Sunday, March 14, 2010

Bush Did It! Part Seven

Bush Did It! Part Seven

George W. Bush has really done it now! After all the horrors he’s caused since he left office 14 months ago, he’s managed to become like Barack Obama, or Barack Obama has become like Bush, or . . . whatever.

The point is that Obama has similarities to Bush! Gasp!

. . . In a typically, pointedly-snide piece on, Walter Shapiro draws parallels between his hero, Obama, and the Great Clown of the Western World, George W. Bush.

Titled, “How Obama and Bush (Shocking: As It Seems) Are Similar,” the article dredges up all the lies and innuendos surrounding the chad-infested 2000 election as Shapiro grudgingly arrives at the chief similarity between the two presidents: They are both examples of a “conviction politician:” . . .

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