Thursday, March 18, 2010

Foot in Mouf Disease

Foot in Mouf Disease

Most conscious people know that the mainstream media has been giving Barack Hussein Obama a free pass ever since he declared for the presidency.

Thus, his claims to have campaigned in all 57 states and other “Bush-isms” have somehow escaped the radar of the MSM whereas G.W. Bush’s malapropisms and innocent mistakes are still prime fodder for ridicule.

Nevertheless, Obama and his henchmen, principally VP Joe Biden as primary henchman, continue to outshine any Bush faux pas even if few people ever hear about them.

Joe the Mouth’s latest was his heartfelt wish that Irish P.M.’s Brian Cowen’s sainted mother rest in peace or, as Biden said after realizing Cowen’s mom was very much alive and kicking, “God bless her soul.”

Actually it was Cowen’s da who was deceased but why quibble when it comes to a meaningless regret from the vice-president of the United States:

Obama himself, no piker when it comes to looking and sounding inept and stupid, . . .

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