Thursday, March 25, 2010

More School Daze

More School Daze

Bye, honey. You sure you have your lunch money?

Bye, mom, yup, I do.

Ok and be sure to bundle up if it gets colder later, ok?

I will, mom. Sheesh, I’m not a kid, mom!

I know, pumpkin, I know, I know, and don’t forget to call if you’re gonna be late.

Don’t I always?

Yes, you do, mostly, and one last thing, if they send you for an abortion, call me at work, ok?

Oh, God! Yes, MOM! Bye!


Most of that parting conversation would be pretty typical of households with teen girls today–except for the mom’s last request.

Maybe it should be part of the morning routine.

It’s doubtful a mother, or a father, asked their teen to give a call if she went for an abortion that day but a mom in Seattle may now wish she had.

“Jill’s” 15 year old daughter went off to school one recent morning without that request, went to her high school’s onsite clinic, took a pregnancy test, found out she was carrying a baby, was dispatched via a cab to a nearby abortion facility, and aborted her baby, all during school hours when kids are expected to be learning something other than how to murder the pre-born.

Understandably, “Jill” was furious that all this had happened while she believed her daughter was attending Ballard High School in Seattle, maybe doing a little readin’, writin’, and ‘rithmetic, probably gossiping with her girl friends about boys, eating some lunch, and maybe going to band practice.

Instead, the public employees at the Ballard school clinic sent her daughter, an avid pro-life supporter, to be aborted without even the common courtesy of a call to Jill:

This is the world we live in today, folks, and we all deserve what we get if we, even tacitly, supported the culture of abortion death by voting for the most pro-abortion president in America’s history.

In related news, . . .

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