Joe Biden and "Recovery Summer"
Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. may go down in history as the most quoted VP America has ever had.
Until now, Nixon’s disgraced Vice President Spiro Theodore Agnew may be said to have held that title thanks to his inimitable alliteration such as his classic putdowns. They included “nattering nabobs of negativism,” “pusillanimous pussyfooters,” and “hopeless, hysterical hypochondriacs of history.”
Biden could never hope to match those and doesn’t seem to be much into alliteratiion anyway and his most recent classics aren’t fit for family viewing. Those include his remark to Obama after the passage of Obamacare that “this is a f***ing big deal” and his comment to a custard store manager that he was being “a smarta**” for asking him to cut taxes.
His latest excursion into memorable quotations may not even be Biden’s originally but it’s being associated with him. At least his reference to “recovery summer” is not rated PG 13 like the others. . .
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
The Bullfrog Croaks Again
The Bullfrog Croaks Again
The title “The Bullfrog Croaks Again” is misleading in that Jeremiah (The Black Racist Bullfrog) Wright hasn’t literally croaked. He has just re-emerged from his racist swamp and is croaking his usual venom.
President Obama’s (former) spiritual mentor hasn’t changed. Then, again, his mentoree, Barack Hussein Obama, hasn’t changed either. The president is just more adept at concealing his deepest and most volatile, racist beliefs.
Da Reverend Jeremiah has been relatively quiescent since his most illustrious parishioner at Trinity United Church of Christ cut him loose when he became an embarrassment during Obama’s campaign for the presidency.
Obama won and Jeremiah lost in 2008. Jeremiah knew very well that he wouldn’t be ostracized permanently. After all, the man he had tutored and called Barry may have gotten the gold ring but that ring was a ring in his nose. Barry just had to hew the Jeremiah line unobtrusively.
Which he did.
Well, Jeremiah bubbled to the surface again at the Chicago Theological Seminary where da reverend spoke to a sell-out crowd of 15 or 20 older African American women, according to Maureen Callahan of the New York Post.
Amazingly, this preacher who spoke nary a negative word about white people . . .
The title “The Bullfrog Croaks Again” is misleading in that Jeremiah (The Black Racist Bullfrog) Wright hasn’t literally croaked. He has just re-emerged from his racist swamp and is croaking his usual venom.
President Obama’s (former) spiritual mentor hasn’t changed. Then, again, his mentoree, Barack Hussein Obama, hasn’t changed either. The president is just more adept at concealing his deepest and most volatile, racist beliefs.
Da Reverend Jeremiah has been relatively quiescent since his most illustrious parishioner at Trinity United Church of Christ cut him loose when he became an embarrassment during Obama’s campaign for the presidency.
Obama won and Jeremiah lost in 2008. Jeremiah knew very well that he wouldn’t be ostracized permanently. After all, the man he had tutored and called Barry may have gotten the gold ring but that ring was a ring in his nose. Barry just had to hew the Jeremiah line unobtrusively.
Which he did.
Well, Jeremiah bubbled to the surface again at the Chicago Theological Seminary where da reverend spoke to a sell-out crowd of 15 or 20 older African American women, according to Maureen Callahan of the New York Post.
Amazingly, this preacher who spoke nary a negative word about white people . . .
"America as the Last Man Standing"
"America as the Last Man Standing"
Called a fascist by Glenn Beck, banned from Britain, proponent of a Palestinian homeland in Jordan, Geert Wilders is a man with a mission: to save Western civilization from Islamification.
Wilders is also a former Catholic, current atheist who is inspired by Judeo-Christian values, a right wing firebrand member of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands and founder of the PVV, the Dutch Party of Freedom.
He’s, obviously, a very complex man but with a very simple message: At their current rate of reproduction and immigration into Europe, Muslims will constitute 25% of Europeans by 2020 and be a majority by the end of this century.
That, he believes, will be catastrophic to hundreds of years of Western civilization. The last, best, only hope is the United States of America, “the last man standing. . ."
Called a fascist by Glenn Beck, banned from Britain, proponent of a Palestinian homeland in Jordan, Geert Wilders is a man with a mission: to save Western civilization from Islamification.
Wilders is also a former Catholic, current atheist who is inspired by Judeo-Christian values, a right wing firebrand member of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands and founder of the PVV, the Dutch Party of Freedom.
He’s, obviously, a very complex man but with a very simple message: At their current rate of reproduction and immigration into Europe, Muslims will constitute 25% of Europeans by 2020 and be a majority by the end of this century.
That, he believes, will be catastrophic to hundreds of years of Western civilization. The last, best, only hope is the United States of America, “the last man standing. . ."
Monday, June 28, 2010
Nervy News #9: Napolitano Surrenders
Nervy News #9: Napolitano Surrenders
According to its own website, two of the missions of our Department of Homeland Security (DHS), head honchette, former Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano, is “Securing Our Borders” and “Enforcing Our Immigration Laws.”
That DHS has failed in both missions is apparent from the chaos that exists on our southern border where the flood of illegal and brazen immigrants continues unabated, border guards are assaulted and shot at, and crime is rampant in border states.
To compound that failure, Secretary Napolitano has now announced the surrender of the DHS.
In a speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Napolitano threw in the towel when she said, “The plain fact of the matter is the border is as secure now as it has ever been, . . . It’s a big border. . . [Everyone involved in border security agrees] ‘You’re never going to totally seal that border:’ ” . . .
According to its own website, two of the missions of our Department of Homeland Security (DHS), head honchette, former Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano, is “Securing Our Borders” and “Enforcing Our Immigration Laws.”
That DHS has failed in both missions is apparent from the chaos that exists on our southern border where the flood of illegal and brazen immigrants continues unabated, border guards are assaulted and shot at, and crime is rampant in border states.
To compound that failure, Secretary Napolitano has now announced the surrender of the DHS.
In a speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Napolitano threw in the towel when she said, “The plain fact of the matter is the border is as secure now as it has ever been, . . . It’s a big border. . . [Everyone involved in border security agrees] ‘You’re never going to totally seal that border:’ ” . . .
Senior Death Warrants
Senior Death Warrants
(This was received as an e-mail and is unverified but, if it is all true, it would put the lie to Obama’s claim that Obamacare–which is now law–does not incorporate “death panels.” There will indeed be both rationing AND death panels; the latter will be called “counseling.” Can’t happen here? Think again!)
(This was received as an e-mail and is unverified but, if it is all true, it would put the lie to Obama’s claim that Obamacare–which is now law–does not incorporate “death panels.” There will indeed be both rationing AND death panels; the latter will be called “counseling.” Can’t happen here? Think again!)
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Black Humor
Black Humor
Black humor and dark comedy have nothing to do with race, although racial agitators probably construe those terms as racial just as they did some years back with the word ”niggardly” which simply means stingy or miserly.
Rather, black humor involves finding something darkly, ironically amusing in what are very serious issues. Three examples follow.
Our nation is under attack, whether most people want to concede that or not.
So we institute such measures as “no fly lists” which are supposed to protect us from Islamic or other terrorists by denying them passage on airlines which could be commandeered by those terrorists who could then turn those jetliners into missiles and hurl them into the White House and other targets.
The chief problem with that anti-terrorist “strategy” is that it assumes the crazies will employ the same tactics as they did on 9/11.
Notwithstanding that empty-headed assumption, a 6 year old Ohio girl, Alyssa Thomas, turned up on the terror watch list. . .
Black humor and dark comedy have nothing to do with race, although racial agitators probably construe those terms as racial just as they did some years back with the word ”niggardly” which simply means stingy or miserly.
Rather, black humor involves finding something darkly, ironically amusing in what are very serious issues. Three examples follow.
Our nation is under attack, whether most people want to concede that or not.
So we institute such measures as “no fly lists” which are supposed to protect us from Islamic or other terrorists by denying them passage on airlines which could be commandeered by those terrorists who could then turn those jetliners into missiles and hurl them into the White House and other targets.
The chief problem with that anti-terrorist “strategy” is that it assumes the crazies will employ the same tactics as they did on 9/11.
Notwithstanding that empty-headed assumption, a 6 year old Ohio girl, Alyssa Thomas, turned up on the terror watch list. . .
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Of Condoms, Teens, and Porn Part Two
Of Condoms, Teens, and Porn Part Two
Part One addressed the educational innovation in Provincetown, Massachusetts of providing condoms to students–to elementary school students.
A variation on P Town’s idea comes from, of all places, America’s Heartland, the Hawkeye State, in the little town of Shenandoah where Planned Parenthood went a few steps better by converting a sex education class into a virtual porn site for teenagers.
Iowa had long been a rock-ribbed conservative state, despite Senator Tom Harkin, but I guess things have changed as evidenced by Obama adding Iowa to his win column in 2008.
It seems the people from Planned Parenthood were invited to the local high school to conduct a sex education class. The class, which included 14 year old eighth graders and both boys and girls, turned into a lesson in pornography.
The school may or may not have known that Planned Parenthood is far more interested in promoting teen sexual activity than in discouraging it. The more teenagers, and others, engage in sex, the more PP’s primary business, providing abortions, thrives.
According to a Fox News report, upon learning of the class content, one mother said, “The students were given instruction . . .
Part One addressed the educational innovation in Provincetown, Massachusetts of providing condoms to students–to elementary school students.
A variation on P Town’s idea comes from, of all places, America’s Heartland, the Hawkeye State, in the little town of Shenandoah where Planned Parenthood went a few steps better by converting a sex education class into a virtual porn site for teenagers.
Iowa had long been a rock-ribbed conservative state, despite Senator Tom Harkin, but I guess things have changed as evidenced by Obama adding Iowa to his win column in 2008.
It seems the people from Planned Parenthood were invited to the local high school to conduct a sex education class. The class, which included 14 year old eighth graders and both boys and girls, turned into a lesson in pornography.
The school may or may not have known that Planned Parenthood is far more interested in promoting teen sexual activity than in discouraging it. The more teenagers, and others, engage in sex, the more PP’s primary business, providing abortions, thrives.
According to a Fox News report, upon learning of the class content, one mother said, “The students were given instruction . . .
When Stanley Met Barry, Part Three
When Stanley Met Barry, Part Three
. . . Part Three presents an insider’s objective if speculative outline of what went down when Stanley had his sitdown with Barry. I can attest to its accuracy although, admittedly, it’s based on the testimony of that fly in the White House that has bedeviled the president and that finally came to rest on the Oval Office wall:
(By the way, “B” = the president, Barry, as he was once known, and “S” = General Stanley McChrystal, as he is still known.)
B: Welcome to the White House, General. Have a seat.
S: Thank you, Mr. President. I’m flattered to be here.
B: May I call you Stanley?
S: Well, no. unless I should address you as Barry.
B: Umm, then let’s stick with general and Mr. President.
S: Fine by me, sir. As you wish.
B: Care for a beer or anything?
S: No thanks, Mr. President. I don’t drink.
B: Oh, that’s right, I heard that. You also run 8 miles a day, eat one meal a day, and sleep 4 hours a night, right?
S: Yes, sir.
B: Don’t smoke either I’m sure. . .
. . . Part Three presents an insider’s objective if speculative outline of what went down when Stanley had his sitdown with Barry. I can attest to its accuracy although, admittedly, it’s based on the testimony of that fly in the White House that has bedeviled the president and that finally came to rest on the Oval Office wall:
(By the way, “B” = the president, Barry, as he was once known, and “S” = General Stanley McChrystal, as he is still known.)
