Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lies, Liars, and Incompetents

Lies, Liars, and Incompetents

THE MOST EXPENSIVE JOBS IN HISTORY: We all want America’s unemployment rate to go down, right? We want it to decline even further than the administration’s reported–fabricated–February 8.9% number announced last week. The question remains as to what the nation can afford to spend in order to create jobs, and rosy statistics.

In an imaginative rhetorical flourish, President Obama’s economic wordsmiths long ago, as in two years, concocted a new employment term, “created and saved jobs,” a term as vague as it is unverifiable.

Allowing for estimates by the allegedly non-partisan Congressional Budget Office of somewhere between 1.3 and 3.5 million new jobs resulting from Obama’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, ARRA, “The Stimulus,” each of those positions cost a minimum, on average, $228,055 per, a rather hefty sum for taxpayers to lay out during a nasty recession for jobs that paid significantly less than $228,055 a year:

Even we who are admittedly math-challenged can see the absurdity there as well as we can see the complete and utter failure of Obama’s plan to jump-start the economy by exorbitantly spending monies the country doesn’t have to hype employment that, historically after downturns, has always increased on its own.

Not incidentally, the CBO also said it had been wrong in its original cost estimate for The Stimulus. Initially, the CBO estimated ARRA would cost a mere $787 billion. The CBO is now guessing $821 billion but what’s a piddling $34 billion to a people now on the verge of national bankruptcy?

Anyone still wonder why Americans neither believe nor trust government, especially when that government is controlled by Obamian-Alinsky socialists who would like nothing better than to plunge us into chaos and are presently peforming admirably in their quest for that goal?

MICHAEL MOORE INVADES MADISON: Less admirable if more prodigious is the figure of Michael Moore. Matching the girth if not the integrity of New Jersey’s Governor Chris Christie, Moore is a veritable caricature of the Hollywood liberal.

The bloated, hypocritical, leftist Moore not only revels in denigrating America but is so filled with venom and himself–and with the food provided by this hateful nation–that he can’t see the truth beyond his formidable belly. On the back of capitalism, he rose from obscurity and as a failed seminarian in Flint, Michigan to become our foremost celluloid critic of the capitalistic society that enabled him to spew his vitriol.

With formidable competition, Moore has risen to the top of the Hollywood hypocrite heap as spokesman for the downtrodden who sends his child to private schools, who resides in a million dollar Manhattan apartment, whose schlockumentaries are proven lies, and who throws tantrums when he doesn’t get his way, among other demonstrations of his infantilism. See

With little else to do at the moment between eating and spewing, . . .

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