Monday, March 1, 2010

Predictable News

Predictable News

Some news items fall into the category of fully-anticipated reports passed off as if they’re real news instead of events and statements that a well-educated high school student–if there are any–could have predicted.


A Brooklyn, N.Y. Office of ACORN Has Been Given a Pass: New York, New York, it’s a wonderful town, especially for pimps employed by Barack Obama’s favorite community organizer, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, acronym ACORN.

The videotaped sting operation conducted by conservative activists Hannah Giles and James O’Keefe last summer helped effect the decline and fall of ACORN which is now on the ropes with little government funding coming its way.

It was all unfair, I tell you, screamed ACORNers, just because they offered instructions on establishing a child prostitution ring and tax avoidance.

The Brooklyn D.A.’s office seems to agree since it has just decided to forego prosecution of those involved since Giles and O’Keefe “edited the tape to meet their agenda,” according to a D.A. source:

That means that the Congress of the United States somehow missed that editing and was wrong in cutting the funding and causing the virtual dissolution of the entire ACORN organization.

Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes on the Upcoming Jobless Figures: They will be released on Friday and to cushion the bad news White House economic advisor Larry Summers has already pinned the blame on Mother Nature. . .

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