B: Welcome to the White House, General. Have a seat.
S: Thank you, Mr. President. I’m flattered to be here.
B: May I call you Stanley?
S: Well, no. unless I should address you as Barry.
B: Umm, then let’s stick with general and Mr. President.
S: Fine by me, sir. As you wish.
B: Care for a beer or anything?
S: No thanks, Mr. President. I don’t drink.
B: Oh, that’s right, I heard that. You also run 8 miles a day, eat one meal a day, and sleep 4 hours a night, right?
S: Yes, sir.
B: Don’t smoke either I’m sure. . .
Friday, June 25, 2010
Of Condoms, Teens, and Porn Part One
Of Condoms, Teens, and Porn Part One
Most people have heard of the New Sexual Revolution, the nationwide explosion in the numbers of teens engaging in various forms of sex.
First, the (relatively) good news: Over half of teenagers remain virgins until at least 17. The bad news: 46% of teens 15-19 have had sex, 13% before age 15, 7% at age 13 or younger. Those numbers from the Guttmacher Institute refer only to vaginal intercourse. Factoring in other forms of sex would make the bad news numbers skyrocket.
Obviously, premature and pre-marital sexual relations are a serious social, not to mention moral, problem in the United States in the twenty first century. How we deal with the problem is critical to altering such behaviors and since parents are usually in denial and the last to know about their kids’ sex lives, the responsibility in dealing with the issue often falls to schools.
Many schools are failing that responsibility.
Whether instructional sex education programs serve more to arouse curiosity and whet carnal appetites than they serve any other purpose is debatable and some schools have taken sex ed to a whole new level, downward. . .
Most people have heard of the New Sexual Revolution, the nationwide explosion in the numbers of teens engaging in various forms of sex.
First, the (relatively) good news: Over half of teenagers remain virgins until at least 17. The bad news: 46% of teens 15-19 have had sex, 13% before age 15, 7% at age 13 or younger. Those numbers from the Guttmacher Institute refer only to vaginal intercourse. Factoring in other forms of sex would make the bad news numbers skyrocket.
Obviously, premature and pre-marital sexual relations are a serious social, not to mention moral, problem in the United States in the twenty first century. How we deal with the problem is critical to altering such behaviors and since parents are usually in denial and the last to know about their kids’ sex lives, the responsibility in dealing with the issue often falls to schools.
Many schools are failing that responsibility.
Whether instructional sex education programs serve more to arouse curiosity and whet carnal appetites than they serve any other purpose is debatable and some schools have taken sex ed to a whole new level, downward. . .
When Stanley Met Barry, Part Two
When Stanley Met Barry, Part Two
Part One of this very mini miniseries dealt with the firing of General Stanley McChrystal, America’s head honcho in the Afghanistan War, and the contention that his and his aides’ remarks in a Rolling Stone article reflected immaturity and poor judgement.
Okay. . . a general 8 years Obama’s senior on the field of battle made immature comments that reflected poor judgement on a president whose chief pre-political experience was serving as a neighborhood organizer on the Chicago front.
But the general was summoned to an audience with the president, a meeting that promised to be a dressing down for his impertinence, a summons from the boss he could not ignore.
We are privileged to be the only source privy to the stream of consciousness thoughts of General McChrystal as he winged the miles from Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan to Obama’s air base in D.C.
We are also privy, via sources that cannot be revealed, to the dialogue between McChrystal and Obama in the White House on Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010.
WARNING: Some of what follows is not suitable for the eyes or ears of children. . .
Part One of this very mini miniseries dealt with the firing of General Stanley McChrystal, America’s head honcho in the Afghanistan War, and the contention that his and his aides’ remarks in a Rolling Stone article reflected immaturity and poor judgement.
Okay. . . a general 8 years Obama’s senior on the field of battle made immature comments that reflected poor judgement on a president whose chief pre-political experience was serving as a neighborhood organizer on the Chicago front.
But the general was summoned to an audience with the president, a meeting that promised to be a dressing down for his impertinence, a summons from the boss he could not ignore.
We are privileged to be the only source privy to the stream of consciousness thoughts of General McChrystal as he winged the miles from Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan to Obama’s air base in D.C.
We are also privy, via sources that cannot be revealed, to the dialogue between McChrystal and Obama in the White House on Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010.
WARNING: Some of what follows is not suitable for the eyes or ears of children. . .
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Gropey Gore, the MSM, and the Mad Masseuse
Gropey Gore, the MSM, and the Mad Masseuse
A few weeks ago, Al and Tipper Gore shocked the political world by announcing that they were separating after 40 years of marriage. At once, the rumor mill got rolling about infidelity and then about an inconvenient affair with Laurie David who had produced his award-winning movie.
They’re still rumors. So far.
What isn’t a rumor is that the former vice president was involved in an October 2006 sexual incident with a licensed masseuse in a suite at the Hotel Lucia in Portland.
One more time the National Enquirer staged a scoop on the mainstream media by outing the story which the Portland Tribune knew about two years ago. The latter paper chose not to go with it, defending its decision with a lot of gobbledegook about the story not meeting its own test that “there was sufficient evidence that something inappropriate had occurred:”
Insufficient evidence? Apparently they regard a complaint filed with the Portland Police Bureau as just a rumor? Or could it be another example of the MSM covering up a story that reflected badly on the Democrat Party and on a liberal?
They also missed the boat on the Monica Lewinsky . . .
A few weeks ago, Al and Tipper Gore shocked the political world by announcing that they were separating after 40 years of marriage. At once, the rumor mill got rolling about infidelity and then about an inconvenient affair with Laurie David who had produced his award-winning movie.
They’re still rumors. So far.
What isn’t a rumor is that the former vice president was involved in an October 2006 sexual incident with a licensed masseuse in a suite at the Hotel Lucia in Portland.
One more time the National Enquirer staged a scoop on the mainstream media by outing the story which the Portland Tribune knew about two years ago. The latter paper chose not to go with it, defending its decision with a lot of gobbledegook about the story not meeting its own test that “there was sufficient evidence that something inappropriate had occurred:”
Insufficient evidence? Apparently they regard a complaint filed with the Portland Police Bureau as just a rumor? Or could it be another example of the MSM covering up a story that reflected badly on the Democrat Party and on a liberal?
They also missed the boat on the Monica Lewinsky . . .
When Stanley Met Barry, Part One
When Stanley Met Barry, Part One
We’ll never know exactly what went down when President Barack Hussein Obama met with General Stanley Allen McChrystal on Wednesday in the White House. All we do know is that the president was “furious” over the general’s comments in the article to be published this week in Rolling Stone, “The Runaway General.”
We do know that it wasn’t a beer summit comparable to the one the president hosted last year to heal the damage he caused in the Crowley-Gates-Cambridge brouhaha. This-sit down ended up with the abstemious general submitting his resignation which is code for being threatened with a sacking unless he faded away quietly.
I have to concede that Obama was between that proverbial rock and hard place over the situation in which McChrystal bad mouthed the president and members of the administration. He was sort of damned if he did fire him and damned if he didn’t.
If he didn’t fire him, aka accept his resignation, . . .
We’ll never know exactly what went down when President Barack Hussein Obama met with General Stanley Allen McChrystal on Wednesday in the White House. All we do know is that the president was “furious” over the general’s comments in the article to be published this week in Rolling Stone, “The Runaway General.”
We do know that it wasn’t a beer summit comparable to the one the president hosted last year to heal the damage he caused in the Crowley-Gates-Cambridge brouhaha. This-sit down ended up with the abstemious general submitting his resignation which is code for being threatened with a sacking unless he faded away quietly.
I have to concede that Obama was between that proverbial rock and hard place over the situation in which McChrystal bad mouthed the president and members of the administration. He was sort of damned if he did fire him and damned if he didn’t.
If he didn’t fire him, aka accept his resignation, . . .
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
The Darkening Face of a Diverse America
The Darkening Face of a Diverse America
Those who have longed for a more diverse America may soon get their wish.
According to a Wall Sreet Journal article, “U.S. Nears Racial Milestone,” whites in America will soon become a minority. That demographic sea change could occur as early as next year, at least among newborns.
Based on a Census report, 48.6% of all newborns coming into the world and into America between July 2008 and July 2009 were non-white. That percentage is up from 46.8% the previous year and the trend seems likely to continue since white women are having fewer children, more minority women are of child-bearing age, and because of the increase in mixed marriages.
Minorities already constitute majorities in 9 states and the District of Columbia: Hawaii (81%), D.C. (78%), New Mexico (72%) and the nation’s largest state, California (71%).
America has long been called a “melting pot,” of sorts, a term that has been in general usage for over a hundred years. However, up until recently, that melding of heterogeneous groups into one homogeneous whole has been mainly a blending of people of European extraction and it’s easier to blend people with some cultural similarities. . .
Those who have longed for a more diverse America may soon get their wish.
According to a Wall Sreet Journal article, “U.S. Nears Racial Milestone,” whites in America will soon become a minority. That demographic sea change could occur as early as next year, at least among newborns.
Based on a Census report, 48.6% of all newborns coming into the world and into America between July 2008 and July 2009 were non-white. That percentage is up from 46.8% the previous year and the trend seems likely to continue since white women are having fewer children, more minority women are of child-bearing age, and because of the increase in mixed marriages.
Minorities already constitute majorities in 9 states and the District of Columbia: Hawaii (81%), D.C. (78%), New Mexico (72%) and the nation’s largest state, California (71%).
America has long been called a “melting pot,” of sorts, a term that has been in general usage for over a hundred years. However, up until recently, that melding of heterogeneous groups into one homogeneous whole has been mainly a blending of people of European extraction and it’s easier to blend people with some cultural similarities. . .
Useful Idiots and Their Fellow Travellers
Useful Idiots and Their Fellow Travellers
Russian Communist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin is believed to have to have said, “Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.” Either Lenin or Hitler is said to have coined the term “useful idiots” to refer to Western sympathizers in the Soviet Union, (Lenin), or to the very pliable masses who could easily be indoctrinated and propagandized, (Hitler).
With the National Education Association in effect running public schools today, with Obamians preparing to dictate public school policy and curriculum, with the mass of public school teachers committed to the far left liberalism of Barack Obama and his cohorts, this administration is already well on its way to its goal of capturing the minds and hearts of a generation, or more, of America’s youth.
That same generation of propagandized youth will constitute the useful idiots, automatons who will march in lockstep with Obama and liberalism for perhaps the next six and half years by which time, having transformed America, they will be well-equipped to transform the world in their likeness.
Many countries are ahead of us on the socialistic curve, anyway.
Can’t happen here? Think again.
Thomas Sowell, a brilliant, conservative author, economist, and political commentator who happens to be black believes America is on a “slippery slope to tyranny” . . .
Russian Communist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin is believed to have to have said, “Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.” Either Lenin or Hitler is said to have coined the term “useful idiots” to refer to Western sympathizers in the Soviet Union, (Lenin), or to the very pliable masses who could easily be indoctrinated and propagandized, (Hitler).
With the National Education Association in effect running public schools today, with Obamians preparing to dictate public school policy and curriculum, with the mass of public school teachers committed to the far left liberalism of Barack Obama and his cohorts, this administration is already well on its way to its goal of capturing the minds and hearts of a generation, or more, of America’s youth.
That same generation of propagandized youth will constitute the useful idiots, automatons who will march in lockstep with Obama and liberalism for perhaps the next six and half years by which time, having transformed America, they will be well-equipped to transform the world in their likeness.
