Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Socialized Medicine and Presidential Intrigue

Socialized Medicine and Presidential Intrigue

As Republicans in the House struggle to scuttle, scrap, de-fund the national health care plan that 59% of Americans didn’t want in the first place, Democrats aren’t exactly sitting still and waiting for the ax to fall.

One Democrat, Rep. John Conyers (MI), Mr. Black Reparations, has obviously been deep in thought over Obamacare, so deep that he must have been barely conscious when he let slip what Democrats have been denying ever since the Obamanation was conceived. Usually more circumspect, the doddering Democrat Conyers must have been overcome by all the attention at the National Press Club when he conceded that, in fact, Obamacare was socialized medicine.

Conyers admitted that “Obamacare is just a ‘platform,’ or a step, toward an eventual government takeover of health care.” Asked if he ultimately envisioned a single-payer health care system, another term avoided like the plague and denied repeatedly by congressional Dems during the great debate of 2009, he said, “Of course. Universal health care–well, every industrial country on the planet already has a universal system of health care.”

What Conyers failed to mention was that the primary model for Obamacare, and it’s not Massachusetts’ Romneycare–although that’s bad enough–was Britain’s NHS which is going broke and systems in the other industrialized nations are in a similar pickle.

Nevertheless, kudos to Rep. Conyers even if his fleeting moment of honesty was a fluke. See his moment here:

No fluke is President Transparency’s latest attack of opaqueness.

Our vacationing, partying, golfing, basketball-playing, NCAA-tournament handicapping president is playing it very close to the executive vest when it comes to clandestine health care–don’t dare call it Obamacare to him!–meetings. . .

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