic have long been passe’ in America’s schools, their place supplanted by political correctness, the inculcation of self esteem, and a quest for diversity and societal innovations. After all, who needs learning when more pressing indoctrination is involved?

Some examples of schools, school administrations, and teachers who have gone off the deep end:

GAY HISTORY: California, the vanguard of change in America, is considering mandating the teaching of “gay history” in its schools, making that study the equivalent of already mandated studies of “contributions to the state and nation of women, African Americans, Mexican Americans, entrepreneurs, Asian Americans, European Americans, American Indians and labor.” (

Precisely what contributions the teaching of “gay history” is expected to make for Californian kids is unclear. How best to utilize gerbils? The proper use of sex toys? How not to get caught in public? Who knows?

Ostensibly, the proposed legislation is intended to soothe the psyches and mitigate bullying of gay kids but, if anything, the mass of straight kids will rebel against the forced study and acceptance of homosexuality.

California can mandate all it wants. Californian kids will still tell the state to shove it.

FREE MUMIA ABU-JAMAL: Teacher unions have gotten a lot of press lately, principally in Wisconsin where they trashed the state Capitol building in Madison in their protest campaign against Gov. Scott Walker’s efforts to rein in their and other public unions’ exorbitant salaries and bennies. California teachers have now out-radicalized their Wisconsin counterparts.

The California Federation of Teachers (CFT) has passed a resolution advocating freedom for a convicted cop-killer on the basis that, “the continued unjust incarceration of Mumia Abu-Jamal represents a threat to the civil rights of all people. . ."

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Atlas Shrugs as Algore Speaks

Atlas Shrugs as Algore Speaks

Change may be the only constant but some things and people never change, are as predictable as the New York Yankees, as constant as the weather. Go figure.

Atlas, the mythological Titan who supported the heavens, shrugged in Ayn Rand’s classic novel and liberal movie critics did likewise in reviewing “Atlas Shrugged: Part 1.” Rand’s Atlas got tired of doing all the heavy lifting but movie critics never tire of panning any film that isn’t PC.

Remember 2004′s “The Passion of the Christ”? Critics went at the first installment of a promised trilogy adapting Atlas Shrugged from its sprawling thousand pages to the movie screen with a comparable passion, which must mean it’s a pretty good flick.

Ripping all but one of its cast, the reviews range from calling it “ordinary,” to “anticlimactic,” to “dull,” to “barely professional,” all of which just might be translatable as encomia coming as they do from the likes of Roger Ebert. See review excerpts here: and clips here:

Good luck in seeing “Atlas Shrugged: Part 1,” though. On Long Island with our 2 1/2 million residents, it’s only being shown at 3 venues and nationwide is getting little exposure. Even so, the preliminary estimated opening weekend gross is $1.677 million, or $5,590 per theater, not bad considering you may have to travel a few hundred miles to view it.

You don’t have to travel nearly as far to see the Goreacle who would make Atlas wince. . .

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Tales of 3 Judges: Prosser, Walker, Bolton

Tales of 3 Judges: Prosser, Walker, Bolton

. . . In a nation governed not by the people or their elected representatives but more and more by an overbearing,tyrannical federal judiciary, it is likely Judge Bolton’s decision to gut Arizona’s SB 1070 and the 9th Circuit’s affirmation and that Judge Walker’s transparent bias against California’s Proposition 8 will be overlooked and upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. As for Wisconsin’s Justice Prosser, SCOTUS is liable to find he stole the election.


Friday, April 15, 2011

PC in the NBA

PC in the NBA

Despite the proven absurdity of the unwritten, unofficial, inequitable rules of political correctness by which America is forced to live, the agents of PC keep finding new ways to enforce it, some subtle, some blatant, all ridiculous.

One observer who has traced the history of political correctness calls it “cultural Marxism” and explains, “the name originated as something of a joke, literally in a comic strip, and we tend still to think of it as only half-serious. In fact, it’s deadly serious. It is the great disease of our century, the disease that has left tens of millions of people dead in Europe, in Russia, in China, indeed around the world. It is the disease of ideology. PC is not funny. PC is deadly serious.”