Many countries are ahead of us on the socialistic curve, anyway.
Can’t happen here? Think again.
Thomas Sowell, a brilliant, conservative author, economist, and political commentator who happens to be black believes America is on a “slippery slope to tyranny” . . .
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
"In War,There Is No Substitute for Victory"
"In War, There Is No Substitute for Victory"
President Obama has summoned the Commander of US Forces in Afghanistan General Stanley McChrystal to the executive mansion to explain critical and dismissive comments the general and his aides made of top administration and Afghan officials.
See the New York Times version of the McChrystal story here:
McChrystal is in a situation very similar to that of MacArthur in Korea. He wants to win the war in Afghanistan but the administration won’t allow him to. He has issued an abject apology to the president for his remarks published in Rolling Stone; he should have resigned. MacArthur apologized to no one; he didn’t believe he was wrong.
Instead of the “limited war” restraints dictated by the Truman administration MacArthur faced in Korea, McChrystal faces the contraints of the “rules of engagement” as determined by the Obama administration.
As commander-in-chief, Obama has every right . . .
President Obama has summoned the Commander of US Forces in Afghanistan General Stanley McChrystal to the executive mansion to explain critical and dismissive comments the general and his aides made of top administration and Afghan officials.
See the New York Times version of the McChrystal story here:
McChrystal is in a situation very similar to that of MacArthur in Korea. He wants to win the war in Afghanistan but the administration won’t allow him to. He has issued an abject apology to the president for his remarks published in Rolling Stone; he should have resigned. MacArthur apologized to no one; he didn’t believe he was wrong.
Instead of the “limited war” restraints dictated by the Truman administration MacArthur faced in Korea, McChrystal faces the contraints of the “rules of engagement” as determined by the Obama administration.
As commander-in-chief, Obama has every right . . .
Monday, June 21, 2010
Latest Scoop on van der Sloot
Latest Scoop on van der Sloot
I’ve avoided commenting on Joran van der Sloot in part because I just don’t like his foreign-sounding name which is vaguely reminiscent of George Costanza’s concocted Vandelay Industries on “Seinfeld.” I also haven’t commented because he’s a sick sleazeball.
I figured that because van der Sloot is guilty of at least two murders of young girls he doesn’t deserve any more attention than he’s been afforded but Joran’s mom helped convince me to devote a little attention to this psychopath.
Mama Anita van der Sloot, (or is it Mama Sloot?), finally weighed in on the most recent cold-blooded homicide allegedly committed by her innocent son in Peru.
In an email to a former Joran girlfriend, Mama Sloot protested, ”I am not giving interviews to any American media station because I don’t trust them. Stay safe and pray for Joran. He is not the monster they like the world to see. he is traumatized, depressed and has an addiction. He is not a murderer. It stinks and feels like a big trap set up for him.”
That link also includes a 10 minute videotaped interview of the girlfriend.
The only “trap” set for JvdS was set by the non-monstrous, non-murderous, traumatized, addicted, depressed Joran himself.
This time the girl didn’t just disappear from the face of the Earth on a high school senior trip to Aruba. . .
I’ve avoided commenting on Joran van der Sloot in part because I just don’t like his foreign-sounding name which is vaguely reminiscent of George Costanza’s concocted Vandelay Industries on “Seinfeld.” I also haven’t commented because he’s a sick sleazeball.
I figured that because van der Sloot is guilty of at least two murders of young girls he doesn’t deserve any more attention than he’s been afforded but Joran’s mom helped convince me to devote a little attention to this psychopath.
Mama Anita van der Sloot, (or is it Mama Sloot?), finally weighed in on the most recent cold-blooded homicide allegedly committed by her innocent son in Peru.
In an email to a former Joran girlfriend, Mama Sloot protested, ”I am not giving interviews to any American media station because I don’t trust them. Stay safe and pray for Joran. He is not the monster they like the world to see. he is traumatized, depressed and has an addiction. He is not a murderer. It stinks and feels like a big trap set up for him.”
That link also includes a 10 minute videotaped interview of the girlfriend.
The only “trap” set for JvdS was set by the non-monstrous, non-murderous, traumatized, addicted, depressed Joran himself.
This time the girl didn’t just disappear from the face of the Earth on a high school senior trip to Aruba. . .
Gay Father's Day
Gay Father's Day
Continuing payback to the homosexual community for its support in his campaign for the presidency, Barack Obama issued a proclamation on May 28th, 2010 declaring June to be “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride [LGBT] Month.”
In that proclamation, he made special mention of the nation’s duty to accept gays since “Our Nation draws its strength from our diversity, with each of us contributing to the greater whole. By affirming these rights and values, each American benefits from the further advancement of liberty and justice for all.”
He concluded by saying, “I call upon all Americans to observe this month by fighting prejudice and discrimination in their own lives and everywhere it exists:”
If the words in that proclamation didn’t cause a lump to well up in your throat or didn’t inspire people to take a gay to lunch or to launch a celebratory parade with chants of, “Truth, Justice, and the American Way,” it must be because you’re un-American for believing homosexuals are sick people. . .
Continuing payback to the homosexual community for its support in his campaign for the presidency, Barack Obama issued a proclamation on May 28th, 2010 declaring June to be “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride [LGBT] Month.”
In that proclamation, he made special mention of the nation’s duty to accept gays since “Our Nation draws its strength from our diversity, with each of us contributing to the greater whole. By affirming these rights and values, each American benefits from the further advancement of liberty and justice for all.”
He concluded by saying, “I call upon all Americans to observe this month by fighting prejudice and discrimination in their own lives and everywhere it exists:”
If the words in that proclamation didn’t cause a lump to well up in your throat or didn’t inspire people to take a gay to lunch or to launch a celebratory parade with chants of, “Truth, Justice, and the American Way,” it must be because you’re un-American for believing homosexuals are sick people. . .
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Teacher Gives Extra Help in the Back Seat
Teacher Gives Extra Help in the Back Seat
As a public service, has published pictures of female teachers who have been convicted of various sexual crimes involving underage students in their schools.
As a further public service, has divided said teachers into 2 distinct categories, those it considers “hot” and those it considers “not.”
The pictures relate to a news story of yet another female teacher apprehended in flagrante delicto, meaning in a flagrant act or acts of grossly improper sexual behavior with students under eighteen years of age or who have engaged in such behavior over extended periods.
The accused particular teacher in the most recent instance is. . .
As a public service, has published pictures of female teachers who have been convicted of various sexual crimes involving underage students in their schools.
As a further public service, has divided said teachers into 2 distinct categories, those it considers “hot” and those it considers “not.”
The pictures relate to a news story of yet another female teacher apprehended in flagrante delicto, meaning in a flagrant act or acts of grossly improper sexual behavior with students under eighteen years of age or who have engaged in such behavior over extended periods.
The accused particular teacher in the most recent instance is. . .
School Daze Revisited
School Daze Revisited
Ever since the educational halcyon days of readin’, writin’, and ‘rithmatic, people have been trying to improve on American education. Those efforts, those “improvements,” most often involved sociological experiments rather than pedagogical advancements and the results are what we have today.
Thanks to the National Education Association, the NEA, we now have millions of kids with great self esteem and a keen awareness of the necessity of diversity and the evils of America but with ever-decreasing capacities for reading, writing, and counting.
“Misedumacation” is gaining supremacy in America’s classrooms.
Fear not, however. To the rescue comes government.
Movements are afoot to initiate all new educational standards . . .
Ever since the educational halcyon days of readin’, writin’, and ‘rithmatic, people have been trying to improve on American education. Those efforts, those “improvements,” most often involved sociological experiments rather than pedagogical advancements and the results are what we have today.
Thanks to the National Education Association, the NEA, we now have millions of kids with great self esteem and a keen awareness of the necessity of diversity and the evils of America but with ever-decreasing capacities for reading, writing, and counting.
“Misedumacation” is gaining supremacy in America’s classrooms.
Fear not, however. To the rescue comes government.
Movements are afoot to initiate all new educational standards . . .
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Our First Father
Our First Father
If President Barack Hussein Obama can be described as “first fan” because he likes the Chicago White Sox, I guess on Father’s Day 2010 he can be referred to as “first father” and, with all due deference to the president on this Father’s Day, I hereby re-publish an article on his father from 2008.
Titled, “Barack Obama LVII, Racist, Muslim Radical, Drunk, Womanizer, Socialist,” that article was the 57th piece published here about candidate Obama but, to clear up any possible confusion, the title does not refer to him.
There’s certainly no evidence that our president is a drunk or a womanizer, even though the other adjectives apply as well to him as to the late Barack Obama, subject of Barry’s ghost-written, lie-packed, highly-honored memoir, Dreams from My Father, A Story of Race and Remembrance.
To suggest that a man must follow in the path of his father is patently ludicrous. . .
If President Barack Hussein Obama can be described as “first fan” because he likes the Chicago White Sox, I guess on Father’s Day 2010 he can be referred to as “first father” and, with all due deference to the president on this Father’s Day, I hereby re-publish an article on his father from 2008.
Titled, “Barack Obama LVII, Racist, Muslim Radical, Drunk, Womanizer, Socialist,” that article was the 57th piece published here about candidate Obama but, to clear up any possible confusion, the title does not refer to him.
There’s certainly no evidence that our president is a drunk or a womanizer, even though the other adjectives apply as well to him as to the late Barack Obama, subject of Barry’s ghost-written, lie-packed, highly-honored memoir, Dreams from My Father, A Story of Race and Remembrance.
To suggest that a man must follow in the path of his father is patently ludicrous. . .
Sexting Redux: N.Y.C.
Sexting Redux: N.Y.C.
It’s common knowledge among adults that the sexting craze among teenagers has to be the nuttiest departure from normal behavior since the goldfish-swallowing fad began in the 1930’s. Back then, the only harm came to the goldfish. Sexting can lead to irreparable, lifelong harm, even suicide, for teens.
For those still unaware, sexting is an outgrowth of the ubiquitous cell phone and has encouraged teenagers, particularly but not exclusively young girls, to push and exceed the limits of discretion by transmitting revealing pictures of themselves and/or “talk dirty” on their cells, which pictures and talk can then become property of the internet when the recipients post them on websites.
Sexting is undoubtedly a serious social problem that can develop into other problems as critical as texting while driving. Both can result in severe injuries and sexting has already resulted in teen suicides when their nude and semi-nude photos become public.
All that said, the new New York City Department of Education proposed policy on sexting is an absurd exercise in an unenforceable and excessive abuse of power. . .
It’s common knowledge among adults that the sexting craze among teenagers has to be the nuttiest departure from normal behavior since the goldfish-swallowing fad began in the 1930’s. Back then, the only harm came to the goldfish. Sexting can lead to irreparable, lifelong harm, even suicide, for teens.
For those still unaware, sexting is an outgrowth of the ubiquitous cell phone and has encouraged teenagers, particularly but not exclusively young girls, to push and exceed the limits of discretion by transmitting revealing pictures of themselves and/or “talk dirty” on their cells, which pictures and talk can then become property of the internet when the recipients post them on websites.
Sexting is undoubtedly a serious social problem that can develop into other problems as critical as texting while driving. Both can result in severe injuries and sexting has already resulted in teen suicides when their nude and semi-nude photos become public.
All that said, the new New York City Department of Education proposed policy on sexting is an absurd exercise in an unenforceable and excessive abuse of power. . .
