Monday, March 1, 2010

Justifiable Murder? Who Is Scott Roeder?

Justifiable Homicide? Who Is Scott Roeder?

Murder: the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought: Merriam-Webster

Justifiable Homicide: That which is committed with the intention to kill or to do a grievous bodily injury, under circumstances which the law holds sufficient to exculpate the person who commits it:

After a one-week trial, jurors in Kansas deliberated all of 37 minutes before convicting a man charged with murder. Petty larceny trials take longer than that in some venues. This was a kangaroo court with a foreordained conclusion.

Testifying in his own defense, Scott Roeder freely admitted he had premeditated the murder, the execution, of his victim who was serving as an usher at his church on the morning of May 31, 2009 when Roeder entered and shot him in the head.

Within eight months, Roeder had been arrested, arraigned, indicted, tried, and convicted of one count of first-degree murder and two counts of aggravated assault, an excellent example either of swift justice or of a swift railroading.

Neither the State of Kansas nor the defendant wanted the case to drag on longer than necessary, the state because it just wanted it over, the defendant because he claimed he committed the crime not to end a life but to save lives and was unashamed and unrepentant for what he did.

The victim, George Tiller, was a physician who took the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm in his practice but who did daily harm for 36 years by performing abortions and specializing in late term abortions of pre-born infants.

Those procedures, the killing of viable babies in the womb, have been termed infanticide. . .

1 comment:

Khakjaan Wessington said...

What Men Want
"My honest belief was that if I didn't do something they would continue to die."
-Scott Roeder

The ancient women, wise with feral ways,
Passed matrilineal traditions down
From ape to human—knowing men could slay,
With lust, their daughters. Deaths wore bridal gowns

Before connubial beds became their graves
So brewing remedies these mothers saved
All humankind. Resentful, men thought slaves
Were made of them. He mastered war and raved

Against his mother—burning her to ash.
Denounced as midwife: now we call her witch.
Their wives and daughters—mothers died—the clash
Of sexes won. Thus Woman, made a 'bitch,'

To breed and grieve perhaps before the next.
The men would prise the fruit, more sons, from wombs
That rarely lasted forty years. But text
Reflected changing norms. In time, this grooms

A kinder sort of man who seeks a peer—
If only theoretically. Rights,
If slowly, catch the rhetoric—so dear
To many—bringing new and awful blights.

I think I know this killer's thoughts, this guy
Who shot that Kansas doc. He felt betrayed
By fellow man: resolved to make him die
And eased his guilt with Bible quotes. Unswayed,

The jury found enough to lock him up.
A shame, because a woman now, receives
In joy or rage a life from carnal tup
That soon awaits abortionist's coarse sieves;

Because she knows she really wants what men
Desire. To lust and grow and kill and feel—
Not nothing—just flushing. She wants what men
Desire: to fuck and kill and never heal;

To harvest death for medicines and soups
Or trashed in plastic bags in cans on stoops.