Academic Bill Lind elaborated: “For the first time in our history, Americans have to be fearful of what they say, of what they write, and of what they think. They have to be afraid of using the wrong word, a word denounced as offensive or insensitive, or racist, sexist, or homophobic:”

The only problem with Lind’s definition and explanation of PC, which is right on the money, is that he seems to think it’s not a joke whereas it is a joke, a pathetic, sick, and pernicious joke–on common sense. It rears its ugly head in virtually every venue, from schools to legislatures, to churches and emerges on the most unexpected occasions.

A form of thought crime, another reflection of Marxist mind manipulation publicized if not created by Orwell’s Big Brother, political correctness is also the philosophical basis for such crime. Society and law enforcement agencies now presume to read the minds of accused malefactors and determine, predicated on their perceptions of an accused evildoer’s infraction of PC rules, how to treat the accused commensurately.

Perhaps the best way to illustrate the irrational senselessness of political correctness is to cite a recent, seemingly innocuous example of its implementation, enforcement, in the sports world.

Kobe Bryant, star shooting guard for the NBA’s LA Lakers, escaped certain prosecution and probable jail time for the rape . . .

Richard Goldstone's Gaza Epiphany

Richard Goldstone's Gaza Epiphany

Richard Goldstone isn’t exactly a familiar household name in America. However, in Israel, Goldstone was very well known until very recently as a Jewish apostate, a label he tried to shuck when he issued a retraction of his previous allegations of Israeli atrocities commited during the Gaza war of 2008-2009.

Briefly, Goldstone, an eminent Jewish South African judge, saw his name affixed to a United Nations’ report on that 3-week war. As a result of the Goldstone Report, commisioned by the U.N. Human Rights Council, he was reviled in Israel and elsewhere by Israel supporters as a wayward jurist suffering from a “moral inversion” who “preserved his judicial reputation while perpetrating a blood libel against Israel” and with worse epithets because he had dared to expose Israeli war crimes in Gaza.

The Goldstone Report charged Israel’s IDF with a systematic, official policy to inflict punishment on civilians in Gaza. Titled, “Human Rights in Palestine and Other Occupied Arab Territories: Report of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict,” the English language pdf version may be read here in its entirety:

The final version issued by the anti-Semitic U.N. HRC deleted most references to Hamas atrocities and focused on the disproportionality of Israel’s retaliation. Fourteen Israeli settlers had been killed in unprovoked Hamas missile attacks; some 700 enemy combatants were killed by the IDF as well as 714 Gaza civilians including at least 412 children. (Hamas claimed 1200 dead children.)

The Goldstone Report concluded that Israel, which touts itself as having “the most moral army in the world,” committed the most heinous crimes imaginable against defenseless Gazan non-combatatants.

There was no question that the IDF was battling a grossly amoral enemy which had secreted weaponry in mosques, hospitals, and schools and had launched missile atttacks from private homes, and Israel contends it gave advance warnings, none of which mitigates Israeli war crimes.

On April 1, 2011, coincidentally April Fools Day, Goldstone issued a retraction of the Goldstone Report. . .

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Homosexual-Abortionist Symbiosis

The Homosexual-Abortionist Symbiosis

Symbiosis or symbiotic behavior is usually regarded as relationships confined to the animal, insect, and plant worlds such as is seen with suckerfish attached to sharks, plovers feeding on leeches embedded in crocodile gums, pea aphids draining the juices from a host plant.

However, symbiotic behavior also exists in the human species as, for example, in mother-infant interaction and other relationships in which two fundamentally dissimilar organisms or groups exist together to their mutual benefit although symbiosis most often benefits one more than the other. In psychiatry, two people dependent on and reinforced by one another, for better or worse, are said to be symbiotic.

I’m not qualified to speculate on the specific nature of the symbiosis that exists between the homosexual community and the Abortion Lobby but I can definitely say that both groups feed off one another. Which benefits most is difficult to say. I’d call it a dead heat.

Symbiosis, loosely defined as close and often long-term interactions between different biological species, seems to advantage both gays and abortionists in that both thrive by being linked by their abnormal behavior and, with strength in greater numbers, are therefore able to suffer the slings and arrows of societal disapprobation.