Friday, June 18, 2010
Obama's Simmering Summer of Discontent
Obama's Simmering Summer of Discontent
... Bestriding the narrow world like a twenty first century Colossus, Obama was hailed as little short of the Second Coming, the Obamassiah, feted in world capitals from Berlin to Riyadh to Accra, worshipped by massive crowds in the streets, idolized by the international press.
Like a too-bright comet, like Icarus flying too near the sun, the deflation was bound to happen.
Obama’s return to Earth didn’t start on Earth Day, April 20, 2010 since there were rumblings the world over that this Colossus was less than colossal long before that fateful day when Deepwater Horizon exploded in murderous flames in the Gulf of Mexico.
What also exploded that day was what remained of the Myth of Obama. . .
... Bestriding the narrow world like a twenty first century Colossus, Obama was hailed as little short of the Second Coming, the Obamassiah, feted in world capitals from Berlin to Riyadh to Accra, worshipped by massive crowds in the streets, idolized by the international press.
Like a too-bright comet, like Icarus flying too near the sun, the deflation was bound to happen.
Obama’s return to Earth didn’t start on Earth Day, April 20, 2010 since there were rumblings the world over that this Colossus was less than colossal long before that fateful day when Deepwater Horizon exploded in murderous flames in the Gulf of Mexico.
What also exploded that day was what remained of the Myth of Obama. . .
A Little Levity, Government Style
A Little Levity, Government Style
We all need a little levity in our lives. In these trying times, a lot of levity would be even better. And who else can better provide (unintended) levity when Letterman and Leno aren’t on than politicians?
The following may not be knee-slapping funny as in the hilarity of Letterman or Leno but that duo is rarely hilarious, anyway. This is more akin to government hilarity.
. Alaska and Polar Bears: Now we all know Alaska is a big state, all 663,268 square miles of it, but even Alaska has its limits and when the federal government decides it wants Alaska to set aside 167,166 square miles of The Last Frontier State, Alaskans tend to get their collective backs up. . .
We all need a little levity in our lives. In these trying times, a lot of levity would be even better. And who else can better provide (unintended) levity when Letterman and Leno aren’t on than politicians?
The following may not be knee-slapping funny as in the hilarity of Letterman or Leno but that duo is rarely hilarious, anyway. This is more akin to government hilarity.
. Alaska and Polar Bears: Now we all know Alaska is a big state, all 663,268 square miles of it, but even Alaska has its limits and when the federal government decides it wants Alaska to set aside 167,166 square miles of The Last Frontier State, Alaskans tend to get their collective backs up. . .
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Obamanation News
Obamanation News
As the president continues to berate BP into bankruptcy and his hapless second-in-command toots his own vuvuzela at the World Cup, other news about this president and his administration tends to get lost in the news shuffle which doesn’t make those stories less significant even if they are buried and/or ignored by the MSM.
For example, we have the story of what constitutes Obama’s prime constituency which, almost exclusively, consists of “unmarried, unchurched, poor and inexperienced people, . . . [and] Ph.Ds,” according to an interpretation of a new Gallup poll.
The PhD part makes that an odd mix, unless we factor in that the letters PhD very often stand for Piled higher and Deeper by overachievers.
Gallup’s latest poll shows Obama’s overall popularity at a new low of 46% and that he is strongest among the younger folk, those who don’t attend church regularly, and those who earn less than $2000 a month–as well as eggheads
Even worse for the president, his popularity numbers among the poor and non-churchgoers are declining:
We should probably expect a multi-billion dollar popularity bailout in the near future. . .
As the president continues to berate BP into bankruptcy and his hapless second-in-command toots his own vuvuzela at the World Cup, other news about this president and his administration tends to get lost in the news shuffle which doesn’t make those stories less significant even if they are buried and/or ignored by the MSM.
For example, we have the story of what constitutes Obama’s prime constituency which, almost exclusively, consists of “unmarried, unchurched, poor and inexperienced people, . . . [and] Ph.Ds,” according to an interpretation of a new Gallup poll.
The PhD part makes that an odd mix, unless we factor in that the letters PhD very often stand for Piled higher and Deeper by overachievers.
Gallup’s latest poll shows Obama’s overall popularity at a new low of 46% and that he is strongest among the younger folk, those who don’t attend church regularly, and those who earn less than $2000 a month–as well as eggheads
Even worse for the president, his popularity numbers among the poor and non-churchgoers are declining:
We should probably expect a multi-billion dollar popularity bailout in the near future. . .
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Gorebal Warming
Gorebal Warming
The punsters, including moi, are out in force in the wake of the wake of Al Gore’s 40 year marriage to Tipper and the subsequent rumors of the raison d’être for the break up, his extended and inconvenient affair with environmental activist, producer of the Goreacle’s An Inconvenient Truth, and confirmed hypocrite, Laurie David.
It’s tough to determine between Al and Laurie who’s getting the ca-ca end of this split stick. I’m guessing, like Elizabeth Edwards, the Tipster is getting the better end of the deal.
John W. Lollipop on traces Gore’s wanderlust back to that infamous, staged. PG-13 kiss at the 2000 Democrat Convention which he attributes not to passionate love for Gore’s then-30 year bride but rather to a combination of ”Faking passion just for votes and the advanced stages of male menopause and mid-life crisis:”
I personally thought other classic kisses were more memorable, such as these: . . .
The punsters, including moi, are out in force in the wake of the wake of Al Gore’s 40 year marriage to Tipper and the subsequent rumors of the raison d’être for the break up, his extended and inconvenient affair with environmental activist, producer of the Goreacle’s An Inconvenient Truth, and confirmed hypocrite, Laurie David.
It’s tough to determine between Al and Laurie who’s getting the ca-ca end of this split stick. I’m guessing, like Elizabeth Edwards, the Tipster is getting the better end of the deal.
John W. Lollipop on traces Gore’s wanderlust back to that infamous, staged. PG-13 kiss at the 2000 Democrat Convention which he attributes not to passionate love for Gore’s then-30 year bride but rather to a combination of ”Faking passion just for votes and the advanced stages of male menopause and mid-life crisis:”
I personally thought other classic kisses were more memorable, such as these: . . .
"Bad Ass" Future Woman or Sad Victim?
"Bad Ass" Future Woman or Sad Victim?
We may have been overly protective of our three kids. That’s the bad news. The good news is that they survived into adulthood.
Then, again, we only had 3 kids. If we had had seven with one bun in the oven like the daredevil sailor-parents of Abby Sunderland maybe we would have figured we could lose one, or two, and still be ahead of the game.
I can’t read the minds of the parents of young Miss Abby Sunderland but I do know that losing any child, even an adult “child,” would have to be a devastating loss. Then again, some parents with seven or eight might calculate they could write off a couple, especially if there’s that proverbial pot of gold at the end of their calcualtions.
Or, perhaps not.
Abby Sunderland, all of 16 years of age, that same age when most American girls are into makeup, and boys, and music, and boys, and texting, and boys, and friends, and boys, is alleged to have been far more interested in sailing around the the world, alone, in her 40 foot boat, Wild Eyes, than in any of those silly teenage girl interests. . .
We may have been overly protective of our three kids. That’s the bad news. The good news is that they survived into adulthood.
Then, again, we only had 3 kids. If we had had seven with one bun in the oven like the daredevil sailor-parents of Abby Sunderland maybe we would have figured we could lose one, or two, and still be ahead of the game.
I can’t read the minds of the parents of young Miss Abby Sunderland but I do know that losing any child, even an adult “child,” would have to be a devastating loss. Then again, some parents with seven or eight might calculate they could write off a couple, especially if there’s that proverbial pot of gold at the end of their calcualtions.
Or, perhaps not.
Abby Sunderland, all of 16 years of age, that same age when most American girls are into makeup, and boys, and music, and boys, and texting, and boys, and friends, and boys, is alleged to have been far more interested in sailing around the the world, alone, in her 40 foot boat, Wild Eyes, than in any of those silly teenage girl interests. . .
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Obama's Lackluster Speech
Obama's Lackluster Speech
Even as released a poll showing “a majority of voters [in Louisiana] think George W. Bush did a better job with Katrina than Obama’s done dealing with the spill. 50% of voters in the state, even including 31% of Democrats, give Bush higher marks on that question compared to 35% who pick Obama,” the president sashayed over to the Oval Office to deliver his first-ever speech from that location.
It didn’t go over very well, according to the dynamic trio of MSNBC’s loquacious but empty talking heads, Chris Matthews, Keith Olberman, and Harold Fineman.
When liberals on a liberal cable network lambaste a liberal president, you have to know the goose is cooked and that something, more likely a great deal of somethings, is amok.
Matthews, who will go down in the annals of presidential campaign history as the only presumably heterosexual male reporter who twice felt a thrill run up his leg in the presence of Barack Hussein Obama, was the most surprising. . .
Even as released a poll showing “a majority of voters [in Louisiana] think George W. Bush did a better job with Katrina than Obama’s done dealing with the spill. 50% of voters in the state, even including 31% of Democrats, give Bush higher marks on that question compared to 35% who pick Obama,” the president sashayed over to the Oval Office to deliver his first-ever speech from that location.
It didn’t go over very well, according to the dynamic trio of MSNBC’s loquacious but empty talking heads, Chris Matthews, Keith Olberman, and Harold Fineman.
When liberals on a liberal cable network lambaste a liberal president, you have to know the goose is cooked and that something, more likely a great deal of somethings, is amok.
Matthews, who will go down in the annals of presidential campaign history as the only presumably heterosexual male reporter who twice felt a thrill run up his leg in the presence of Barack Hussein Obama, was the most surprising. . .
Fooling Some of the People All of the Time: Obamacare
Fooling Some of the People All of the Time: Obamacare
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time,” Honest Abe prophetically said.
Those people who believed that Obamacare would actually allow Americans to keep their existing medical plans and not be forced into a government-run plan have to be the dumbest people on the planet. They constitute those who were fooled by Senator and then President Obama’s transparently false promises.
That might be a harsh evaluation even though it is true. It was the scheme of the left all along, articulated by Rep. Barney Frank and others, to get the government’s foot in the door first and gradually phase in the so-called ”public option” until it became the only option, ala Britain’s National Health Service.
Some people knew that all along but Obama’s believers wouldn’t listen.
In defense of the naive believers, . . .
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time,” Honest Abe prophetically said.
Those people who believed that Obamacare would actually allow Americans to keep their existing medical plans and not be forced into a government-run plan have to be the dumbest people on the planet. They constitute those who were fooled by Senator and then President Obama’s transparently false promises.
That might be a harsh evaluation even though it is true. It was the scheme of the left all along, articulated by Rep. Barney Frank and others, to get the government’s foot in the door first and gradually phase in the so-called ”public option” until it became the only option, ala Britain’s National Health Service.
Some people knew that all along but Obama’s believers wouldn’t listen.
In defense of the naive believers, . . .
Monday, June 14, 2010
"You Never Want a Serious Crisis to Go to Waste"
"You Never Want a Serious Crisis to Go to Waste"
Obama’s Chief of Staff Rahm “Fishhead” Emanuel’s infamous comment in November, 2008 that “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste” have been words the Obama administration has lived by from its beginning.
Crises by definition are usually serious in governments but this particular government has governed by manufactured crisis repeatedly, from the banking crisis to the economy as a whole crisis, to Korea, to Iran, to illegal immigration, to health care, to the auto industry, always using the “crisis” to its best advantage.
That advantage always serves to stir up a certain fear in the populace, which is its aim. It enables Obama to make strategic moves, and spend billions of taxpayer dollars, with impunity and with minimal if any oversight from his Democrat congress and his Democrat idolators in the mainstream media.
