Friday, March 25, 2011

Race, Abortion, and Al Sharpton

Race, Abortion, and Al Sharpton

A few weeks back, a New York City billboard depicting an innocent, young black girl and the caption, “The Most Dangerous Place for an African American Is in the Womb,” sent Al Sharpton and friends into racial spasms.

He threw around words such as offensive, condescending, racial profiling, stigmatizing, and shameful even though the billboard message was statistically true. Various studies have shown that 42%-60% of black babies in America are aborted annually but don’t confuse Sharpton with facts. He objected because it sought to ”discredit the work of Planned Parenthood” and “discourages a [black] woman’s right to choose:”

As always, Al the Wordsmith was spot on.

The billboard was trying to discourage black girls and women from continuing to fulfill the black genocidal goals of the racist eugenecist Margaret Sanger, the founder and inspiration for Planned Parenthood. However, the billboard sponsor,,, doesn’t contribute to Sharpton’s various enterprises designed to keep Al from getting a real job.

Poor Al is liable to suffer more spasms over recent news.

Ariana Huffington’s HufPo’s less than objective headline, “Arizona Legislators Pass Paranoid Abortion Bill,” which bill in reality is simply aimed at preventing abortions based on the race or gender of the fetus, was rendered almost moot by an Associated Press report of even more widespread abortion paranoia. The AP reports that dozens of anti-abortion bills are advancing though state legislatures nationwide.

True to Sharpton form, the AP characterizes the measures as “an array of new obstacles–legal, financial and psychological–in the paths of women seeking abortions.”

The AP defines that array as “tactics” which vary and include the underhanded ploys on the parts of pro-life lawmakers to require “mandatory sonograms and anti-abortion counseling, sweeping limits on insurance coverage, bans on abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy:”

Imagine! Those dastardly pro-lifers want women and girls, black and white, to actually see what they’re killing. They want someone to sit down and discuss the termination of the lives of their pre-borns. They want them to pay for the executions. They want them not to murder their fully-formed, often viable fetuses.

How barbaric of them!

Compounding Big Al’s consternation over aborting black babies is yet another report exposing his favorite abortion mills’ and Margaret Sanger’s commitment to exterminating the black race . . .

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