Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Tribute, of Sorts, to Helen Thomas

A Tribute, of Sorts, to Helen Thomas

I guess Helen Thomas figured that if Jimmy Carter could do it, so could she, not lusting in her heart as Jimmy admitted but consenting to an interview in Playboy Magazine.

Poor 90 year old Helen.

Grand Old Dame of the White House Press Corps, (“corpse” to Obama), 57 year UPI veteran, first female member of the Gridiron Club along with a host of other firsts, was ousted from her prestigious position in the front row at presidential pressers as well as from everything else last May after making off-the-cuff comments about Israel, Jews, and Palestinians.

Harridan when it came to haranguing Republican presidents, creampuff when it came to Democrats, Helen should have known better than to stray off PC message on issues near and dear to the hearts of the Jewish Lobby. Of Lebanese Arab extraction, she committed the unforgivable political faux pas of letting slip the truth as she saw it regarding Israel, “Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine,” embellished with a few other gems.

Banished to retirement if not oblivion for her indiscretion, Thomas re-emerges in the April Playboy to defend and reiterate her May opinions. Feisty to the end, she says, “I knew exactly what I was doing–I was going for broke. I had reached the point of no return. You finally get fed up. . . I finally wanted to speak the truth.”

Most of that is baloney; she just slipped up without thinking of the repercussions.

However, to her credit, she hasn’t backed down, saying in the interview that, “Sure, the Israelis have a right to exist–but where they were born, not to come and take someone else’s home.” She also expresses her admiration for the “wonderful” Jewish people: ”They were leaders in civil rights. They’ve always had the heart for others but not for Arabs, for some reason. I’m not anti-Jewish; I’m anti-Zionist.”

More baloney but all well and good, so far.

Then, Thomas reverts to her May indiscretions, hitting sacrosanct Jewish beliefs: “The slaughter of Jews stopped with World War II . . . They were liberated since then. And yet they carry on the victimization. American people do not know that the Israeli lobbyists have intimidated them into believing every Jew is a persecuted victim forever–while they are victimizing Palestinians . . . Why do they inflict the same pain on people who did nothing to them?”

As if that were not enough to ensure she will never get back her front row seat at White House press conferences–which was pretty unlikely, anyway–Hellacious Helen took on the Holocaust. . .

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