Admittedly, those slings and arrows are becoming more and more rare, which fact can be credited to their union, their promotion by the entertainment and mass media, and inroads being made into their route to eventual, universal acceptance as normal, through America’s youth and in our schools.

A recent, loud, demonstration on the streets of Chicago strongly reinforces the contention that gays and abortionists, though of different genders, transgenders, and appearances, are one and the same. Gays are dedicated to the natural sterility of the homosexual lifestyle, abortionists committed to unnaturally aborting pre-born life.

In a sense. it’s reasonable that gays and pro-abortionists form an alliance: Homosexuals can’t procreate, abortionists may or may not be able to procreate but advocate the killing of an already-created human being. Both groups . . .

Defrocking the Obamessiah

Defrocking the Obamessiah

While it’s true that “to err is human, to forgive divine,” it’s still shocking, I tell you, when our president admits to making mistakes.

After all, he was sold to the American people as someone different from other pols, a man who not only looked different but thought and acted on a higher plane, a flawless man cast by the media as a virtual messiah who would save us from the evils of George W. Bush, who could do no wrong, who had an unparalleled vision of America’s future.

We have now seen that vision and it is more akin to a nightmare.

Now, I don’t suggest that making errors is grounds for impeachment or anything of the sort. Obama’s impeachable offenses may never come to light. What I am implying relates to the mighty falling, the collapse of an icon. With his flimsy resume’, virtually nothing was known about the man so his handlers were free to create an unreal figure who stood–soared–above the fray, whose mellifluous words captivated millions, whose vague “vision thing” enthralled and bewitched the rabble.

The president’s less-than-divine gaffes and errors, everything from his claim to have visited all 57 states, to his nomination of a tax cheat, Tom Daschle, as HHS Secretary, to picking Bill Richardson as Commerce Secretary, to his closed-door meetings on Obamacare, to the BP Gulf oil spill, to the Cambridge cop debacle, to closing GITMO, etc. have all been fully documented.

His latest confession of error is noteworthy not because of the admission itself or because he made a mistake. We all make mistakes, even presidents, even, as we have seen over the past 27 months, presidents on pedestals. His concession of an error made five years ago when, in one of his first votes as junior senator from Illinois, he voted against raising the national debt ceiling is less significant than his reasons for that vote. . .

Abortion Personified

Abortion Personified

We rationalize it in every way imaginable. Cousin Jane had an abortion, that doesn’t make her an evil person. It’s just tissue anyway, why make a big deal of it? Scientists call it a “product of conception,” it’s not like it’s a real baby!

They say familiarity breeds contempt, which may sometimes be true. “They” don’t often say that repetition of the most contemptible acts breeds complacency and acceptance, but that’s equally true. Virtually no one says aborting innocent, pre-born infants is a good thing. We prefer to resort to the excuses of cousin Jane, the “just tissue,” and the clinical “product of conception” defenses.

Psychologists call those subterfuges avoidance and denial, the all too common effort to avoid and deny ugly truths.

One of the ugliest truths in society today is the reality that aborting babies is barbaric and inhuman . . .
(Read more and see video at

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

National Homosexual Day of Silence

National Homosexual Day of Silence

It’s baaaaack! The National Day of Silence will be held this Friday in hundreds if not thousands of American schools. For those unfamiliar with this now-annual event, it is a day on which students ostensibly are made aware of anti-gay discrimination and are asked to express their solidarity with homosexuals. It quickly evolved into a concerted effort to indoctrinate straight kids into the homosexual lifestyle. Don’t believe that? Read on. . .


White Privilege and Black Demands

White Privilege and Black Demands

A Minnesota school district, after laying off 94 teachers due to budget cuts, paid $160 per to send a group of teachers to a 3-day “White Privilege Conference” in Minneapolis focused on the proposition that America was ”built on the premise that the U.S. was started by white people for white people.”

Conference founder Eddie Moore Jr., PhD explained the purpose of the gathering. His screed reads like something out of the New Black Panther handbook.

“White supremacy, white privilege, racism and other forms of oppression,” he says, ”are designed for your destruction, designed to kill you, so what I want this conference to help people of color to understand is how that system works. How it can create little bitty things that add up, that cause hypertension . . . that cause you to maybe eat unhealthy [sic] or not exercise.”