After all, the matters were critical so who needs oversight or criticism!
Obama may have overstepped with the latest, ongoing, and extremely serious crisis at hand, the Gulf oil spill, which continues to wreak havoc with the ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico and on the states bordering on the Gulf of Mexico and their residents.
However, comparing the disaster to the unmitigated–and yet unavenged–catastrophe of September 11th, 2001 was not only foolish but it betrayed an insensitive ignorance of the momentousness of 9/11 that is unforgiveable. It’s comparable to comparing apples to oranges and equally absurd. . .
Obama’s Chief of Staff Rahm “Fishhead” Emanuel’s infamous comment in November, 2008 that “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste” have been words the Obama administration has lived by from its beginning.
Crises by definition are usually serious in governments but this particular government has governed by manufactured crisis repeatedly, from the banking crisis to the economy as a whole crisis, to Korea, to Iran, to illegal immigration, to health care, to the auto industry, always using the “crisis” to its best advantage.
That advantage always serves to stir up a certain fear in the populace, which is its aim. It enables Obama to make strategic moves, and spend billions of taxpayer dollars, with impunity and with minimal if any oversight from his Democrat congress and his Democrat idolators in the mainstream media.
After all, the matters were critical so who needs oversight or criticism!
Obama may have overstepped with the latest, ongoing, and extremely serious crisis at hand, the Gulf oil spill, which continues to wreak havoc with the ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico and on the states bordering on the Gulf of Mexico and their residents.
However, comparing the disaster to the unmitigated–and yet unavenged–catastrophe of September 11th, 2001 was not only foolish but it betrayed an insensitive ignorance of the momentousness of 9/11 that is unforgiveable. It’s comparable to comparing apples to oranges and equally absurd. . .
Update on the Monster Mosque
Update on the Monster Mosque
In case anyone missed it, there was a huge rally at Ground Zero last Sunday, June 6th protesting the proposed construction of a mosque steps away from the site where 2,751 innocent people died on September 11th, 2001.
It’s understandable if anyone missed that news in which some 10,000 people gathered to protest the plan since ABC, CBS, FNC, and NBC had better things to do than cover the rally even if the international media were on hand.
The 13 story mosque, disaffectionately known as the monster mosque, will be called Cordoba House, and is the brainchild of Imam Feisel Abdul Rauf. According to its website, the building will house ”a 500-seat auditorium, swimming pool, art exhibition spaces, bookstores, restaurants–all these services would form a [Muslim] cultural nexus.”
It would also include a fitness center, library, public conference rooms, and basketball courts, according to the Tribeca Tribune.
In other words, it will be a fun-filled Islamic meeting and recreational center mere blocks away from where Islamic militants committed mass murder in America. To emphasize the in-your-face quality of the obscene enterprise . . .
In case anyone missed it, there was a huge rally at Ground Zero last Sunday, June 6th protesting the proposed construction of a mosque steps away from the site where 2,751 innocent people died on September 11th, 2001.
It’s understandable if anyone missed that news in which some 10,000 people gathered to protest the plan since ABC, CBS, FNC, and NBC had better things to do than cover the rally even if the international media were on hand.
The 13 story mosque, disaffectionately known as the monster mosque, will be called Cordoba House, and is the brainchild of Imam Feisel Abdul Rauf. According to its website, the building will house ”a 500-seat auditorium, swimming pool, art exhibition spaces, bookstores, restaurants–all these services would form a [Muslim] cultural nexus.”
It would also include a fitness center, library, public conference rooms, and basketball courts, according to the Tribeca Tribune.
In other words, it will be a fun-filled Islamic meeting and recreational center mere blocks away from where Islamic militants committed mass murder in America. To emphasize the in-your-face quality of the obscene enterprise . . .
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Foxy Knoxy Re-Visited
Foxy Knoxy Re-Visited
Whatever one thinks about the guilt or innocence of Amanda Knox, the self-described Foxy Knoxy, there’s little doubt her trial in Italy for the 2007 grisly murder of her roommate, Meredith Kercher, was a travesty, a multi-flawed event conducted by a very flawed prosecutor.
There is also little doubt, except in the minds of her family, supporters, and attorneys, that Foxy Knoxy, who will turn 23 next month, won’t be a free woman until she is around 48 years of age. She was convicted of Kercher’s murder and sentenced in 2009 to 26 years in prison by which time there will be little about her that most people would call foxy.
For previous accounts of the murder that shocked Europe and the subsequent, sensational trial, see “Foxy Knoxy, Political Football Or Slutty ‘She-Devil’ ” Parts One ( ) and Two ( )
Although they don’t prove her a murderess, revelations during and after Knox’ trial are fairly conclusive that this was a troubled and repressed young girl who, . . .
Whatever one thinks about the guilt or innocence of Amanda Knox, the self-described Foxy Knoxy, there’s little doubt her trial in Italy for the 2007 grisly murder of her roommate, Meredith Kercher, was a travesty, a multi-flawed event conducted by a very flawed prosecutor.
There is also little doubt, except in the minds of her family, supporters, and attorneys, that Foxy Knoxy, who will turn 23 next month, won’t be a free woman until she is around 48 years of age. She was convicted of Kercher’s murder and sentenced in 2009 to 26 years in prison by which time there will be little about her that most people would call foxy.
For previous accounts of the murder that shocked Europe and the subsequent, sensational trial, see “Foxy Knoxy, Political Football Or Slutty ‘She-Devil’ ” Parts One ( ) and Two ( )
Although they don’t prove her a murderess, revelations during and after Knox’ trial are fairly conclusive that this was a troubled and repressed young girl who, . . .
Saturday, June 12, 2010
America’s Left has always been noted for its hypocrisy but it has outdone itself with respect to the Gulf oil disaster.
Had this catastrophe occurred on George W. Bush’s watch, he would have been pilloried mercilessly by the likes of the Sierra Club, Greenpeace and other envirogreenies.
On the other hand, Obama’s inaction, his detachment, his failure, even his transparent tough guy language about kicking ass have been met with a hypocritical stoicism by most Lefties to the point that it’s scandalously disgusting.
James Carville, who lives in the Gulf area, and Bill Maher, who is a brainless twit, have voiced their dismay over Obama’s blatant display of incompetence and inexperience in this emergency but they are virtually alone among “progressives” in their sentiments.
As the public seethes over the situation, as the Gulf states suffer immeasurable hurt, as the ecosystem is on the verge of being permanently despoiled by oil and tarballs, as the economies and lifestyles of millions are imperilled, Obama acts like a national Gautama Buddha sitting in the White House with his legs figuratively crossed and his soul figuratively praying for his daughter to stop annoying him with her daily questioning on whether he plugged the hole yet. . .
America’s Left has always been noted for its hypocrisy but it has outdone itself with respect to the Gulf oil disaster.
Had this catastrophe occurred on George W. Bush’s watch, he would have been pilloried mercilessly by the likes of the Sierra Club, Greenpeace and other envirogreenies.
On the other hand, Obama’s inaction, his detachment, his failure, even his transparent tough guy language about kicking ass have been met with a hypocritical stoicism by most Lefties to the point that it’s scandalously disgusting.
James Carville, who lives in the Gulf area, and Bill Maher, who is a brainless twit, have voiced their dismay over Obama’s blatant display of incompetence and inexperience in this emergency but they are virtually alone among “progressives” in their sentiments.
As the public seethes over the situation, as the Gulf states suffer immeasurable hurt, as the ecosystem is on the verge of being permanently despoiled by oil and tarballs, as the economies and lifestyles of millions are imperilled, Obama acts like a national Gautama Buddha sitting in the White House with his legs figuratively crossed and his soul figuratively praying for his daughter to stop annoying him with her daily questioning on whether he plugged the hole yet. . .
Teachers Who Cheat
Teachers Who Cheat
It’s bewildering why the powers-that-be are all in a dither over the revelation that teachers have been cheating on state achievement tests in Texas. Teachers have been cheating almost as much as kids from time immemorial.
The mandates of NCLB, President George W. Bush’s program of No Child Left Behind, have been roundly castigated but not seriously challenged by any state although the pressures of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 have been a burden for almost a decade on educators and students, as they should be, a burden in the sense of greater emphasis on actually educating children.
In some districts, because of NCLB, salary raises and sometimes tenure are predicated on teacher–and administrative–performance determined through student scores on standardized tests.
Apparently, some teachers–and administrators–have succumbed under the pressure. . .
It’s bewildering why the powers-that-be are all in a dither over the revelation that teachers have been cheating on state achievement tests in Texas. Teachers have been cheating almost as much as kids from time immemorial.
The mandates of NCLB, President George W. Bush’s program of No Child Left Behind, have been roundly castigated but not seriously challenged by any state although the pressures of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 have been a burden for almost a decade on educators and students, as they should be, a burden in the sense of greater emphasis on actually educating children.
In some districts, because of NCLB, salary raises and sometimes tenure are predicated on teacher–and administrative–performance determined through student scores on standardized tests.
Apparently, some teachers–and administrators–have succumbed under the pressure. . .
Friday, June 11, 2010
Terrorism 101
Terrorism 101
Two stories which appeared the same day on illustrate the insanity of the American people and of our government.
The first titled, “Public Says the Federal Debt Equal to Threat from Terrorism,” ( is based on a Gallup survey which incidentally also shows that people trust Republicans over Democrats on both issues. That latter result is incidental only because it doesn’t matter.
Health care costs placed third in the survey, followed by unemployment and illegal immigration, which matter even less.
The reason those issues matter less is not because they are inconsequential, however.
The federal debt is horrendous and growing worse daily as this administration piles trillions of debt dollars onto the backs of future generations. The cost of health care is equally horrendous and is sapping the life out of Americans both literally and figuratively. The unchecked flood of illegal immigrants is swamping America’s educational and medical resources.
One might even add the Gulf oil catastrophe as another serious but secondary concern.
Why are all the other major problems facing America merely incidental to the threat of terrorism? Simply because the next terrorist attack or attacks could make the debt, health care, immigration, and the Gulf irrelevant. . .
Two stories which appeared the same day on illustrate the insanity of the American people and of our government.
The first titled, “Public Says the Federal Debt Equal to Threat from Terrorism,” ( is based on a Gallup survey which incidentally also shows that people trust Republicans over Democrats on both issues. That latter result is incidental only because it doesn’t matter.
Health care costs placed third in the survey, followed by unemployment and illegal immigration, which matter even less.
The reason those issues matter less is not because they are inconsequential, however.
The federal debt is horrendous and growing worse daily as this administration piles trillions of debt dollars onto the backs of future generations. The cost of health care is equally horrendous and is sapping the life out of Americans both literally and figuratively. The unchecked flood of illegal immigrants is swamping America’s educational and medical resources.
One might even add the Gulf oil catastrophe as another serious but secondary concern.
Why are all the other major problems facing America merely incidental to the threat of terrorism? Simply because the next terrorist attack or attacks could make the debt, health care, immigration, and the Gulf irrelevant. . .
Nervy News #8: Prince Tampon
Nervy News #8: Prince Tampon
Prince Charles of Great Britain, Prince of Wales, Earl of Chester, heir apparent to the incongruous throne of England, best known for his note to Camilla Parker-Bowles in which he professed his desire to be her tampon, is now urging the world to follow the “spiritual principles” of Islam in order to save the planet’s environment.
