Sunday, February 14, 2010

Obama's Winter Fall from Grace: ANGER

Obama’s Winter Fall from Grace: ANGER

Second in a series on the collapse of the Obama presidency, its causes, and its effects on Barack Obama, effects comparable to the 5stages of grief. Part One dealt with denial. Today:


Our leader is said by his acolytes to be unflappable, (as well as brilliant, articulate, charming, handsome, gracious, etc. etc. etc.), yet he became clearly “flapped” with our banking system, our banks, their executives, and their bonuses.

He thereby betrayed a distinct capacity for flappability, aka anger, and its concomitant ugly counterpart, revenge, both an outgrowth of Obama’s realization of his failing presidency and his tendency to strike out in frustration.

Long ago I had a mini-dispute with a nun, Sister James, when I contended Jesus became angry with all the greedy Jewish moneylenders in the temple and proceeded to kick the bums out. She contended Jesus’ anger was righteous anger and therefore acceptable.

Sister James was a nice nun so I accepted that explanation for Jesus’ fury.

Even though some believe Barack Obama, the Obamassiah, represents the Second Coming, I don’t think his unmitigated fury with the 21st century moneylenders on Wall Street is either righteous or justified. It’s just petulant.

What’s the difference?

First of all, we have to consider motivation. Jesus Christ’s motivation was to rid the temple of those who were desecrating it with their moneygrubbing practices of usury. Barack Obama’s motivation goes to the issue of the collapse of his presidency and that aforementioned anger, need for revenge, and petulance.

One must remember that our president is unaccustomed to working a real job, unaccustomed to his new found publishing wealth, and unaccustomed to being crossed. And he’s being crossed left and right.

He’s gotten paychecks, of course, from the state of Illinois and the United States Treasury for . . .


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