Niger Innis, national spokesman for the Congress of Racial Equality and Bucknell University professor James Peterson debated the fiscal propriety and rationale of the conference on FNC’s “Hannity.”

Sean Hannity called the expenditure in the face of $7 million school district cuts “outrageous.” Innis termed the misuse of taxpayer dollars for such a conference “absurd” and “disgusting” and decried the purpose of creating a sense of “victimization” among blacks. Peterson concurred with Moore’s contention that “white privilege” exists in America and that the conference represented a wise use of scarce school funds because blacks have different “concerns” than whites.

Innis stressed that Asian kids far outperform whites in schools . . .

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Shutdowns, Budgets, and Babies

Shutdowns, Budgets, and Babies

THE DEAL: The devil always lurks in the dirty details and, as specifics emerge on last Friday night’s eleventh hour settlement of the budget stalemate and threat of a government shutdown, it’s becoming clearer by the day that Republicans were snookered–again. President Barack Hussein Obama may have been the primary snookerer but Speaker John Boehner earned the prize as head of the snookered.

It was made to appear by both sides of the aisle that the spirit of compromise, the essence of politics, carried the night. By Saturday, the president was taking credit for cutting spending by “historic” amounts, the GOP was gloating that it had cut $38.5 billion from a bloated budget, and there was peace and tranquility on Capitol Hill.

Call it smoke and mirrors or compromise, it all boils down to distortions and lies.

Obama was hauled kicking and screaming to the cuts, the Republicans had sold out their original demands for $100 billion in spending, the deficit had already increased 15.7% or by $829 billion in the first half of fiscal 2011, the IMF is issuing warnings on the credibility of America’s borrowing, and the GOP demonstrated by its capitulation on Friday that all its noises about cutting Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security entitlements and the nation’s crippling $14 trillion long-term public debt were just that, noises lacking substance.

The party of fiscal integrity has lost one more strategic battle and its general, John Boehner, in office twenty years now, has proven he is just another old Washington hack, part of the problem devoid of any solutions.

It will be a busy, and challenging, rest of the week for the Speaker. . .

Ethanol: The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Corn Bread?

Ethanol: The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Corn Bread?

Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) biofuel, aka booze when it’s purified, bottled and sold in liquor stores, has been the greatest boon to some farmers and some states since the inventions of tractors and porta-potties. To everyone else, it’s been a bust.

The blending of up to 10% ethanol with gasoline, now mandated in a number of states and localities, was a government brainchild ostensibly begun in the interests of reducing America’s dependence on foreign oil imports. It has developed into a typical, wasteful boondoggle which is enriching farm states and farmers who raise corn, potatoes, and sugar cane and gaining big political points with politicians at the same time it’s helping to impoverish those needing gasoline to survive.

Alcohol as a motor vehicle fuel is hardly a new idea. Henry Ford built his Ford Model-T’s to run on it, or on gas, or on a mixture. Alcohol as a widespread biofuel, however, is very much a modern concept and very much the product of the less than supple minds of environmentalists, conservationists, and the good people at the Environmental Protection Agency, the EPA. As is so often the case when government gets involved in anything, bureaucrats are unable to factor in either obvious or unintended consequences. . .

Monday, April 11, 2011

Of Snooki, Rape, and Human Rights

Of Snooki, Rape, and Human Rights

Just when you think you’ve heard it all, that nothing can surprise you anymore, that any news the world throws at you can handle, a reality check: You ain’t heard nothin’ yet!

RUTGERS AND SNOOKI: First, from the “entertainment” front, taxpayers are footing a $32,000 bill in order that students at the State University of New Jersey, Rutgers, to hear the words of wisdom of Nicole Polizzi, aka Snooki, on MTV’s contribution to the enhancement of television, Jersey Shore.

Rutgers, which “is dedicated to teaching that meets the highest standards of excellence; to conducting research that breaks new ground; and to turning knowledge into solutions for local, national, and global communities,” apparently makes exceptions to those lofty goals.

Snooki was paid two grand more than Rutgers’ May commencement speaker, poetess Toni Morrison, which in itself is an absurdity, to talk on such momentous topics as her hair, (“The pouf is its own living form”), the reality of Jersey Shore, (“You can’t make this sh– up”), and her biggest inspiration, (“being tan”). (

Whatever “solutions” Rutgers derived from Snooki should come out in the wash.

