Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Illiberality of Gay Liberals

The Illiberality of Gay Liberals

Liberals by definition–by liberal definition–are broadminded, sensitive, generous, tolerant lovers of freedom as opposed to that other ilk, those non-liberals, illiberals, who are notable for their narrowminded, bigoted views toward life and their fellow man– again as defined by liberals.

In America, liberals are exemplified by such individuals as the late Senator Ted Kennedy and such current liberal lights as Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Dick Durbin, and by virtually the entire entertainment industry and the mass media. To the man and woman, they are best characterized by their illiberality.

However, scratch a liberal–if one is inclined to scratching libs–and one invariably uncovers more bias, bigotry, and insensitivity toward their fellow man, and woman than one would care to shake a stick at. Obama’s farcical call for a greater sense of decorous civility in the nation was greeted with hearty approbation by his liberal constituencies at the same time they ramped up their uncivil intolerance toward everything and everyone with whom they disagreed.

The old saw, “A conservative is a liberal who has been mugged,” has as much validity today as thinking that liberals much mind if they’re mugged.

More likely, as they scrabble to their feet after they’re pummeled to the ground, or shot, or stabbed, or merely have their wallets or purses stolen, they are inclined to muse that societal inequities caused it all and were it not for mean conservatives they would be living in downtown Utopia where life is beautiful all the time and muggers are their babysitters.

Regrettably, Utopia may be a few steps, or years, or eons down the road and until we arrive at that Nirvana on Earth, we have to contend with reality.

Among Obama’s various constituencies, none are more intolerant toward dissent and differing points of view than the homosexual lobby which, ironically, have incessantly moaned about discrimination and bias at the same time they have exercised blatant discrimination. Gay liberals are far removed from classic liberality, broadmindedness, sensitivity, generosity, and tolerance–or appreciation of other points of view–when it comes to the rights of others who may disagree with the homosexual lifestyle.

Gays, thanks in large part to the enthusiatic support of the most homosexual-friendly president in American history, Barack Hussein Obama, as well as to the aforementioned entertainment industry which persistently campaigns for homosexuality via movies and television programming, have never had it better and have made incredibly amazing advances in public acceptance.

However, as is typical when fringe groups leave the fringes, gays have tended to overstep their bounds, to believe their cause, their acceptance, has been so successful that they proceed to dictate their rules, their agenda.

A small but telling instance of that overstepping is the case of Jim and Beth Walder, owners of the Timber Creek Bed & Breakfast [e-mail: info@timbercreekbb.com] in Paxton, Illinois. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=3825)

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