Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Uncle Teddy, Liberal Lion, Rake, Snake

Uncle Teddy, Liberal Lion, Rake, Snake

You can lead a guy out of a tidal channel but you can’t make him drink.

That makes as much sense as sanctifying a murderer and treating him as God’s gift to America. I refer, of course, to the late Sen. Edward Moore “Ted” Kennedy.

Before I’m accused of gross insensitivity and needless abuse for telling the truth about Uncle Teddy, it should be noted that barely a year after the liberal lion passed from this mortal world to the Great Beyond–and 40 years after he sent Mary Jo Kopechne on that journey– failed liberal President Jimmy Carter lambasted him as “irresponsible,” ”abusive,” and spiteful in an interview with CBS’ Lesley Stahl: http://tiny.cc/73zrr

The truth should be an improvement on that harsh evaluation, even if it is not. Now, true, Ted was never convicted of murdering 28 year old Mary Jo. He merely got drunk, drove off the Dike Bridge into Chappaquiddick’s Poucha Pond, and swam away to save his own life and political career. In Kennedy’s Massachusetts, that’s totally forgivable.

Also forgivable as perfectly in character is that, according to just de-classified FBI files, Ted rented a brothel while on an official visit to Chile in 1961 and invited one of his chauffeurs to participate in the night’s debauchery. If nothing else, Ted was always Ted.

What can’t be forgiven the Lion of the Senate is the revelation in those files that Kennedy didn’t just satisfy his lustful besottment on that excursion. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=3776)

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