Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Jew-Bashing Re-Visited

Jew-Bashing Re-Visited

It seems that, even as I came across as a Jew-hater to some, others interpreted my sentiments in “What’s With All the Jew-Bashing?” (http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=3756) as evidence I am an Israel-apologist.

In truth, I am neither.

Rather, I am an American Firster revivified, someone who believes to his core in the United States, in all it is, in all it stands for, and in all I hope it will be. I also subscribe to the antiquated notion that those who are not with us are against us. If we include “those against us” as any nation or people who have disparate aims from ours and would be more than willing to sacrifice the United States to their ultimate goals then I would have to say they are against us.

If that profile fits Israel, so be it.

That said, the following angry yet comical diatribe was posted as a comment on the Jew-bashing article. It’s too preciously inane, vitriolic, and wrong to be incorporated as a mere addendum to previous postings and deserves some extra attention if only to illustrate the inanity, the vitriol, and the wrong-ness out there in blogland.

As before, the comment is verbatim and bracketed editorial commentary is provided.

From niungramodeclase@yahoo.com:

“See, what you get, Berlet98, for sucking ass? [Good grief!]

You try to ingratiate yourself by pantingly defending the Jew cause at the expense of browbeating and condemning other people’s right to dislike the ‘sacred cows’ but they still don’t approve you and validate you.

That is their nature, Sir.

You just don’t take it on your own and start defending their ass without any license lest you cause their lucrative industry of victimhood to be downplayed by your honest and objective view of history. [That seems just a tad confused, "Naiungramodeclase."]

Wait ‘til they soon enact laws to enforce ‘their version of history’ as they’ve done in Europe and in Canada. . ."
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=3772)

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