Also known for having a servant hold the cup while he gave a urine sample, Bonnie Prince Charlie echoed Al Gore when he said that “The inconvenient truth is that we share this planet with the rest of creation for a very good reason–and that is, we cannot exist on our own without the intricately balanced web of life around us.”
He added in his lecture to the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies that, based on his study of the Koran, “Islam has always taught this and to ignore that lesson is to default on our contract with creation:” . . .
Prince Charles of Great Britain, Prince of Wales, Earl of Chester, heir apparent to the incongruous throne of England, best known for his note to Camilla Parker-Bowles in which he professed his desire to be her tampon, is now urging the world to follow the “spiritual principles” of Islam in order to save the planet’s environment.
Also known for having a servant hold the cup while he gave a urine sample, Bonnie Prince Charlie echoed Al Gore when he said that “The inconvenient truth is that we share this planet with the rest of creation for a very good reason–and that is, we cannot exist on our own without the intricately balanced web of life around us.”
He added in his lecture to the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies that, based on his study of the Koran, “Islam has always taught this and to ignore that lesson is to default on our contract with creation:” . . .
Thursday, June 10, 2010
The Dyke March, Etc.
The Dyke March, Etc.
Anyone up in Boston this week might be puzzled by a rainbow flag flying next to the American and Massachusetts state flags. It has nothing to do with Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition but is rather the banner of the homosexual movement and this being Gay Pride Week as declared by the gays and Boston Mayor Tom Manino it will be fluttering in Boston breezes through Sunday, June 13th.
As homosexuals continue to make noises and get publicity, Boston’s Gay Pride Week has been extended to 10 days since there’s so much to do, so many rallies and parades to have, so much information to disseminate, so many young recruits to seduce.
In addition to the “Boston Dyke March,” scheduled for 6 p.m. . .
Anyone up in Boston this week might be puzzled by a rainbow flag flying next to the American and Massachusetts state flags. It has nothing to do with Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition but is rather the banner of the homosexual movement and this being Gay Pride Week as declared by the gays and Boston Mayor Tom Manino it will be fluttering in Boston breezes through Sunday, June 13th.
As homosexuals continue to make noises and get publicity, Boston’s Gay Pride Week has been extended to 10 days since there’s so much to do, so many rallies and parades to have, so much information to disseminate, so many young recruits to seduce.
In addition to the “Boston Dyke March,” scheduled for 6 p.m. . .
The Resurrection of Aztlan
The Resurrection of Aztlan
Aztlan or Aztatlian never existed except in Mexican legend which fact has not been a discouragement to groups such as La Raza which have been relentlessly striving for the reunification of Aztlan under the aegis of the National Council of La Raza, the NCLR, and the Movemiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan, MEChA.
A look at a map of Aztlan shows the mythical nation is composed of lands north of Mexico proper, lands allegedly stolen by the United States with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo in 1848 which ended the Mexican-American War.
The gringos won that war and the Mexicans acceded to our demands. That case should be long closed, but it isn’t. Not even close.
Those northern lands lost by Mexico encompass Colorado, California, Arizona, Texas, Utah, New Mexico, Oregon and parts of the state of Washington which would mean Mexico would grow a third larger if it regained those territories. . .
Aztlan or Aztatlian never existed except in Mexican legend which fact has not been a discouragement to groups such as La Raza which have been relentlessly striving for the reunification of Aztlan under the aegis of the National Council of La Raza, the NCLR, and the Movemiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan, MEChA.
A look at a map of Aztlan shows the mythical nation is composed of lands north of Mexico proper, lands allegedly stolen by the United States with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo in 1848 which ended the Mexican-American War.
The gringos won that war and the Mexicans acceded to our demands. That case should be long closed, but it isn’t. Not even close.
Those northern lands lost by Mexico encompass Colorado, California, Arizona, Texas, Utah, New Mexico, Oregon and parts of the state of Washington which would mean Mexico would grow a third larger if it regained those territories. . .
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
It's the SPILL, Stupid!
It's the SPILL, Stupid!
With many in and out of the mainstream media and his own party finally turning on the Obamassiah, it could very well be that the Gulf oil disaster could become this president’s Katrina, and deservedly so.
That could happen despite his phony, Chicago tough guy demeanor that was transparent in his reference to kicking the A-word on the “Today Show” with Matt Lauer.
The charade that is Barack Hussein Obama was long overdue to catch up with him. I’d be surprised that it’s taken this long for the MSM to cut through Obama’s smoke and mirrors except for the fact the MSM knew all along what he is: a duplicitous over-achiever.
In that Lauer interview, Obama let slip another chink in the Obama armor when Lauer interrupted a response and asked him if he had spoken to British Petoleum’s CEO, Tony Hayward.
He later told ABC News that he would have fired Hayward “by now,” 50 days into the spill but during the “Today” interview he admitted, “I have not spoken to him directly. . .
With many in and out of the mainstream media and his own party finally turning on the Obamassiah, it could very well be that the Gulf oil disaster could become this president’s Katrina, and deservedly so.
That could happen despite his phony, Chicago tough guy demeanor that was transparent in his reference to kicking the A-word on the “Today Show” with Matt Lauer.
The charade that is Barack Hussein Obama was long overdue to catch up with him. I’d be surprised that it’s taken this long for the MSM to cut through Obama’s smoke and mirrors except for the fact the MSM knew all along what he is: a duplicitous over-achiever.
In that Lauer interview, Obama let slip another chink in the Obama armor when Lauer interrupted a response and asked him if he had spoken to British Petoleum’s CEO, Tony Hayward.
He later told ABC News that he would have fired Hayward “by now,” 50 days into the spill but during the “Today” interview he admitted, “I have not spoken to him directly. . .
Parents and Children Behaving Badly
Parents and Children Behaving Badly
Suffer little children (Matthew 19:14)
It’s commonly accepted that we live in an age of irresponsibility where too many parents neglect the duties of parenthood and their progeny often pay the price for that neglect. In turn, since the nut doesn’t fall far from the tree, those progeny that survive too often reflect the irresponsibility with which they were raised.
I attribute those societal and parental changes to a liberal mentality which encourages freedom and rights and ignores duty and responsibility, but that’s the subject of another day.
England, one of the freest societies on the planet, also seems to lead the way in parenting horror stories.
Save the Dogs, Forget the Kid! A case of misplaced priorities comes from Coventry where a malfunctioning toaster set a family’s house afire around 7:20 a.m. last Monday. Mrs. Mandy Hands managed to rescue her four greyhounds from the fire but forgot her 11 year old grandson was visiting from Portsmouth and still asleep at the time. . .
Suffer little children (Matthew 19:14)
It’s commonly accepted that we live in an age of irresponsibility where too many parents neglect the duties of parenthood and their progeny often pay the price for that neglect. In turn, since the nut doesn’t fall far from the tree, those progeny that survive too often reflect the irresponsibility with which they were raised.
I attribute those societal and parental changes to a liberal mentality which encourages freedom and rights and ignores duty and responsibility, but that’s the subject of another day.
England, one of the freest societies on the planet, also seems to lead the way in parenting horror stories.
Save the Dogs, Forget the Kid! A case of misplaced priorities comes from Coventry where a malfunctioning toaster set a family’s house afire around 7:20 a.m. last Monday. Mrs. Mandy Hands managed to rescue her four greyhounds from the fire but forgot her 11 year old grandson was visiting from Portsmouth and still asleep at the time. . .
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Surprising Words, Depressing Numbers
Surprising Words, Depressing Numbers
SURPRISING WORDS: On Election Day 2008, the New Black Panther Party for Self Defense deployed its uniformed troops outside Philadelphia polling centers wielding billy clubs in a blatant show of voter intimidation. Anti-white racial insults were hurled at potential voters and one witness claimed one Black Panther said they were “tired of white supremacy.”
One of the last acts of the outgoing Bush administration was to file suit against the group and one of new Attorney General Eric Holder’s first acts was to dismiss that suit.
Nevertheless, Holder claimed last Friday that the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division is the “conscience of our nation.” That division deals with hate crimes and voting irregularities:
Once again it’s apparent that so-called hate crimes have become a one-way street in which only whites can be guilty. It’s also apparent that blacks can never be accused of voter intimidation, at least according to the mindset of the “conscience of our nation.”
Other surprising words were voiced by Holder’s boss on Monday on the “Today Show” when he reverted to Chicago gutter speak . . .
SURPRISING WORDS: On Election Day 2008, the New Black Panther Party for Self Defense deployed its uniformed troops outside Philadelphia polling centers wielding billy clubs in a blatant show of voter intimidation. Anti-white racial insults were hurled at potential voters and one witness claimed one Black Panther said they were “tired of white supremacy.”
One of the last acts of the outgoing Bush administration was to file suit against the group and one of new Attorney General Eric Holder’s first acts was to dismiss that suit.
Nevertheless, Holder claimed last Friday that the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division is the “conscience of our nation.” That division deals with hate crimes and voting irregularities:
Once again it’s apparent that so-called hate crimes have become a one-way street in which only whites can be guilty. It’s also apparent that blacks can never be accused of voter intimidation, at least according to the mindset of the “conscience of our nation.”
Other surprising words were voiced by Holder’s boss on Monday on the “Today Show” when he reverted to Chicago gutter speak . . .
Monday, June 7, 2010
Nervy News #7: Ham Sandwiches
Nervy News #7: Ham Sandwiches
When is a ham sandwich or sammich not a ham sandwich or sammich?
Well, obviously when the sandwich/sammich becomes a hate crime!
At least that’s what the nitwit administrators at Lewiston Middle School in Maine think. I’m almost certain the Fourth Earl of Sandwich didn’t envision his creation would ever gain the status of a hate crime back in the eighteenth century.
It seems some Lewiston Middle School kid who I’d have to guess was about 12 or 13 thought it would be amusing and crack up his buddies to put a ham sandwich on a cafeteria table where Somali students happened to be chowing down their lunch.
The ham must have made the Somalis retch since most Somalis are Muslims and Muslims regard even being in the same room as a pork product as the equivalent of being denied their 72 virgins after they move on up to Muslim Paradise after killing infidels.
The hate-criminal, (presumably a boy since young girls would never commit a hate crime), was summarily suspended by officials at Lewiston even though the ham sandwich was in a brown bag. . .
When is a ham sandwich or sammich not a ham sandwich or sammich?
Well, obviously when the sandwich/sammich becomes a hate crime!
At least that’s what the nitwit administrators at Lewiston Middle School in Maine think. I’m almost certain the Fourth Earl of Sandwich didn’t envision his creation would ever gain the status of a hate crime back in the eighteenth century.
It seems some Lewiston Middle School kid who I’d have to guess was about 12 or 13 thought it would be amusing and crack up his buddies to put a ham sandwich on a cafeteria table where Somali students happened to be chowing down their lunch.
The ham must have made the Somalis retch since most Somalis are Muslims and Muslims regard even being in the same room as a pork product as the equivalent of being denied their 72 virgins after they move on up to Muslim Paradise after killing infidels.
The hate-criminal, (presumably a boy since young girls would never commit a hate crime), was summarily suspended by officials at Lewiston even though the ham sandwich was in a brown bag. . .
Glenn Beck and the Monster Mosque at Ground Zero
Glenn Beck and the Monster Mosque at Ground Zero
I recently heard Glenn Beck defend the building of that Islamic Monster Mosque, that Mega-Mosque at the site of the former World Trade Center in downtown New York City.
