Wednesday, February 24, 2010

When Boiling a Frog, Start with Cold Water

When Boiling a Frog, Start with Cold Water

Few people, even Glenn Beck, would consider tossing a live frog into boiling water.

Even if you wanted to and even if frog legs taste like chicken, you really have to start with cold water so Freddy the Frog doesn’t catch on and make one giant leap for frog-kind and cause serious burns to the eviiler.

That brief lesson in proper frog-boiling procedure is also applicable to human beings. The homosexual community, the Gay Lobby, knows the technique well.

After years of inyerface promotion of the GLBTQ agenda, at least some elements of that community have achieved degrees of subtlety by taking advantage of friendly legislators, judges, and commissioners to get what they want.

Principally what they want is acceptance and what better place to start than with schoolchildren?

As Maine goes, so goes the nation is an old political truism. As it relates to homosexuals, it may become an American sociological truism in a few short years.

I’ve long suspected that there’s something in New England’s water which could help explain the goings-on up there in cold country over the past few decades.

The latest New England brainchild supports that notion. . . .


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