Monday, March 28, 2011

Attempted Media Murder

Attempted Media Murder

You’re known as much by the enemies you keep as you are by your friends.

America’s liberal mainstream media, long accustomed to virtually absolute dominance of both print and the airwaves, was initially unperturbed when Rush Limbaugh arrived on the scene in 1984 and it ho-hummed the inauguration of the Fox News Channel on cable barely 14 years ago since it had a steel grip on what ideas and news were disseminated for public consumption.

No more.

Since Limbaugh’s amazing success and the growth of conservative talk radio in general and, especially since Fox has galloped so far ahead of CNN, MSNBC and other leftist cable channels that the MSM can barely see its haunches in the distance, mainstreamers have grown, in turn, wary, concerned and recently apoplectic over the loss of its previous monopolistic control over what people hear, see, and think.

Of course, they still have a lock on televised news via ABC, CBS, and NBC and public radio with NPR but those networks are in rapid decline much like the New York Times. Unlike the Times, they may survive as minimalist news sources with their little niche of viewers who don’t have or want cable and listeners who prefer to be force-fed pap by NPR.

However, leftwingers aren’t about to surrender to Fox, yet.

In fact, at least one influential member of that media has now declared war, an all-out campaign of “guerrilla warfare and sabotage” against the Fox News Network which has morphed into an enemy rather than a competitor. Even worse, it’s an alleged arm of the Republican Party and that can no longer be tolerated nor will contentions the Democrats have owned the MSM for decades.

You’re known by the enemies you keep. You also know those enemies are being driven frantic by your success and influence when they declare all-out war. . .

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