RACISM AND SEXISM: Next is a media revelation: America’s, if not the world’s, so-called “Paper of Record,” “The Gray Lady,” the revered, liberal, overrated and soon-to-be-defunct New York Times can be a misogynistic, sexist, racist rag. . .

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

The infamous Cold War espionage case of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg has taken a new turn. Their son, Robert Meeropol, after years of denial, has finally admitted “his father deserved to have been convicted of the legal charges that led to his parents’ execution. ‘Yes, he was guilty of conspiracy to commit espionage,’ ” Meeropol told New York Times reporter, Sam Roberts.

That must have come as a body blow to the Times, which has long been a leader in the leftist campaign to exonerate the Rosenbergs and, as late as 2003, fifty years after their executions, was still editorializing, ”The Rosenbergs case still haunts American history, reminding us of the injustice that can be done when a nation gets caught up in hysteria.”

There may have been a degree of hysteria at the time when American schoolkids hid under their desks to shield themselves from The Bomb, a thermonuclear explosion compliments of the U.S.S.R., and their parents read newspapers detailing the Russian threat but there was no injustice in the case of the Rosenbergs and their accomplice, Morton Sobell.

Like Julius and Ethel, Sobell also pled not guilty. However, he got away with a sentence of 30 years and served less than 18 at Alcatraz and other federal prisons. Forty-two years after his release, he admitted his own and Julius Rosenberg’s guilt, also to Sam Roberts. Asked whether he were a spy who fed American nuclear secrets to Uncle Joe Stalin, the aged Sobell tried to mitigate his crimes and replied, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, call it that. I never thought of it as that in those terms.”

If there were any injustice in the Rosenberg-Sobell trials it lay in the fact Sobell, and Ethel Rosenberg’s brother and another accomplice, David Greenglass, didn’t also fry in Sing Sing’s Old Sparky, its electric chair. . .

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Obama's Birth Certificate and College Transcripts Theories

Obama's Birth Certificate and College Transcript Theories

It’s far too early to tell how history will regard the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, although there are clear indices it will be as an abject failure, but we already know he will go down as the most secretive and controversial president since Richard Nixon. The controversies over two issues, his birth certificate and his college transcripts, continue to swirl and cloud his office and that swirling and clouding are Obama’s own doing.

These may or not be new news concerning those documents to many readers but they’re relatively new theories to me. Since Obama has adamantly refused to release either a valid birth certificate or his transcripts–or his medical records–and since both theories make a great deal of sense and are entirely feasible, I’m sharing them.

THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE QUESTIONS: Even after so-called “Birthers” have been dismissed for years as fruitcakes by the MSM, they have very much in the news lately thanks largely to Donald Trump, a quasi-birther. True birthers express very serious reservations concerning Obama’s origins–Kenya or Hawaii. The Donald simply says he doesn’t know.

He cites the millions Obama has spent to suppress the information, the silliness of his offering a useless Hawaiian “certificate of live birth,” the inability of the Democrat governor and friend of the Obama family to locate a real birth certificate, and his hope that it doesn’t become an issue in the 2012 election when Trump may be the Republican nominee.

That last is as likely as Dennis Kucinich being the Dem nominee but the issues Trump raises are all valid and amount to the same question Birthers have: Is Obama constitutionally qualified to serve as President of the United States?

THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE THEORY: Obama was, probably, born in the United States which raises the question that, if he were, why all the subterfuge and evasion? . . .

Friday, April 8, 2011

Cojones, Nazis, and Abortion: Related Stories

Cojones, Nazis, and Abortion: Related Stories

THE COJONES OF THE MONTH AWARD: Call it Doublespeak, Newspeak, Oldspeak or just plain Hypocritical-deceptive-speak, our president is a master at it.

I guess Obama felt that his cancellation of yet another vacation to Williamsburg so he could be in D.C. for the final, critical congressional talks on preventing a shutdown of many governmental functions earned him the authority to obliquely take credit for the, literally, eleventh hour compromise struck by Speaker Boehner and Majority Leader Reid.

