Tuesday, March 16, 2010

UPDATES: Rielle, Gays, Roeder

UPDATES: Rielle, Gays, Roeder

The following are updates on recently-published stories on this website:

1) Rielle Is Not a Lonely Hunter: Rielle Hunter, paramour of the erstwhile senator and pretentious presidential hopeful, John Edwards, has finally come clean. Well, as clean as she could.

In an interview for GQ, Hunter, mother of Edwards’ love child, 2 year old Quinn Frances, fesses up on her relationship with Edwards which she believes hasn’t ended. Rather, it’s entered a new phase.

Somehow, she also believes she was not the “other woman” in the long-term affair and concludes that “I’m not a predator, I’m not a gold digger, I’m not the stalker. I didn’t have any power in that way in our relationship. He held all the power.” He may have had “the power” but this non-gold digger collected a ton of money from Edwards’ surrogates.

Hunter, who also posed for scantily-clad pictures for GQ, manages to rip Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards as a controlling and domineering harridan at the same time she professes a deep empathy for the woman because of her terminal cancer.

Another reason she feels she didn’t steal John from Elizabeth . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=1565)

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