Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Coming War with China

The Coming War with China

If it looks like a fish, swims like a fish, and smells like a fish, chances are that thing in front of you isn’t a giraffe or an orangutan.

Likewise, when a nation looks like it’s preparing for war, acts like it’s preparing for war, and speaks like it’s preparing for war, it’s very likely that nation is anticipating a war in the very foreseeable future.

The People’s Republic of China, the PRC, that ancient land of 1.3 billion inscrutable people, hasn’t quite been speaking in warlike terms but every other indication is that it is readying itself for a cataclysmic conflict from which it alone will emerge still standing.

Realistically, the only opponent capable of taking China on is the only superpower left on the planet, the United States of America.

Am I predicting a coming thermonuclear war between the PRC and the USA? Yes. And I further believe our country is well aware of that future and is doing nothing substantive to prevent it from happening despite its probability.

Will China initiate that conflict, as in a Japanese-style sneak attack? I highly doubt that mainly because there’s no need.

China is now in a position to wait until we collapse economically and then gradually infiltrate itself into our affairs even more so than it already has.

If and when push comes to shove and the conflict evolves into a military face-off, the Chinese know they have two strategic advantages, their population which is quadruple ours and their land mass of 3.7 million square miles, a 700,000 greater square mile area than our lower 48 states.

Aside from what’s been in the news for the last few years,. . .

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