Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Art of Stupid

The Art of Stupid

Based on decades of observation, it’s long been my view that the dumbest people tend to call others stupid and when they really don’t grasp something the ungraspable is deemed even more stupid.

Two examples of those who have developed stupidity into an art form are Frank Rich and James Lovelock.

Frank Rich, irascible New York Times columnist and commentator on American politics and society, has over the years demonstrated a remarkably obvious disconnect with both.

Rich’s mindset is leftist, markedly so to the extent that he perceives all events which reflect the conservative viewpoint as being marks of the devil or of Adolph Hitler or both. His latest failure concerns the lividity, not the death pallor but the blanching fury of the majority of Americans toward the abomination of obamacare.

Rich, being smarter than the rest of us peons and much smarter than us Neanderthals who call ourselves conservatives, knows exactly why we opposed and still oppose the nation’s excursion into socialized medicine and the reason is not what normal people might think. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=1601)

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