Monday, March 15, 2010

Glenn Beck and "Social Justice"

Glenn Beck and "Social Justice"

Poor Glenn Beck is in hot water again and it is really Beck and not that frog he didn’t really boil a few weeks ago.

This time the Fox News commentator who, as great a conservative/libertarian/anti-progressive as he is, once again ran his mouth before fully engaging his brain on the issue of social justice and churches.

Beck touched on the problem of social justice which is not an issue involving justice for everyone in society. Beck viewed the term as a buzzword for priests, ministers, rabbis who want to effect a Communist or Nazi version of social justice.

That’s way over the top but, in Beck’s defense, it really involves misinterpreted definitions.

Take the words separately.

“Social” refers to society and everyone in that society. That would include the rich, poor, and everyone in between. “Justice” refers to fairmindedness, equity.

Combined, however, the term “social justice” takes on a whole new meaning in contemporary jargon, a meaning many on the Left interpret as sharing the wealth, as Obama said during the campaign, or wholesale re-distribution of America’s wealth, taking from the rich to share with the poor.

Obama’s favorite community activist organization, the almost-defunct ACORN, . . .

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