Thursday, March 24, 2011

President The Donald?

President The Donald?

Just who is Donald John Trump, Sr., aka The Donald, aka obnoxious multi-millionaire television personality, aka a business-hotel magnate, aka a maggot to those who despise him? Trump is many things to many people but, right now, he’s an unannounced candidate for the Republican nomination for the presidency in 2012, which means he’s also a lib target.

He has as much chance of achieving the presidency as I do. Ok, maybe a somewhat better chance but not by much. On the other hand, he carries a helluva lot more baggage than I do, so who knows?

Born with a golden spoon in his mouth, compliments of his late father, Fred, the 65 year old Trump has had a chequred personal and financial life but it’s his fortune and political conservatism that will do him in, mainly with liberals who can’t stand the scent of either success or conservatives.

The Donald, as he likes to be called, has been sending out feelers to gauge the sentiment of the electorate and, true to form, his feelers aren’t your average feelers. Most recently, he’s been saying what he thinks about pirates and birth certificates. Also true to form, he doesn’t pull any punches.

We usually think Johnny Depp when we think of pirates. History buffs may think Thomas Jefferson and the Barbary Pirates Wars when Jefferson defeated the Muslims of North Africa on the high seas and on “the shores of Tripoli.” There’s more conflict in and near Tripoli today but Trump directed his attention a little south and west to Somali pirates preying on American and international shipping.

The Donald is blunt about it all: He would obliterate them.

As he said, “Give me one good admiral and a few ships, and I will wipe them out so fast. Can you believe that these guys are taking tankers that are a thousand feet long and cost hundreds of millions of dollars, and just taking them with rowboats? It’s hard to believe. One good admiral, that’s all I want.”

That’s all it would need. His frank addition to that resolve is what makes you love him: “It’s a total lack of respect for this country:”

Our current president seems to lack resolve when it comes to anything, least of all respect for our country.

Trump entered much more turbulent waters than the Indian Ocean when he dared sail into ABC’s ”The View,” where pirates are not an issue but where vicious sharks in the persons of Whoopi and Barbara Walters lay in wait. . .

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