His defense of that project is predicated on his conviction that no government in our democratic republic should have the right to prohibit any religious entity in America from building a church, temple, or mosque nor to prohibit the free exercise of any religion anywhere on our soil:
Beck was defending the First Amendment to the Constitution which reads, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
The left has twisted the meaning and intent of the ”establishment clause” for years now and the Supreme Court has concurred that it means a strict separation of church and state even though those words never appear in the Constitution and in spite of the essential Christian religiousness of the Founding Fathers.
That brings us back to Glenn Beck and his defense of the planned Monster Mosque within spitting distance of the remains of the WTC. Not coincidentally, the 13-story ”Cordoba House” is scheduled to open on Park Place on the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, September 11th, 2011.
I recently heard Glenn Beck defend the building of that Islamic Monster Mosque, that Mega-Mosque at the site of the former World Trade Center in downtown New York City.
His defense of that project is predicated on his conviction that no government in our democratic republic should have the right to prohibit any religious entity in America from building a church, temple, or mosque nor to prohibit the free exercise of any religion anywhere on our soil:
Beck was defending the First Amendment to the Constitution which reads, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
The left has twisted the meaning and intent of the ”establishment clause” for years now and the Supreme Court has concurred that it means a strict separation of church and state even though those words never appear in the Constitution and in spite of the essential Christian religiousness of the Founding Fathers.
That brings us back to Glenn Beck and his defense of the planned Monster Mosque within spitting distance of the remains of the WTC. Not coincidentally, the 13-story ”Cordoba House” is scheduled to open on Park Place on the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, September 11th, 2011.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Red Dawn 2010
Red Dawn 2010
During the height of the Cold War, Hollywood produced a zany comedy titled, “The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming” meant in part to defuse the Russian threat by satirizing it. The 1966 movie featured left wingers Alan Arkin, Carl Reiner, and Theodore Bikel and generally fulfilled its purpose.
We should expect to see people such as Woody Allen and his ilk in a sequel, “The Chinese Are Coming, the Chinese Are Coming” any day now even if the threat from China is not perceived with quite the same fear as was felt with the Soviet Union.
A few months ago, I posted an article “The Coming War with China” which hypothesized the plausibility of a Sino-American war sometime in the future and based that hypothesis on China’s unprecedented build-up of its war machine including its first real navy, our own precarious economic position, Chinese research targeting our power grids, etc.
(See “The Coming War with China” here:
Just as weapons are never developed which are not eventually deployed, nations, especially nations with global ambitions, do not engage in massive military expansion without an eye toward using that military.
Some people disagree with that theory as it relates to China as evidenced by an extended comment posted on my website in reaction to “The Coming War with China.”
The commenter, a self-described ex-patriate living in the People’s Republic of China (PRC), is “disgusted with U.S. culture” even as he’s presumably enamored with Chinese culture, its hundreds of millions of poor, its one-child and abortion policies–and its military build-up at the expense of taking better care of its own people.
The commenter fails to identify himself in any way aside from being a disgusted ”ex-pat” who is shamed by anti-Asianism in America. He does incorporate a link to noted lefty Abe Sauer’s rant about a new flick, “Red Dawn 2010″ which, Sauer says, perpetuates unfair stereotypes about China and its ambitions.
Sauer calls MGM’s yet to be released “Red Dawn 2010,” a xenophobic distortion. . .
During the height of the Cold War, Hollywood produced a zany comedy titled, “The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming” meant in part to defuse the Russian threat by satirizing it. The 1966 movie featured left wingers Alan Arkin, Carl Reiner, and Theodore Bikel and generally fulfilled its purpose.
We should expect to see people such as Woody Allen and his ilk in a sequel, “The Chinese Are Coming, the Chinese Are Coming” any day now even if the threat from China is not perceived with quite the same fear as was felt with the Soviet Union.
A few months ago, I posted an article “The Coming War with China” which hypothesized the plausibility of a Sino-American war sometime in the future and based that hypothesis on China’s unprecedented build-up of its war machine including its first real navy, our own precarious economic position, Chinese research targeting our power grids, etc.
(See “The Coming War with China” here:
Just as weapons are never developed which are not eventually deployed, nations, especially nations with global ambitions, do not engage in massive military expansion without an eye toward using that military.
Some people disagree with that theory as it relates to China as evidenced by an extended comment posted on my website in reaction to “The Coming War with China.”
The commenter, a self-described ex-patriate living in the People’s Republic of China (PRC), is “disgusted with U.S. culture” even as he’s presumably enamored with Chinese culture, its hundreds of millions of poor, its one-child and abortion policies–and its military build-up at the expense of taking better care of its own people.
The commenter fails to identify himself in any way aside from being a disgusted ”ex-pat” who is shamed by anti-Asianism in America. He does incorporate a link to noted lefty Abe Sauer’s rant about a new flick, “Red Dawn 2010″ which, Sauer says, perpetuates unfair stereotypes about China and its ambitions.
Sauer calls MGM’s yet to be released “Red Dawn 2010,” a xenophobic distortion. . .
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Sharia Law Part Two: Life Under Sharia
Sharia Law Part Two: Life under Sharia
There’s nothing wrong with Sharia law that a little updating wouldn’t cure. Okay, a LOT of updating.
I will leave the detailed nuances of Sharia to Muslim and Western scholars and theologians. Suffice to say Sharia is the sacred law of Islam passed down through divine revelation in the Qu’ran or Koran and the writings of the Prophet Muhammad collected in the Sunnah. Sharia is subject to interpretation by the two main sects of Islam, the Sunni and the Shi’a, and different Muslim countries also have differing interpretations.
Part One of this series explored the rapid spread of Muslims and Islam in Western Europe particularly where Muslims and the Muslim faith is inexorably gaining ascendancy and where it is already influencing life and public policy in that area of the world.
The power of Muslims and Sharia is also gaining strength in America although at a slower pace simply due to the breadth and population of our nation.
See an article on “Islam Will Rule the World” on which includes this excerpt from a possibly authentic “constitution” for the future “Islamic Republic of the USA:”
“We will fight infidel to death.
Meanwhile, American laws will protect us.
Democrats and Leftist will support us.
UNO will legitimize us.
CAIR will incubate us.
ACLU will empower us.
Western Universities will shelter us.
Hollywood will love us.”
No matter whether that constitution is a hoax or not, it reflects the thinking of the resurgent Islamic movement dedicated to revenge for everything from the Crusades to hundreds of years of presumed and actual slights of their religion.
With a title that could be taken from a Letterman skit, lists “The Top 10 Reasons Why Sharia Is Bad for All Societies.”
There’s nothing wrong with Sharia law that a little updating wouldn’t cure. Okay, a LOT of updating.
I will leave the detailed nuances of Sharia to Muslim and Western scholars and theologians. Suffice to say Sharia is the sacred law of Islam passed down through divine revelation in the Qu’ran or Koran and the writings of the Prophet Muhammad collected in the Sunnah. Sharia is subject to interpretation by the two main sects of Islam, the Sunni and the Shi’a, and different Muslim countries also have differing interpretations.
Part One of this series explored the rapid spread of Muslims and Islam in Western Europe particularly where Muslims and the Muslim faith is inexorably gaining ascendancy and where it is already influencing life and public policy in that area of the world.
The power of Muslims and Sharia is also gaining strength in America although at a slower pace simply due to the breadth and population of our nation.
See an article on “Islam Will Rule the World” on which includes this excerpt from a possibly authentic “constitution” for the future “Islamic Republic of the USA:”
“We will fight infidel to death.
Meanwhile, American laws will protect us.
Democrats and Leftist will support us.
UNO will legitimize us.
CAIR will incubate us.
ACLU will empower us.
Western Universities will shelter us.
Hollywood will love us.”
No matter whether that constitution is a hoax or not, it reflects the thinking of the resurgent Islamic movement dedicated to revenge for everything from the Crusades to hundreds of years of presumed and actual slights of their religion.
With a title that could be taken from a Letterman skit, lists “The Top 10 Reasons Why Sharia Is Bad for All Societies.”
LGBT Pride and Shame
LGBT Pride and Shame
In case anyone missed it, for the second year in a row President Barack Hussein Obama has issued a presidential proclamation declaring June to be “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride Month.”
Carrying the same weight as Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation freeing the slaves in 1863, Obama’s LGBT Pride Proclamation concludes with these stirring words: “NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2010 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month. I call upon all Americans to observe this month by fighting prejudice and discrimination in their own lives and everywhere it exists.”
Additional Excerpts:
. As Americans, it is our birthright that all people are created equal and deserve the same rights, privileges, and opportunities.
. LGBT Americans have enriched and strengthened the fabric of our national life.
. We must give committed gay couples the same rights and responsibilities afforded to any married couple, and repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. We must protect the rights of LGBT . . .
In case anyone missed it, for the second year in a row President Barack Hussein Obama has issued a presidential proclamation declaring June to be “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride Month.”
Carrying the same weight as Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation freeing the slaves in 1863, Obama’s LGBT Pride Proclamation concludes with these stirring words: “NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2010 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month. I call upon all Americans to observe this month by fighting prejudice and discrimination in their own lives and everywhere it exists.”
Additional Excerpts:
. As Americans, it is our birthright that all people are created equal and deserve the same rights, privileges, and opportunities.
. LGBT Americans have enriched and strengthened the fabric of our national life.
. We must give committed gay couples the same rights and responsibilities afforded to any married couple, and repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. We must protect the rights of LGBT . . .
Half Truths and Distorted Messes
Half Truths and Distorted Messes:
The Oil Mess: The L.A. Times reported when “Top Kill” was the last, best hope for plugging the British Petroleum gusher that the Obama administration was saying it was all over the Gulf oil spill.
The only way Obama was all over that oil mess was when he was trudging through it which he’s done 3 times now and counting but nothing ever seems to happen about it except more rhetoric and more gushing.
Trying to make up for weeks of inaction and disinterest, “Batting away suggestions that the federal response has been lackluster and that BP executives have been calling the shots, Obama insisted that ‘BP is operating at our direction. Every key decision and action they take must be approved by us in advance,’ Obama said. If the Coast Guard orders BP to do something, he added, ‘they are legally bound to do it’: ”
Just whom does this guy think he’s kidding. The federal response was not “lackluster;” it was non-existent until the Obamian incompetence became as transparent as the president said his administration would be. Only then did Obama semi-mobilize the forces that should have been deployed in April.
To say now that BP is going to ask how high when Obama tells it to jump is as patently absurd as wanting the American public to believe our government even knows what to do with the hole in the Gulf. The best bet at this point is to let BP and assisting oil companies to do their thing since they are the putative experts.
We should keep a close eye on them and what they’re doing, provide all the logistical back-up they need and more, stay out of the way when it comes to technical details, focus on the clean-up operation, and bill them for every nickle expended.
Obama can’t be blamed for the gushing oil. He very defintely can and should be blamed for not dealing with the consequences on a timely basis. . .
The Oil Mess: The L.A. Times reported when “Top Kill” was the last, best hope for plugging the British Petroleum gusher that the Obama administration was saying it was all over the Gulf oil spill.
The only way Obama was all over that oil mess was when he was trudging through it which he’s done 3 times now and counting but nothing ever seems to happen about it except more rhetoric and more gushing.
Trying to make up for weeks of inaction and disinterest, “Batting away suggestions that the federal response has been lackluster and that BP executives have been calling the shots, Obama insisted that ‘BP is operating at our direction. Every key decision and action they take must be approved by us in advance,’ Obama said. If the Coast Guard orders BP to do something, he added, ‘they are legally bound to do it’: ”
Just whom does this guy think he’s kidding. The federal response was not “lackluster;” it was non-existent until the Obamian incompetence became as transparent as the president said his administration would be. Only then did Obama semi-mobilize the forces that should have been deployed in April.