Terming the budget deal a settlement ”that invests in our future while making the largest annual spending cut in our history”and grandiosely saying, “Today, Americans of different beliefs came together again,” Obama neglected to mention he had wanted no part of any cuts although he did concede he would “not have made [the deal] in better circumstances,” meaning he had no other option than to agree to the 6-day stopgap measure.

The POTUS reached the apogee of his hypocrisy with the line, “But beginning to live within our means is the only way to protect those investments that will help America compete for new jobs.”

Good grief!

The president now wants us “to live within our means”? When did he arrive at that fiscal epiphany? Around 11:20 Thursday night, certainly not before as our spendthrift leader has rolled up unprecedented deficits and debts.

Also trying to glom some kudos for acting somewhat like an adult who won’t spend money the government doesn’t have, Harry Reid called the agreement, which will curtail government spending by $600 billion over the next decade, “historic.”

With federal debt now approaching $14.2 trillion, the piddling cuts entailed in the settlement are hardly “historic.” What will make history are the coming $4 to $6 trillion reductions and fundamental reforms in the proposed 2012 budget. Based on the inflammatory rhetoric of the last Democrat Party eruptions, that battle should be very ugly.

KILLING WOMEN: Did you know that the 2010 Republican landslide didn’t simply change the liberal, Democrat complexion and stranglehold on the House of Representatives. Those new, conservative, mostly Tea Party Republicans are also woman-hating Nazis?

So says and thinks Rep. Louise Slaughter . . .

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Shutdowns and Charades in Washington

Shutdowns and Charades in Washington

What passes for a government in Washington is in chaos as lawmakers debate the budget, the deficit, and a possible government shutdown and the president, when he’s in town, takes potshots at Republicans by calling a bill providing for paying the military ”a distraction.”

The GOP House of Representatives passed another continuing resolution on Thursday to keep the government in business–for a week. The Democrat Senate still has to pass it. The president has vowed to veto it. However, since he and the family may be off again to Williamsburg this weekend on their umpteenth vacation trip, who knows?

Things couldn’t be any more farcical in a banana republic.

Are the Dems paying attention?

The budget is stalemated due to the ineptitude and cowardice of former Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Reid.

They could have and should have passed the 2011 federal budget in the last session of congress when Democrats controlled the House, Senate, and the presidency and it would already be law. Instead, they chose to diddle and dawdle rather than making some hard spending decisions so that Republicans would be saddled with those choices and have the shutdown albatross hung around their necks.

If Democrats haven’t noticed, the country is on the fiscal ropes. We owe $14 trillion to various people, we borrow 40 cents for every dollar we spend, we’re running a $830 billion deficit, ($113 billion more than last year at this time), and Democrats are quibbling over $12 billion in cuts? Then, adding insult to injury, our flip president flips off a citizenry struggling with a recession, unemployment, and gasoline prices well through the roof by advising motorists to “Think about a trade-in”?

May they eat their cake, too?

As far as fiscal sanity is concerned, Democrats haven’t seen nothin’ yet! If they get their panties in a wad over $12 billion, what are they going to say and do when Rep. Paul Ryan (R, WI) presents his proposals for fiscal 2012 and beyond? . . .

Obama's Buddies: Johns, Screwballs, and Sharptons

Obama's Buddies: Johns, Screwballs, and Sharptons

They say it’s lonely at the top but President Barack Hussein Obama has some buddies to relieve any loneliness he may suffer, although some of those buds aren’t necessarily plusses for someone who just announced he plans to run for re-election.

For example, he may not want to trot out Robert Richard “Bobby” Titcomb of Waialua, Hawaii, a golfing buddy, to campaign for him next year especially if he expects to get any votes at all from Christian conservatives who tend to frown on the solicitation of prostitutes.

Titcomb, an old school chum of Obama’s from his days at the Punahow School in the Aloha State, was arrested Monday in Kakaako in a Honolulu P.D. sting operation aimed at nabbing johns. Charged and released after posting a $500 bond, he can get up to 30 days in the slammer if convicted:

That shouldn’t throw any wrenches into Obama’s next golfing excursion/vacation since Titcomb should be out by then and he could also show the president around the seedy nightlife of Kakaako. However, buddy or no, Titcomb wouldn’t impress the moral majority.

