Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ethics? Schmethics! Part One

Ethics? Schmethics! Part One

Ethics: the rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions or a particular group, culture, etc. (

There’s something about celebrity whether achieved in the entertainment arena or in that other entertainment arena, politics, that imbues stars with a sense of entitlement to greater power, to greater greed, to a greater number of the opposite sex.

They tend to forget those “rules of conduct.”

It must be the adulation from enthralled audiences that convinces many entertainment and political celebs that they’re exceptional, above it all, the cat’s meow as was said in olden times, and not subject to the same moral and ethical constraints applicable to the hoi polloi.

In politics, ethical lapses are certainly not confined to Democrats. Remember Florida Congressman Mark Foley and South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford. (Maybe it’s the name, Mark?)

However, Democrats are just so damned good at perverting power that they can’t be denied the title of Consummate Ethical Thrashers.

If Ya Can’t Beat ‘Em, Buy ‘Em! President Obama learned that trick of the political trade from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: Stifle recalcitrance with remunerations. Or maybe he learned it in Chicago, but there they usually just smash kneecaps.

Harry bought the Obamacare vote of Senator Mary Landrieu . . .

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