To say now that BP is going to ask how high when Obama tells it to jump is as patently absurd as wanting the American public to believe our government even knows what to do with the hole in the Gulf. The best bet at this point is to let BP and assisting oil companies to do their thing since they are the putative experts.
We should keep a close eye on them and what they’re doing, provide all the logistical back-up they need and more, stay out of the way when it comes to technical details, focus on the clean-up operation, and bill them for every nickle expended.
Obama can’t be blamed for the gushing oil. He very defintely can and should be blamed for not dealing with the consequences on a timely basis. . .
samson obama,
Friday, June 4, 2010
Sharia Law Part One: National Suicide
Sharia Law Part One: National Suicide
America’s president may have banned the terms “Islamic terrorism” and “war on terror” as if banning words makes them and their meanings go away. That foolishness only serves to embolden Islamic terrorists.
That ongoing struggle may or may not result in a victory for Western Civilization. Win or lose, at the same time that jihad continues, there is a second struggle in progress, the struggle for national identity and continuation of Western values and lifestyle that is under seige by the Muslim religion.
Proposals have been put forward in Western Europe where there are large concentrations of Muslims to institute Sharia law as the law of “their lands” and various European countries have been caving into Muslim demands in order to keep the peace.
Similar proposals have been made in the United States even for the area of the World Trade Center where Islamic extremists plan to build a super mosque in the shadow of the Freedom Tower on the site of what used to be the WTC.
Any serious consideration of those proposals would reflect nothing less than a wish for national suicide.
In New York City, Mayor Bloomberg and the local governing . . .
America’s president may have banned the terms “Islamic terrorism” and “war on terror” as if banning words makes them and their meanings go away. That foolishness only serves to embolden Islamic terrorists.
That ongoing struggle may or may not result in a victory for Western Civilization. Win or lose, at the same time that jihad continues, there is a second struggle in progress, the struggle for national identity and continuation of Western values and lifestyle that is under seige by the Muslim religion.
Proposals have been put forward in Western Europe where there are large concentrations of Muslims to institute Sharia law as the law of “their lands” and various European countries have been caving into Muslim demands in order to keep the peace.
Similar proposals have been made in the United States even for the area of the World Trade Center where Islamic extremists plan to build a super mosque in the shadow of the Freedom Tower on the site of what used to be the WTC.
Any serious consideration of those proposals would reflect nothing less than a wish for national suicide.
In New York City, Mayor Bloomberg and the local governing . . .
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Sir Paul McCartney Needs a Reality Check
Sir Paul McCartney Needs a Reality Check
Nothing much is serving as a wake-up call for aging Beatle Sir Paul McCartney and he’s desperately in need of one.
His first wife Linda Eastman lost her life to breast cancer and his next wife lost a leg in an auto accident then took him for millions in their divorce. The guy is now 67 years old, long in the tooth by most standards, and he looks it, yet he still seems to think he’s that cute Beatle who burst onto the music scene almost 50 years ago.
He also seems to think he’s a wit and political raconteur.
Give it up, Paulie, and get over the idea that knighthood conferred by Good Queen Liz means anything other than that you served to supplement Britain’s national treasury; it doesn’t mean you’re a national treasure any more than Mick Jagger or Keith Richards are national treasures.
Fame does not equate with wisdom, Mr. McCartney.
You should not only give it up, Paulie. You should stay home wherever your home is nowadays and not stick your Liverpudlian nose into matters that don’t concern you, are beyond your ken, and especially keep the hell out of American political affairs.
Remember, knighthood is just a title. It does not confer any smarts. British grammar school grads are a farthing a dozen. . .
Nothing much is serving as a wake-up call for aging Beatle Sir Paul McCartney and he’s desperately in need of one.
His first wife Linda Eastman lost her life to breast cancer and his next wife lost a leg in an auto accident then took him for millions in their divorce. The guy is now 67 years old, long in the tooth by most standards, and he looks it, yet he still seems to think he’s that cute Beatle who burst onto the music scene almost 50 years ago.
He also seems to think he’s a wit and political raconteur.
Give it up, Paulie, and get over the idea that knighthood conferred by Good Queen Liz means anything other than that you served to supplement Britain’s national treasury; it doesn’t mean you’re a national treasure any more than Mick Jagger or Keith Richards are national treasures.
Fame does not equate with wisdom, Mr. McCartney.
You should not only give it up, Paulie. You should stay home wherever your home is nowadays and not stick your Liverpudlian nose into matters that don’t concern you, are beyond your ken, and especially keep the hell out of American political affairs.
Remember, knighthood is just a title. It does not confer any smarts. British grammar school grads are a farthing a dozen. . .
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Bucking La Raza in Arizona
Bucking La Raza in Arizona
Imagine a school in Ciudad Mexico with an ethnic studies class that taught the gringo perspective on Mexican history, that Santa Anna was a brutal bandito, that Mexico was a backward country, that La Raza was a group of insurrectionist thugs.
The school would forthwith be closed down if not burned down and it’s very doubtful United Nations “human rights experts” would attempt to intervene as they have with Arizona’s initiatives on ending the abuses with ethnic studies.
It is that type of curriculum that the Arizona legislature and governor Jan Brewer have targeted with a new ethnic studies law which, contrary to the opinions of Hispanic activists, doesn’t prohibit such studies but rather mandates that the courses be open to all students and provide a balanced perspective.
Absent those mandates, according to Arizona’s superintendent of public instruction Tom Horne, such courses are patently divisive, foster resentment, and are more reminiscent of the segregationist Old South than to modern day America.
Illustrating how bad things have gotten in Tucson schools with ethnic studies, Horne recounted an incident at an assembly program. . .
Imagine a school in Ciudad Mexico with an ethnic studies class that taught the gringo perspective on Mexican history, that Santa Anna was a brutal bandito, that Mexico was a backward country, that La Raza was a group of insurrectionist thugs.
The school would forthwith be closed down if not burned down and it’s very doubtful United Nations “human rights experts” would attempt to intervene as they have with Arizona’s initiatives on ending the abuses with ethnic studies.
It is that type of curriculum that the Arizona legislature and governor Jan Brewer have targeted with a new ethnic studies law which, contrary to the opinions of Hispanic activists, doesn’t prohibit such studies but rather mandates that the courses be open to all students and provide a balanced perspective.
Absent those mandates, according to Arizona’s superintendent of public instruction Tom Horne, such courses are patently divisive, foster resentment, and are more reminiscent of the segregationist Old South than to modern day America.
Illustrating how bad things have gotten in Tucson schools with ethnic studies, Horne recounted an incident at an assembly program. . .
Contrarian News
Contrarian News
An investment contrarian is one who invests against the trends. If the market is headed upwards–a rarity these days–a contrarian will sell and vice versa. Contrarian news likewise moves in the opposite direction of prevailing trends and as such is more newsworthy than conventional news.
Three contrarian news views:
Bullying Can Be a Good Thing: Just about every student K-12 has either been a bully, been bullied, or has witnessed the fine art of bullying up close and personal.
Bullies and bullying have become popular buzzwords in educational circles in recent years as if they were new phenomena. Programs and seminars have been introduced to combat the evil of one kid or a bunch of kids intimidating or physically harming a weaker victim.
Now comes a study out of England, a British study of American children 11 and 12, which shows that being bullied can be advantageous to the pre-pubescent set. A prime requisite for the bullied is that they resist the intimidation and fight back in one way or another. In that eventuality, they gain respect and a sense of maturity. . .
An investment contrarian is one who invests against the trends. If the market is headed upwards–a rarity these days–a contrarian will sell and vice versa. Contrarian news likewise moves in the opposite direction of prevailing trends and as such is more newsworthy than conventional news.
Three contrarian news views:
Bullying Can Be a Good Thing: Just about every student K-12 has either been a bully, been bullied, or has witnessed the fine art of bullying up close and personal.
Bullies and bullying have become popular buzzwords in educational circles in recent years as if they were new phenomena. Programs and seminars have been introduced to combat the evil of one kid or a bunch of kids intimidating or physically harming a weaker victim.
Now comes a study out of England, a British study of American children 11 and 12, which shows that being bullied can be advantageous to the pre-pubescent set. A prime requisite for the bullied is that they resist the intimidation and fight back in one way or another. In that eventuality, they gain respect and a sense of maturity. . .
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Teachers and Texas Textbooks
Teachers and Texas Textbooks
. . . With that as a preface, it’s no wonder public school teachers, led by the NEA, are less than enthralled by the recent demands by the Texas legislature and Board of Education that textbooks reverse the trend of the last half-century to mandate texts that are politically correct.
It’s time for some balance and time for textbooks to reflect a little more sense of patriotism instead of the beliefs of socialist studies departments and their like.
As expected, liberals are distorting the Texas changes. Thus, one (liberal) Texan in an article on decries the inclusion of textbook information on Jefferson Davis, states’ rights, the Confederacy, and the Southern view of slavery which he contends is one-sided and distorted:
What also is getting liberal panties in a wad is the Texan insistence:
. That God and religion were founding principles of the nation and of the Founding Fathers;
. That separation of church and state was not the intent of the First Amendment;
. That our free enterprise economic system should be . . .
. . . With that as a preface, it’s no wonder public school teachers, led by the NEA, are less than enthralled by the recent demands by the Texas legislature and Board of Education that textbooks reverse the trend of the last half-century to mandate texts that are politically correct.
It’s time for some balance and time for textbooks to reflect a little more sense of patriotism instead of the beliefs of socialist studies departments and their like.
As expected, liberals are distorting the Texas changes. Thus, one (liberal) Texan in an article on decries the inclusion of textbook information on Jefferson Davis, states’ rights, the Confederacy, and the Southern view of slavery which he contends is one-sided and distorted:
What also is getting liberal panties in a wad is the Texan insistence:
. That God and religion were founding principles of the nation and of the Founding Fathers;
. That separation of church and state was not the intent of the First Amendment;
. That our free enterprise economic system should be . . .
Sex and the Single Girls of England
Sex and the Single Girls of England
. . . Tressa, of Armadale, West Lothian, England, has gone public with her past history which rivals and supasses the Chantelle principals. She was all of eleven years of age when she was impregnated by her 16 year old beau one drunken night and became the youngest mum in merry ol’ England. Now 16, she says she is much more mature after losing her baby to the state four years ago.
She says, “I’m not a big drinker now and I don’t smoke hash any more. In the past I’ve cut myself, but I don’t any more. I’m going to give myself a couple of years to get my life sorted then fight for access to my little girl:”
I’m sure her little girl will be appreciative if and when Tressa regains custody and begins to inculcate her sense of values and responsibility in the child. . .
. . . Tressa, of Armadale, West Lothian, England, has gone public with her past history which rivals and supasses the Chantelle principals. She was all of eleven years of age when she was impregnated by her 16 year old beau one drunken night and became the youngest mum in merry ol’ England. Now 16, she says she is much more mature after losing her baby to the state four years ago.
She says, “I’m not a big drinker now and I don’t smoke hash any more. In the past I’ve cut myself, but I don’t any more. I’m going to give myself a couple of years to get my life sorted then fight for access to my little girl:”
I’m sure her little girl will be appreciative if and when Tressa regains custody and begins to inculcate her sense of values and responsibility in the child. . .
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