Not known as much of a golfer anymore than is Obama, the Reverend Louis “Calypso Louie” Farrakhan, Grand Poohbah of the Nation of Islam, is not exactly a Barack intimate but he is another FOB, Friend of Barack, who wouldn’t contribute much to a campaign, either.

He can be classified with Obama’s old pastor of 20 years, Reverend Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright who Obama kicked under the bus when he became an embarrassment.

Still, Farrakhan did address Barack as “brother” in a recent missive to the president of the United States in which he asked Obama, “Who the hell do you think you are?” for Obama’s failure to support the Libyan madman, Muammar Muhammad al-Gaddafi. “Brother,” like “Bro,” connotes a certain degree of intimacy, despite the insulting tone and impertinence of Farrakhan’s rhetorical query. (

It seems the former Calypso Louie has at least one other soul brother, Muammar.

In a speech from the pulpit of Chicago’s Mosque Maryam, the Nation of Islam’s international headquarters, Farrakhan attacked Obama’s policy in Lybya as hypocritical. . .

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

NYC, Nukes and Nudges

NYC, Nukes and Nudges

New York City, the City That Never Sleeps, wasn’t sleeping well recently after a 20-inch Egyptian cobra slithered away from home at the Bronx Zoo’s Reptile House and made the papers again with reports of a dirty bomb drill and a Health Department memo to employees on worker etiquette.

Well-accustomed to tragedies, the Big Apple is making a concerted effort to prepare for the inevitable, another terrorist attack this time utilizing radiological weapons instead of commercial airliners to wreak havoc and visit destruction.

To counter that eventuality, NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly announced a 5-day massive deployment of some 70 multi-region law enforcement agencies designed to interdict such an attack: “We’ll be manning up to 400 checkpoints throughout the Metropolitan Area to test our ability to intercept radiological material. There actually will be samples of radiological materials.”

For the curious, a dirty bomb, also known as a radiological weapon or a radiological dispersal device (RDD), is a conventional explosive packed with radioactive materials designed to kill with the initial blast and then to contaminate an area with airborne radiation.

The good news is that a dirty bomb is not technically a nuclear weapon and one has never been used in warfare; the bad news is that it is a weapon of mass destruction, is easily assembled, and can be delivered in a suitcase.

It’s heartening to see Commisioner Kelly mobilizing for another potential attack but its efficacy is dubious at best considering the vast area to be covered and the inadequacy of any efforts to guard against and then to combat the devastating effects of what could be coordinated and multiple plantings of dirty bombs by insane, terrorist lunatics.

Another point to be considered is President Barack Hussein’s little noted admission of the country’s inability to deal with such attacks which he conceded last year to Bob Woodward. During an interview with Woodward in July, the president also said, “We can absorb a terrorist attack. We’ll do everything we can to prevent it, but even a 9/11, even the biggest attack ever . . . we absorbed it and we are stronger:”

That was the rough equivalent of Bush’s, “Bring it on” except that Obama wasn’t referring to Iraqis bringing it on our troops but to terrorists bringing mayhem to our shores. If Obama believes we can “absorb” nukes and be just fine, does he even think about dirty bombs? If we can’t avoid it, why bother with pretend mobilizations, checkpoints,etc.?

Still, kudos to the NYPD and Commisioner Kelly for staging what is essentially a charade.

On a much lighter topic, presidential wannabe, now resigned to be a lowly multibillionaire and mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg has established himself as undisputed king of mayoral nannies and his minions are now following suit.

Bloomberg, who had New York City’s Charter changed so he could run for a third term in office, has battled like an old granny-nanny against the evils of his city. However, murders, muggings, rapes, burglaries, and other crimes haven’t attracted his interest and concern nearly as much as salt, soda, sugar, calories, and trans fats being consumed by city residents and visitors.

And, don’t even mention smoking!

Bloomberg’s Health Department . . .

Monday, April 4, 2011

Dhimmitude and Obamacare

Dhimmitude and Obamacare

The origin of the quotation, “That government is best which governs least,” generally attributed to Thomas Jefferson but which first appeared in Thoreau’s “Civil Disobedience,” is of less significance than its import.

Nowhere is that import more significant than it relates to the 2010 passage of the mislabeled Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, PPACA, Obamacare, and no legislation in American history has ever demonstrated our government’s efforts to foist upon the American people rules and regulations which are not only repugnant to our national culture and traditions but, perhaps worst of all, are subversive.

That said, much has been written about PPACA and the contents of its 2,409 pages but only lately has attention has been paid to an alleged feature, its inclusion of a reference to dhimmitude.

According to Wikipedia, “Dhimmitude is a neologism . . . denoting an attitude of concession, surrender and appeasement towards Islamic demands [which] literally means protected and refers to a non-Muslim subject of a sharia law state.”

What makes dhimmitude relevant is that there are reports that the word and the concept are incorporated in PPACA along with Obamacare exemptions and exceptions for Muslims on page 107 of the law. (See below for that page in its entirety and see and

In point of fact, it turns out that it’s a hoax, an urban legend perpetrated by some overly-zealous, overly-imaginative Obamacare opponent who, for reasons of his own–and possibly driven to the brink of madness by the true catastrophe that is PPACA–fabricated the whole scam. . .

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Death of Easter

The Death of Easter

With Spring Morning three weeks away at this writing, it’s not too soon to get some Paas Spring Egg Dye and for the ladies to start looking for their spring bonnets so they can strut their stuff down Fifth Avenue in the Spring Day Parade. And, don’t forget to lay in a good supply of jellybeans so the little ones can really enjoy the Spring Baskets the Spring Bunny leaves for them!

Preposterous? Not even close.

Remember Easter pageants? Recall Easter break from school? They’re long gone and so, too, will all other mention of Easter be abolished if the P.C. secularists get their way.

Killing Christmas and all that feast day means to Christians didn’t quite cut it with the anti-Christian, War On Christmas set. Now they’re out to kill the Easter Bunny, or at least to eliminate the word “Easter” from the American lexicon. Of course, “they” haven’t yet succeeded in eliminating the word “Christmas” in favor of “holiday” and “winter,” which is not to say they’re not doing their darnedest to make the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ about as significant as Arbor Day.

The good news is that no efforts to date have been recorded to abolish mention of the Jewish festival of Hannukah, Islam’s Eid-ul-Fitr, Buddhism’s Visakah Puja, or Hinduism’s Diwali, although the Roman Saturnalia has gone by the wayside.

Christians celebrate Easter Sunday as the central feast of Christianity, the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ which in Western Christianity marks the end of Lent, a 40-day period of fasting and penance in preparation for Easter. Eggs, bonnets, parades, and bunnies have at best only a tangential relation to the religious import of the festival but they are all elements of the Easter tradition.

Except maybe in Munson, Ohio . . .

Saturday, April 2, 2011

It's Enough to Make You Cynical!

It's Enough to Make You Cynical!

Keeping track of current events is a thankless, annoying, infuriating endeavor, not to mention that it’s not good for the hypertensive.

Just a smattering of news items on a single day reveals such heights of government hypocrisy, mismanagement, and manipulation and such blatant idiocy that it’s a challenge not to think our nation has gone totally bonkers.

For example, going green is good and in, right? We’re lectured daily if not by the president then by minions under his command and by state and local greens that we must at all costs all do our bit to save energy. Use mercury-laden cfc lightbulbs, risk life and limb by bicycling to work, keep our homes at temperatures barely high enough to prevent frostbite in our living rooms, flush toilets that don’t flush, etc. etc. etc.

However, proving once again that it’s not easy being green, after our leader emphatically announced this week that, “I’m directing our departments and our agencies to make sure 100 percent of the vehicles they buy are fuel-efficient or clean energy cars and trucks by 2015. Not 50 percent, not 75 percent–100 percent of our vehicles,” we learn that all vehicles are equal but that some vehicles are more equal than others.

Exempt from Obama’s mandates are his limousines, cars in his motorcades, law enforcement, and security vehicles:

Needless to say, the government has its reasons, chief of which although unannounced is that it can do what it thinks best. The rest of us can do what we’re told to do.

Speaking of the rest of us, there are far fewer of the rest of us than ever before, that is, more Americans are employed by various governmental entities than in manufacturing, construction, farming, fishing, mining and utilities–combined! . . .